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Releases: hopto-dot/Japanese-Conjugation-Helper


10 Jan 10:22
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See the wiki for information about commands.

IMPORTANT: In order to install the new version, you have to uninstall your current version because the setup wizard won't overwrite the old version

I've been very busy lately, sorry for the small update.

  • New Last Request: "Weblio" - opens up the page for the word on the only Weblio dictionary
  • Bug fixes: the program would number definitions wrongly when copying anki strings to your clipboard

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v2.8.2 - Happy New Year!

31 Dec 11:30
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See the wiki for information about commands.

IMPORTANT: In order to install the new version, you have to uninstall your current version because the setup wizard won't overwrite the old version

みんなさん、新年明けましておめでとうございます ! Happy new year everyone!

  • /dsp command: You can change default S parameter using '/dsp [S parameter]' command now
  • Copying definition to clipboard bug fixed (during 'Anki' Last Request)
  • Made the program a bit more efficient (managed to cut a couple hundred lines of code in 60)
  • Made typing some commands easier
  • You can search for words as a Last Request) as long as it's in Japanese

How to use

v2.8.1 - /count improvements

23 Dec 13:30
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See the wiki for information about commands.

IMPORTANT: In order to install the new version, you have to uninstall your current version because the setup wizard won't overwrite the old version

Added: If /count gets the wrong furigana you can do '/count (number) (counter)_(furigana)' instead

/count command is now cleverer, for example you may now type:

/count 3rd -> さんばん
/count 12 computers -> じゅうにだい
/count 8 -> はちまいのもうふ
/count 22nd -> にじゅうにばん
/count 1st period -> ごげんめ
/count 10 strokes -> じゅっかく
There are more examples to count...

Added: A few more verified readings

Fix: 三千 is now read as「さんん」rather than「さんん」


Please report bugs or give feedback here, you may also request a website to download (Japanese) audio/videos from

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v2.8.0 /count command

19 Dec 12:27
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See the wiki for information about commands.

IMPORTANT: In order to install the new version, you have to uninstall your current version because the setup wizard won't overwrite the old version

What's new:

  • Definitions take up less space when searching words

/count command - '/count (number)[counter]' and it will convert it to an accurate furigana reading.


  • /count 3807283 -> さんびゃくはちじゅうまんななせんにひゃくはちじゅうさん
  • /count 8回 -> はっかい
  • /count 86 years old -> はちじゅうろくさい
  • /count 5soku -> ごそく
  • /count 3200 hako -> さんせんにひゃっぱこ
  • /count 2 people -> ふたり
  • /count 5 things -> いつつ

More detailed explanation on the Wiki


Please report bugs or give feedback here, you may also request a website to download (Japanese) audio/videos from

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v2.7.0 - Download Audio & Bug Fixes

12 Dec 11:08
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See the wiki for information about commands.

IMPORTANT: In order to install the new version, you have to uninstall your current version because the setup wizard won't overwrite the old version

What's new:

  • Download audio for any word type (instead of just verbs and adjectives)
  • Able to hide example sentence in '/prefs' (In S parameter settings, set "extras" to 0)
  • New portable version (
  • Rare kanji crash fix
  • Duplicated simplified readings fix


Please report bugs or give feedback here, you may also request a website to download (Japanese) audio/videos from

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v2.6.5 - Simplified Kun Readings & Manage Saves

08 Dec 15:22
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See the wiki for information about commands.

IMPORTANT: In order to install the new version, you have to uninstall your current version because the setup wizard won't overwrite the old version

What's new:

  • New setting: Simplify kun readings - With this enabled, readings go from ''あ.く、あ.ける" to "あ" (showing only the actual reading)
  • When doing '/saves' to see your saved searches, you can now delete items from the list
  • Small some small issues


Please report bugs or give feedback here, you may also request a website to download (Japanese) audio/videos from

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v2.6.0 - '/saves' & bug fixes

06 Dec 12:18
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See the wiki for information about commands.

IMPORTANT: In order to install the new version, you have to uninstall your current version because the setup wizard won't overwrite the old version

It's been a while since the last update, I've been really busy sorry! But hey, we've reached the 50th release!

What's new:

  • After a search, type 'save' to save it into a list, to access this list do /saves (soon you will be able to remove items from the list, for now do it manually with /files in the saves.txt file)
  • Added more KanjiInfo compounds for when you do '/i'
  • Finally fixed 'anki' LastRequest where it copied a slightly bugged format of information
  • Fixed some LastRequest bugs
  • Slightly more user friendly


Please report bugs or give feedback here, you may also request a website to download (Japanese) audio/videos from

How to use Donate


26 Nov 10:54
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See the wiki for information about commands.

IMPORTANT: In order to install the new version, you have to uninstall your current version otherwise nothing will happen when you run the setup (.msi) file.

Offline searching fix, it should work now (instead of crash)


Please report bugs or give feedback here, you may also request a website to download (Japanese) audio/videos from

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v2.5.0 - Offline searching

24 Nov 15:20
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See the wiki for information about commands.

IMPORTANT: In order to install the new version, you have to uninstall your current version otherwise nothing will happen when you run the setup (.msi) file.

Just a small update.

  • Added offline searching: When you have no internet, it will try to search offline instead. You can force an offline search with '//[word]'


Please report bugs or give feedback here, you may also request a website to download (Japanese) audio/videos from

How to use Donate


21 Nov 09:11
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See the wiki for information about commands.

IMPORTANT: In order to install the new version, you have to uninstall your current version otherwise nothing will happen when you run the setup (.msi) file.

I am quite busy at the moment because of school, please be patient for updates. Don't worry though, the project isn't going anywhere! If you're interested, I am working on another (smaller) project called AiringAnime.

  • 'ReadingShownFirst' preference works for word searches too, not just KanjiInfo (/i)
  • Small clean-up of the project and bug fixes
  • Made the setup part of the same program files

PS: My whole C drive got wiped so I had to recover all the project files from GitHub, that's also why there hasn't been an update for over a week


Please report bugs or give feedback here, you may also request a website to download (Japanese) audio/videos from

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