It is the most cummbersome thing that is to install required packages for the EPICS base, modules, and other applications in different Linux flavors. Most frequent used Linux flavors are CentOS and Debian. Thus, this script covers only these Linux one.
It is tested with
- CentOS 7.4.1708
- Debian 8/9
- Ubuntu xenial 16.04
- Ubuntu artful 17.10
And sudo permission is needed.
$ bash pkg_automation.bash
>>>> CentOS is detected as CentOS Core 7.4.1708
>>>> Do you want to continue (y/n)?
$ bash pkg_automation.bash
>>>> Debian is detected as Debian jessie 8.9
>>>> Do you want to continue (y/n)?
$ bash pkg_automation.bash
>>>> Ubuntu xenial is detected as Ubuntu xenial 16.04
>>>> Do you want to continue (y/n)?
$ bash pkg_automation.bash
>>>> Ubuntu artful is detected as Ubuntu artful 17.10
>>>> Do you want to continue (y/n)?