XML widget to create the Material Design Floating Action Button for NativeScript apps.
Material Design Floating Action Button Spec
tns plugin add nativescript-floatingactionbutton
NOTE The sample XML here will position the FAB on top of the ListView. There is no need for absolute positioning.
<Page xmlns="http://schemas.nativescript.org/tns.xsd" loaded="pageLoaded"
<ActionBar title="Native FAB" backgroundColor="#3F51B5" color="#fff" />
<grid-layout rows="auto, *">
<list-view row="1" items="{{ users }}">
<label text="{{ name }}" textWrap="true" fontSize="18" margin="20" />
<FAB:fab tap="fabTap"
class="fab-button" />
PLEASE NOTE: The fab is on the same row number as the listview
Recommended CSS styles.
.fab-button {
height: 70;
margin: 15;
background-color: #ff4081;
horizontal-align: right;
vertical-align: bottom;
exports.fabTap = function(args) {
Property | Android | iOS | Description | Note |
backColor | X | X | Sets the background color of the button | Better set in CSS |
icon | X | X | Supports the same image source options that NativeScript images support | Required on android |
rippleColor | X | Ripple color on lollipop devices, it will fill the FAB on pre-lollipop devices | None | |
hideOnSwipeOfView | X | X | Directs the fab to animate itself in and out on scroll | Pass it the name of the view to monitor for a scroll event example: hideOnSwipeOfView="userListView" |
hideAnimationDuration | X | X | How many milliseconds it takes for the button to hide. | Default if not set: 300ms |
swipeAnimation | X | X | slideDown, slideUp, slideLeft, slideRight, scale | Default is slideDown |
NativeScript Version | FloatingActionButton Plugin Version |
1.6+ | 2.+ |
1.5 | 1.91 |
- We're using MNFloatingActionButton by Matt Nydam
- Width\Height are requried properties
- icon is a required property, if left as empty string default will be shown
- Scale iOS images to 1/2 height
- swipeAnimation property added to define animations for the FAB
- Lázaro Danillo lazaromenezes
- Steve McNiven-Scott sitefinitysteve - iOS
- Nathanael Anderson NathanaelA
- Gabriel Marinho gabrielbiga