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HUB Upload API

This is the Upload API for HUB. It allows users to upload files to the server using the Bundlr service.


To setup the server, follow these steps:

  1. Install the dependencies by running npm install
  2. Set the environment variables IRYS_GATEWAY, IRYS_URL, SOLANA_RPC_URL, and SOLANA_KEYPAIR. Note that IRYS_GATEWAY should be an Arweave compatible gateway for retrieving assets over HTTP.
  3. Start the server by running npm start


The available routes are:

  • POST /uploads: Upload a file or JSON. This route accepts either a file as multipart/form-data or a JSON object and returns the URI and CID of the uploaded file.

Swagger Documentation

The Swagger documentation for the API is available at /documentation.

Error Handling

If there is a validation error in the request, the server will respond with a 400 status code and the validation error.

File Upload

The server uses the fastify-multipart plugin to handle file uploads. The server is configured to accept a maximum of 1 file field and 0 non-file fields.