Crossjoin\Browscap allows to check for browser settings based on the user agent string, using the data from Browscap (the Browser Capabilities Project).
Although PHP has the native get_browser()
function to do this, this implementation
offers some advantages:
- The PHP function requires to set the path of the browscap.ini file in the php.ini directive
, which is flagged asPHP_INI_SYSTEM
(so it can only be set in php.ini or httpd.conf, which isn't allowed in many cases, e.g. in shared hosting environments). - It's much faster than the PHP function (about 500 times, depending on the PHP version, the searched user agent and other factors)
- It includes automatic updates of the Browscap source
Compared to other PHP Browscap parsers, this implementation offers the following advantages
- It's very fast due to optimized caching of the Browscap data, for example it's
much faster than
Browscap-PHP - It supports all PHP versions from 5.3.x to 7.0.x and uses newest available features for best performance
- It has a very low memory consumption (for parsing and generating cache data)
- All components are extensible - use your own parser, updater, formatter or cache functionality
You can also switch the type of data set to use - small, medium (default) or large:
- The default data set (containing all known browsers and the default properties)
- The small data set (with the most important browser only and the default properties)
- The large data set (with all known browsers and additional properties)
- The parsing time is fast for all versions, it mainly affects the time and memory consumption for the cache data preparation.
- PHP 5.3+ (it has been successfully tested with PHP 5.3.28 - PHP 7.0.0RC2, perhaps also older versions still work)
- PHP 5.5+ recommended (to be able to use generators, which reduces memory consumption a lot)
- PHP 7.0+ for best performance (again much faster than PHP 5.x)
- For automatic updates: cURL extension,
enabled in php.ini, or local Browscap filebrowscap
set in php.ini
Crossjoin\Browscap is provided as a Composer package which can be installed by adding the package to your composer.json file:
"require": {
"crossjoin/browscap": "1.0.*"
You can also install it manually and use a PSR-0-compliant autoloader (e.g. from the Zend Framework or a standalone class).
You can directly use the Browscap parser. The Browscap data are automatically downloaded, updated and prepared when required.
// Include Composer autoloader
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
// Get browser details
$browscap = new \Crossjoin\Browscap\Browscap();
$settings = $browscap->getBrowser()->getData();
In production you will prefer to update the data in the background. Therefore we deactivate the automatic updates when
creating the \Crossjoin\Browscap\Browscap
// Include Composer autoloader
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
// Get browser details
$browscap = new \Crossjoin\Browscap\Browscap(false); // disables automatic updates
$settings = $browscap->getBrowser()->getData();
...and manually update the data using a second script (e.g. called via a cron job):
// Include Composer autoloader
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
// Get browser details
$browscap = new \Crossjoin\Browscap\Browscap(false);
// By default the version is checked every 5 days. When you use a cron job, you
// probably want to control this interval in your cron job configuration. To do
// so, set the interval to zero here to check for a new version every time you
// call the cron job.
// Run the browscap data update and preparation
Browscap data are available in multiple versions. A very small data set with the most important browsers and search
engines only, a medium data set (default) with all browsers and search engines and the same properties as returned by
the native PHP function get_browser()
, and a large data set with additional properties.
// Set the data set type to use.
// Possible values:
// - \Crossjoin\Browscap\Browscap::DATASET_TYPE_DEFAULT
// - \Crossjoin\Browscap\Browscap::DATASET_TYPE_SMALL
// - \Crossjoin\Browscap\Browscap::DATASET_TYPE_LARGE
By default the system temp directory is used to cache the Browscap data. Of course you can also define a different one:
// Set an own cache directory (otherwise the system temp directory is used)
\Crossjoin\Browscap\Cache\File::setCacheDirectory(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp');
The library automatically checks which method can be used to load the update data. If the cURL extension is available,
this one is used to load the Browscap data (\Crossjoin\Browscap\Updater\Curl
). Otherwise file_get_contents
is used
), if the
php.ini setting allow_url_fopen
If no method is available to load the data from the Browscap servers, the
php.ini setting browscap
is used to load a local
Browscap version (\Crossjoin\Browscap\Updater\Local
). If no Browscap file is configured, an empty updater is set
), which won't update anything.
If you prefer to set the updater manually, you can do it as follows:
// Set the local updater and use your own Browscap data file
$updater = new \Crossjoin\Browscap\Updater\Local();
$updater->setOption('LocalFile', __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'browscap.ini');
You can also configure a proxy server for loading the Browscap data.
// Get the updater instance
$updater = \Crossjoin\Browscap\Browscap::getUpdater();
// Set HTTP proxy server (without authentication)
'ProxyProtocol' => \Crossjoin\Browscap\Updater\AbstractUpdaterRemote::PROXY_PROTOCOL_HTTP,
'ProxyHost' => '',
'ProxyPort' => '8080',
// Set HTTPS proxy server (with HTTP Basic authentication, the default mode.
// This HAS NOT BEEN TESTED YET, please report problems!
// 'ProxyProtocol' => \Crossjoin\Browscap\Updater\AbstractUpdaterRemote::PROXY_PROTOCOL_HTTPS,
// 'ProxyHost' => '',
// 'ProxyPort' => '80',
// 'ProxyUser' => 'user',
// 'ProxyPassword' => 'p4ssw0rd',
// Set HTTPS proxy server (with NTLM authentication, for cURL updater only.
// This HAS NOT BEEN TESTED YET, please report problems!
// 'ProxyProtocol' => \Crossjoin\Browscap\Updater\AbstractUpdaterRemote::PROXY_PROTOCOL_HTTPS,
// 'ProxyHost' => '',
// 'ProxyPort' => '80',
// 'ProxyAuth' => \Crossjoin\Browscap\Updater\AbstractUpdaterRemote::PROXY_AUTH_NTLM,
// 'ProxyUser' => 'user',
// 'ProxyPassword' => 'p4ssw0rd',
By default, the returned result is formatted like the result of the native PHP function get_browser()
, but you can
use your own formatter to adjust the result:
// Set an own formatter that extends \Crossjoin\Browscap\Formatter\AbstractFormatter
$formatter = new \My\Browscap\Formatter\Extended();
You want to implement your own parser? Why not!
// Set an own parser implementation that extends
// \Crossjoin\Browscap\Parser\AbstractParser (also for other formats than INI)
$parser = new \My\Browscap\Parser\Ini();
Please report your issues and ask for new features on the GitHub Issue Tracker:
Please report incorrectly identified User Agents and browser detect in the browscap.ini file to Browscap: