This repository will serve as onboarding material for future users managing the PsyConnect website.
- Setting up GitHub
- Link to video tutorials?
- What is GitHub
- What is Git
- Visual step by step?
- Installing Prerequisite Software
- Scoop for Windows
- Homebrew for MacOS
- Git
- Go
- Hugo-extended
- Nodejs
- Code Editors
- Git GUI (Sourcetree or GitHub Desktop?)
- Forking the Repository
- What is Forking?
- Visual step by step for forking
- Cloning the Fork to Local Computer
- What is cloning?
- Visual step by Step
- Our Workflow (Brief overview)
- Explain folder layout
- What is a branch?
- Creating a branch
- [] Initialising Local Git Repository
- bungcip.better-toml
- rusnasonov.vscode-hugo
- budparr.language-hugo-vscode
- yzhang.markdown-all-in-one
- DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint
- natqe.reload
- Creating an Event Post
- Creating a Resource
- Hosting Local Web Server
- What is a commit?
- How to commit locally after saving changes on files
- How to push commits to remote branch
- Pulling updates from upstream repository
- Merging conflicts
- Creating the pull request
- Ensure checks pass