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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 26, 2021. It is now read-only.


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Notice of Acting Microservice

Initial Setup

Made by taking the share a case project, which has been integrated with the HMCTS pipeline and generator-express-no-stress-typescript scaffold, to create a well structured project that works with the HMCTS pipeline ( to be tested in next few days ).

@ref @ref

Development commands

Set environment variables APP_ID and LOG_LEVEL as well as PORT
yarn dev - Starts node in development mode
yarn test - Runs unit tests
yarn run dev:debug - Runs debugger that an IDE can connect to
yarn run test:debug - Runs debugger that an IDE can connect to

Production commands

yarn compile - Transpile source code for a Production build. The compiled output is contained with the /dist folder yarn start - Runs the production build locally - the /dist folder, so that you can test it when it's transpiled.

Code cleaning commands

yarn lint - Runs ESLint yarn lint --fix - Prettier is installed. Prettier will normalise your code formatting to a project standard formatting.


Swagger can be accessed on /api-explorer

Documentation for the API is contained within server/common/api.yml file, and should be added to when a developer writes a new route.

API Validation

API Validation is controlled within the server/common/api.yml file, and should be added to when a developer writes a new route.

Example requests

GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/examples GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/examples/1 POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/examples