As we have mentioned in our project page, the default configuration of Livox-ros-driver mix all three lidar point cloud as together, which causes some difficulties in our feature extraction and motion blur compensation. By this, some of the adaptations (modify some configurations) are required to launch our package :)
# 1. Installation the newest [Livox-SDK]( and [Livox-ros-driver]( Publish the Mid-100 point cloud data as three independence topics is the relatively new feature of drivers. If you are using the older kits, please update your driver (including both the SDK and ROS-dirver) as the newest version.Follow Livox-SDK Installation.
Follow Livox-ros-driver Installation.
To change the way of publishing the point cloud, you can modify the parameter named "multi_topic" in the launch file (livox_lidar.launch ) from "0" to "1", like this:
If your configurations are correct, you will see this the point cloud data are published by three rostopics, like this:
roslaunch livox_ros_driver livox_lidar.launch
rostopic list
Before launch our package, you need to remap the topic to ensure our package can receive the point cloud data.
Open our launch files (for example, the rosbag_mid100.launch), then remap the topic name "/laser_points_0", "/laser_points_1" and "/laser_points_3" to the topic "/livox/lidar_SN", shown as the following figure:
Download our recorded rosbag files (mid100_example.bag ), then:
roslaunch loam_livox rosbag_mid100.launch
rosbag play mid100_example.bag