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Gable Current Recovery Plan Simulation


This repository provides results of simulation of Gable current recovery plan and instructions on how to run this simulation. This process requires the latest snapshot of the radix database. Follow the steps below to correctly set up and run the simulation.

The program is simulating a recovery plan which involves cooperation with top three locked LSU holders. It adds 8000 XRD a reward from validator and lets random users withdraw their NFTs with LSU. At the end of simulation, all but 3 last users are able to withdraw recover locked LSU. Due to a different issue, one NFT with smallest claim from every NFT group is skipped. This behavior can be changed by changing simulation.get_lsu_claims(false) argument from false to true in bin/

Additionally, the repository features a simulation of the "perfect solution" originally proposed at the end of January, designed to recover all user funds within approximately 50 days. In this scenario, the locked owner liquidity and LSU claims from user NFTs are borrowed and used as validator rewards. This allows other users to withdraw their NFTs more quickly. Once all NFTs are retrieved, the borrowed LSU will be returned. The repository currently has only a simplified version of this solution. The original proposal was significantly more complex and necessitated an additional smart contract to safely execute certain operations.

Results of simulation (9th April 2024)

As for 9th April 2024, there are 525 NFTs with around 12M LSU (equivalent of 12M XRD) locked in the smart contract. The validator is currencly adding a reward of around 3744 XRD every 12 hours.

The simulation with this conditions is available in the file simulation_9_04_24.txt. The top three NFTs with highest LSU claim are:

  • NFT: #714# with LSU: 1000000 and XRD claim: 64522.435190263402191751
  • NFT: #352# with LSU: 653000 and XRD claim: 85421.826944644686809991
  • NFT: #573# with LSU: 311000 and XRD claim: 20261.293689665313671067

To withdraw all other NFTs from smart contract, 249 days with ~8000 XRD validator rewards each day are required. The number of LSU locked in smart contract over those days is represented by this graph:

LSU locked over time

In case of perfect solution simulation, it would only take 51 days to recover all LSU locked. The results of this simulation are available in perfect_solution_simulation.txt file.

Running the simulation


  • Ensure you have rust and cargo installed on your system to run the simulation.

Downloading the Database Snapshot

  1. Visit Radix Snapshots to download the latest snapshot of the radix database.
  2. Unpack the downloaded snapshot to your desired location on your system.

Setting Up the Environment Variable

  1. Locate the state_manager directory within the unpacked snapshot.
  2. Set the STATE_MANAGER_DATABASE_PATH environment variable to the path of the state_manager directory. This enables the simulation to correctly access the database. Use the following command in your terminal, replacing the path with your specific directory path:
export STATE_MANAGER_DATABASE_PATH="/path/to/your/state_manager"

For example:

export STATE_MANAGER_DATABASE_PATH="/home/bbarw/babylon-ledger/state_manager/"

Running the Simulation

With the environment variable set, you can now run the simulation. Execute the following command in your terminal:

ulimit -n 65000
cargo run --release --bin current_solution
cargo run --release --bin perfect_solution


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