A drop-in solution for add subviews without consider setting NSLayoutConstraint.
A UIView subclass that create constraints to its superview's inner bounds.
Copy BCAutoLayoutView.h and BCAutoLayoutView.m to your directory.
pod "BCAutoLayoutView"
Minimal implementation
// In some ViewController files...
// create a UIView with 100x100 size
BCAutoLayoutView *view = [[BCAutoLayoutView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100)];
// view will be added with Top(0), Bottom(0), Leading(0), Trailing(0) constraints to superview
[self.view addSubview:view];
- (void)setSpacingWithSuperView:(BCAutoLayoutSpace)space;
to set the constraints to BCAutoLayoutView
// this can be called after the view is setup and at the time with the view is already added in the superview
// once called, the view will be added with Top(10), Bottom(20), Leading(30), Trailing(40) constraints
[view setSpacingWithSuperView:BCAutoLayoutMakeSpacing(10, 20, 30, 40)];