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This project's purpose is to provided a python script which used to mock a real-time event data source. ghcnd stand for "GLOBAL HISTORICAL CLIMATOLOGY NETWORK DAILY"

Where to download

Data Topic

GHCN-D is a dataset that contains daily observations over global land areas. Like its monthly counterpart, GHCN-Daily is a composite of climate records from numerous sources that were merged together and subjected to a common suite of quality assurance reviews. The archive includes the following meteorological elements:

  • Daily maximum temperature
  • Daily minimum temperature
  • Temperature at the time of observation
  • Precipitation (i.e., rain, melted snow)
  • Snowfall
  • Snow depth
  • Other elements where available

Please check:

Event Schema

Dimension 维度

  • station_id 气象站点ID
  • date 观测日期
  • year 观测年份
  • month 观测月份
  • day 观测日
  • country 国家简称
  • country_name 国家名称
  • us_state 美国州简称
  • us_state_name 美国州名
  • latitude 经度
  • longitude 纬度
  • elevation 海拔

Measure 度量

  • max_temperature TMAX 最高温度
  • min_temperature TMIN 最低温度
  • avg_temperature TAVG 平均温度
  • precipitation PRCP 降水量(毫米)
  • snow_depth SNWD 积雪深度(毫米)
  • snow_fall SNOW 当日降雪深度(毫米)
  • WESD Water equivalent of snow on the ground (tenths of mm)
  • AWND wind speed 风速
  • WSF2 Fastest 2-minute wind speed (tenths of meters per second)

Data Size

  • 14.99 GB csv file in gzip.
  • About 3 billion raw data.

How to use

  • Prepare raw data from where to download

Here, "/root/xiaoxiang/data/ghcnd" path store raw file, and it is the value of data-path in streaming way and raw_file in batch way.

[root@cdh8 ghcnd]# pwd
[root@cdh8 ghcnd]# ls
1763.csv.gz  1776.csv.gz  1789.csv.gz  1802.csv.gz  1815.csv.gz  1828.csv.gz  1841.csv.gz  1854.csv.gz  1867.csv.gz  1880.csv.gz  1893.csv.gz  1906.csv.gz  1919.csv.gz  1932.csv.gz  1945.csv.gz  1958.csv.gz  1971.csv.gz  1984.csv.gz  1997.csv.gz  2010.csv.gz
1764.csv.gz  1777.csv.gz  1790.csv.gz  1803.csv.gz  1816.csv.gz  1829.csv.gz  1842.csv.gz  1855.csv.gz  1868.csv.gz  1881.csv.gz  1894.csv.gz  1907.csv.gz  1920.csv.gz  1933.csv.gz  1946.csv.gz  1959.csv.gz  1972.csv.gz  1985.csv.gz  1998.csv.gz  2011.csv.gz
1765.csv.gz  1778.csv.gz  1791.csv.gz  1804.csv.gz  1817.csv.gz  1830.csv.gz  1843.csv.gz  1856.csv.gz  1869.csv.gz  1882.csv.gz  1895.csv.gz  1908.csv.gz  1921.csv.gz  1934.csv.gz  1947.csv.gz  1960.csv.gz  1973.csv.gz  1986.csv.gz  1999.csv.gz  2012.csv.gz
1766.csv.gz  1779.csv.gz  1792.csv.gz  1805.csv.gz  1818.csv.gz  1831.csv.gz  1844.csv.gz  1857.csv.gz  1870.csv.gz  1883.csv.gz  1896.csv.gz  1909.csv.gz  1922.csv.gz  1935.csv.gz  1948.csv.gz  1961.csv.gz  1974.csv.gz  1987.csv.gz  2000.csv.gz  2013.csv.gz
1767.csv.gz  1780.csv.gz  1793.csv.gz  1806.csv.gz  1819.csv.gz  1832.csv.gz  1845.csv.gz  1858.csv.gz  1871.csv.gz  1884.csv.gz  1897.csv.gz  1910.csv.gz  1923.csv.gz  1936.csv.gz  1949.csv.gz  1962.csv.gz  1975.csv.gz  1988.csv.gz  2001.csv.gz  2014.csv.gz
1768.csv.gz  1781.csv.gz  1794.csv.gz  1807.csv.gz  1820.csv.gz  1833.csv.gz  1846.csv.gz  1859.csv.gz  1872.csv.gz  1885.csv.gz  1898.csv.gz  1911.csv.gz  1924.csv.gz  1937.csv.gz  1950.csv.gz  1963.csv.gz  1976.csv.gz  1989.csv.gz  2002.csv.gz  2015.csv.gz
1769.csv.gz  1782.csv.gz  1795.csv.gz  1808.csv.gz  1821.csv.gz  1834.csv.gz  1847.csv.gz  1860.csv.gz  1873.csv.gz  1886.csv.gz  1899.csv.gz  1912.csv.gz  1925.csv.gz  1938.csv.gz  1951.csv.gz  1964.csv.gz  1977.csv.gz  1990.csv.gz  2003.csv.gz  2016.csv.gz
1770.csv.gz  1783.csv.gz  1796.csv.gz  1809.csv.gz  1822.csv.gz  1835.csv.gz  1848.csv.gz  1861.csv.gz  1874.csv.gz  1887.csv.gz  1900.csv.gz  1913.csv.gz  1926.csv.gz  1939.csv.gz  1952.csv.gz  1965.csv.gz  1978.csv.gz  1991.csv.gz  2004.csv.gz  2017.csv.gz
1771.csv.gz  1784.csv.gz  1797.csv.gz  1810.csv.gz  1823.csv.gz  1836.csv.gz  1849.csv.gz  1862.csv.gz  1875.csv.gz  1888.csv.gz  1901.csv.gz  1914.csv.gz  1927.csv.gz  1940.csv.gz  1953.csv.gz  1966.csv.gz  1979.csv.gz  1992.csv.gz  2005.csv.gz  2018.csv.gz
1772.csv.gz  1785.csv.gz  1798.csv.gz  1811.csv.gz  1824.csv.gz  1837.csv.gz  1850.csv.gz  1863.csv.gz  1876.csv.gz  1889.csv.gz  1902.csv.gz  1915.csv.gz  1928.csv.gz  1941.csv.gz  1954.csv.gz  1967.csv.gz  1980.csv.gz  1993.csv.gz  2006.csv.gz  2019.csv.gz
1773.csv.gz  1786.csv.gz  1799.csv.gz  1812.csv.gz  1825.csv.gz  1838.csv.gz  1851.csv.gz  1864.csv.gz  1877.csv.gz  1890.csv.gz  1903.csv.gz  1916.csv.gz  1929.csv.gz  1942.csv.gz  1955.csv.gz  1968.csv.gz  1981.csv.gz  1994.csv.gz  2007.csv.gz
1774.csv.gz  1787.csv.gz  1800.csv.gz  1813.csv.gz  1826.csv.gz  1839.csv.gz  1852.csv.gz  1865.csv.gz  1878.csv.gz  1891.csv.gz  1904.csv.gz  1917.csv.gz  1930.csv.gz  1943.csv.gz  1956.csv.gz  1969.csv.gz  1982.csv.gz  1995.csv.gz  2008.csv.gz
1775.csv.gz  1788.csv.gz  1801.csv.gz  1814.csv.gz  1827.csv.gz  1840.csv.gz  1853.csv.gz  1866.csv.gz  1879.csv.gz  1892.csv.gz  1905.csv.gz  1918.csv.gz  1931.csv.gz  1944.csv.gz  1957.csv.gz  1970.csv.gz  1983.csv.gz  1996.csv.gz  2009.csv.gz 
  • Following script to send streaming message to somewhere (maybe kafka producer)
[root@cdh8 source]# python -help
usage: [-h]
                      [--sleep-millsecond-per-thousand SLEEP_MILLSECOND_PER_THOUSAND]
                      [--data-path DATA_PATH] [--enable-null-value]
                      [--display-sample] [--output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT]
                      [--forever FOREVER] error: argument -h/--help: ignored explicit argument 'elp'
[root@cdh8 source]# python -h
usage: [-h]
                      [--sleep-millsecond-per-thousand SLEEP_MILLSECOND_PER_THOUSAND]
                      [--data-path DATA_PATH] [--enable-null-value]
                      [--display-sample] [--output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT]
                      [--forever FOREVER]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --sleep-millsecond-per-thousand SLEEP_MILLSECOND_PER_THOUSAND
                        After send one thousand msg, thread will sleep some
  --data-path DATA_PATH
                        where does *.csv.gz store
  --enable-null-value   for some measure which does not exist, use null or
                        default value
  --display-sample      if you do not download required data file, you can use
                        provided sample file(../sample/1872.csv.gz)
  --output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT
                        In which format will program output, json or csv.
  --forever FOREVER     In streaming way, will message be sent forever?

[root@cdh8 source]# python
To be read files count 1
{"fastest_2_min_wind_speed": 0, "state_name": "ONTARIO", "max_temperature": -1000.0, "snow_fall": 0, "observe_date": "1872-1-1", "ts": "CA006144470-1-0-47", "latitude": 42, "min_temperature": 1000.0, "obs_day": 1, "obs_month": 1, "snow_depth": 0, "elevation": 200, "obs_year": 1872, "elevation_accurate": 246, "station_id": "CA006144470", "country_name": "Canada", "station_name": "LONDON", "precipitation": 0, "avg_temperature": -1000.0, "country": "CA", "longitude": -81, "snow_water_equivalent": 0, "us_state": "ON", "avg_wind_speed": 0}


  • Following script to create table into Hive
[root@cdh8 GhcndDataEventSender]# sh
+ sh -x
+ export 'raw_file=/root/xiaoxiang/GhcndDataEventSender/sample/*.gz'
+ raw_file='/root/xiaoxiang/GhcndDataEventSender/sample/*.gz'
+ echo 'RawFile at /root/xiaoxiang/GhcndDataEventSender/sample/*.gz'
RawFile at /root/xiaoxiang/GhcndDataEventSender/sample/*.gz
+ echo $'\346\270\205\351\231\244\344\270\212\346\254\241\347\224\237\346\210\220\347\232\204\346\225\260\346\215\256\346\226\207\344\273\266'
+ rm -f 'fact_*'
+ cd source
+ echo $'\347\224\237\346\210\220\347\273\264\345\272\246\350\241\250\346\225\260\346\215\256'
+ python
+ echo $'\347\224\237\346\210\220\344\272\213\345\256\236\350\241\250\346\225\260\346\215\256'
+ python --data-path '/root/xiaoxiang/GhcndDataEventSender/sample/*.gz' --sleep-millsecond-per-thousand 0 --output-format csv
To be read files count 1
>>>STATS<<< [/root/xiaoxiang/GhcndDataEventSender/sample/1872.csv.gz] : event count 134036, send 75373 msg, start from 2019-03-19 13:42:18.766477 ,duration is 0:00:01.669246, rate 45153.9197937 msg/sec
+ cd ..
+ ls -l fact_1872
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 5938375 Mar 19 13:42 fact_1872
++ ls fact_1872
+ datafiles=fact_1872
+ echo $'\351\201\215\345\216\206\344\272\213\345\256\236\350\241\250\346\225\260\346\215\256\346\226\207\344\273\266\357\274\214\345\271\266\344\270\224\350\277\233\350\241\214\345\210\207\345\211\262'
+ for single_f in '$datafiles'
+ echo 'split fact_1872'
split fact_1872
+ split -a 4 -d -l 100000 fact_1872 fact_1872-
+ rm -f fact_1872
+ ls -l fact_1872-0000
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 5938375 Mar 19 13:42 fact_1872-0000
+ echo '创建 上传HDFS文件脚本和增加hive Partition脚本'
创建 上传HDFS文件脚本和增加hive Partition脚本
+ cd source
+ python '/root/xiaoxiang/GhcndDataEventSender/sample/*.gz'
Args ['', '/root/xiaoxiang/GhcndDataEventSender/sample/*.gz']
Search /root/xiaoxiang/GhcndDataEventSender/sample/1872.csv.gz
+ cd ../ddl
+ echo '上传 数据文件'
上传 数据文件
+ sh -x
+ hadoop fs -rm -r /LacusDir/data/hive/ghcn/
19/03/19 13:42:22 INFO fs.TrashPolicyDefault: Moved: 'hdfs://' to trash at: hdfs://
+ hadoop fs -mkdir -p /LacusDir/data/hive/ghcn/1872-01-01/
+ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal '../fact_1872_*' /LacusDir/data/hive/ghcn/1872-01-01/
copyFromLocal: `../fact_1872_*': No such file or directory
+ echo '创建 Hive表'
创建 Hive表
+ hive -f create.ddl
ls: cannot access /root/xiaoxiang/lib/spark-2.3.2//lib/spark-assembly-*.jar: No such file or directory
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=512M; support was removed in 8.0
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=512M; support was removed in 8.0

Logging initialized using configuration in jar:file:/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.15.1-1.cdh5.15.1.p0.4/jars/hive-common-1.1.0-cdh5.15.1.jar!/
Time taken: 2.156 seconds
Time taken: 0.347 seconds
Time taken: 0.436 seconds
Time taken: 0.396 seconds
Time taken: 0.145 seconds
Time taken: 0.39 seconds
Time taken: 0.199 seconds
Time taken: 0.499 seconds
Time taken: 0.241 seconds
Loading data to table lacus.country_info
Table lacus.country_info stats: [numFiles=1, totalSize=3488]
Time taken: 0.933 seconds
Loading data to table lacus.state_info
Table lacus.state_info stats: [numFiles=1, totalSize=1046]
Time taken: 0.55 seconds
Loading data to table lacus.station_info
Table lacus.station_info stats: [numFiles=1, totalSize=5821405]
Time taken: 0.606 seconds
+ echo '增加 Table Partition'
增加 Table Partition
+ hive -f alter_hive.sql
ls: cannot access /root/xiaoxiang/lib/spark-2.3.2//lib/spark-assembly-*.jar: No such file or directory
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=512M; support was removed in 8.0
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=512M; support was removed in 8.0

Logging initialized using configuration in jar:file:/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.15.1-1.cdh5.15.1.p0.4/jars/hive-common-1.1.0-cdh5.15.1.jar!/
Time taken: 2.228 seconds
Time taken: 0.447 seconds
+ echo $'\346\243\200\346\237\245\346\225\260\346\215\256'
+ hive -f check_result.sql
ls: cannot access /root/xiaoxiang/lib/spark-2.3.2//lib/spark-assembly-*.jar: No such file or directory
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=512M; support was removed in 8.0
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=512M; support was removed in 8.0

Logging initialized using configuration in jar:file:/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.15.1-1.cdh5.15.1.p0.4/jars/hive-common-1.1.0-cdh5.15.1.jar!/
Time taken: 2.195 seconds
Query ID = root_20190319134242_d9a1ebe5-1864-498c-9335-64f1b2fa18e5
Total jobs = 2
Execution log at: /tmp/root/root_20190319134242_d9a1ebe5-1864-498c-9335-64f1b2fa18e5.log
2019-03-19 01:42:58	Starting to launch local task to process map join;	maximum memory = 1908932608
2019-03-19 01:42:59	Dump the side-table for tag: 1 with group count: 74 into file: file:/tmp/root/b7f90ea9-a20b-4866-a33b-73a2a236e1dd/hive_2019-03-19_13-42-52_323_5141141291282164553-1/-local-10007/HashTable-Stage-4/MapJoin-mapfile01--.hashtable
2019-03-19 01:42:59	Uploaded 1 File to: file:/tmp/root/b7f90ea9-a20b-4866-a33b-73a2a236e1dd/hive_2019-03-19_13-42-52_323_5141141291282164553-1/-local-10007/HashTable-Stage-4/MapJoin-mapfile01--.hashtable (1748 bytes)
2019-03-19 01:42:59	Dump the side-table for tag: 1 with group count: 219 into file: file:/tmp/root/b7f90ea9-a20b-4866-a33b-73a2a236e1dd/hive_2019-03-19_13-42-52_323_5141141291282164553-1/-local-10007/HashTable-Stage-4/MapJoin-mapfile11--.hashtable
2019-03-19 01:42:59	Uploaded 1 File to: file:/tmp/root/b7f90ea9-a20b-4866-a33b-73a2a236e1dd/hive_2019-03-19_13-42-52_323_5141141291282164553-1/-local-10007/HashTable-Stage-4/MapJoin-mapfile11--.hashtable (4663 bytes)
2019-03-19 01:42:59	Dump the side-table for tag: 1 with group count: 108081 into file: file:/tmp/root/b7f90ea9-a20b-4866-a33b-73a2a236e1dd/hive_2019-03-19_13-42-52_323_5141141291282164553-1/-local-10007/HashTable-Stage-4/MapJoin-mapfile21--.hashtable

2019-03-19 01:42:59	Uploaded 1 File to: file:/tmp/root/b7f90ea9-a20b-4866-a33b-73a2a236e1dd/hive_2019-03-19_13-42-52_323_5141141291282164553-1/-local-10007/HashTable-Stage-4/MapJoin-mapfile21--.hashtable (3831784 bytes)

Execution completed successfully
MapredLocal task succeeded
Launching Job 1 out of 2

import glob
Number of reduce tasks not specified. Estimated from input data size: 1
In order to change the average load for a reducer (in bytes):
  set hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer=<number>
In order to limit the maximum number of reducers:
  set hive.exec.reducers.max=<number>
In order to set a constant number of reducers:
  set mapreduce.job.reduces=<number>
Starting Job = job_1550751025988_1413, Tracking URL =
Kill Command = /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.15.1-1.cdh5.15.1.p0.4/lib/hadoop/bin/hadoop job  -kill job_1550751025988_1413
Hadoop job information for Stage-4: number of mappers: 1; number of reducers: 1
2019-03-19 13:43:08,089 Stage-4 map = 0%,  reduce = 0%
2019-03-19 13:43:13,303 Stage-4 map = 100%,  reduce = 0%, Cumulative CPU 1.94 sec
2019-03-19 13:43:19,488 Stage-4 map = 100%,  reduce = 100%, Cumulative CPU 4.47 sec
MapReduce Total cumulative CPU time: 4 seconds 470 msec
Ended Job = job_1550751025988_1413
Launching Job 2 out of 2
Number of reduce tasks determined at compile time: 1
In order to change the average load for a reducer (in bytes):
  set hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer=<number>
In order to limit the maximum number of reducers:
  set hive.exec.reducers.max=<number>
In order to set a constant number of reducers:
  set mapreduce.job.reduces=<number>
Starting Job = job_1550751025988_1414, Tracking URL =
Kill Command = /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.15.1-1.cdh5.15.1.p0.4/lib/hadoop/bin/hadoop job  -kill job_1550751025988_1414
Hadoop job information for Stage-5: number of mappers: 1; number of reducers: 1
2019-03-19 13:43:27,982 Stage-5 map = 0%,  reduce = 0%
2019-03-19 13:43:33,135 Stage-5 map = 100%,  reduce = 0%, Cumulative CPU 1.48 sec
2019-03-19 13:43:39,320 Stage-5 map = 100%,  reduce = 100%, Cumulative CPU 3.58 sec
MapReduce Total cumulative CPU time: 3 seconds 580 msec
Ended Job = job_1550751025988_1414
MapReduce Jobs Launched:
Stage-Stage-4: Map: 1  Reduce: 1   Cumulative CPU: 4.47 sec   HDFS Read: 19724 HDFS Write: 96 SUCCESS
Stage-Stage-5: Map: 1  Reduce: 1   Cumulative CPU: 3.58 sec   HDFS Read: 7063 HDFS Write: 0 SUCCESS
Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 8 seconds 50 msec
Time taken: 48.936 seconds


A python script which used to send ghcnd data








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