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Command line interface

Stefan Hirschmann edited this page Jun 11, 2017 · 2 revisions

(available since version 1.3.4)

NBFC comes with a command line interface: nbfc.exe
It lets you configure and control the NoteBook FanControl service.

Upon start the service will always load the last working settings, consisting of:

  • fan control service status (enabled/disabled)
  • selected config
  • fan speeds


nbfc.exe [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]


start [options]
Start the service.


-e, --enabled              Start in enabled mode (default) (since 1.4.4)
-r, --readonly             Start in read-only mode (since 1.4.4)

Stop the service.

status [options]
Get the service status.


-a, --all                  Show service and fan status (default)
-s, --service              Show service status
-f, --fan [<indices>]      Show fan(s) status

config [options]
List or apply existing configs.


-l, --list                 List all available configs (default)
-s, --set <cfg-name>       Set a config (since 1.4.4)
-a, --apply <cfg-name>     Set a config and enable fan control
-r, --recommend            Recommend configs which may work for your device (since 1.4.5)

set [options]
Set the fan speed.


-a, --auto                 Set fan speed to 'auto'
-s, --speed <value>        Set fan speed (range: 0-100)
-f, --fan <index>          Fan index (zero based)


Show service and fan status: nbfc.exe status
The all option may be omitted.

Show the status of the first fan: nbfc.exe status -f
If no fan index is provided, it defaults to 0.

Show the status of the second and third fan: nbfc.exe status -f 1 2

Load and apply a config: nbfc.exe config -a "HP ProBook 6465b"
The config name is the filename without extension.

Set the speed of fan 0 to 50%: nbfc.exe set -s 50
If no fan index is provided, it defaults to 0.

Set the speed of fan 1 to 50%: nbfc.exe set -f 1 -s 50

Set the speed of fan 0 to 'auto': nbfc.exe set -a
Alternatively: nbfc.exe set 101
If you try to set an invalid fan speed, the fan will be set to 'auto' instead.