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Releases: himeinhardt/TuGames

TuGames Version 3.1.4

06 Jun 09:57
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Mathematica 12.0 - 14.0.0

1. Revision

Update of the Documentation references pages.
Code Revision for FilledCoreV6 to avoid overlapping labeling.

2. Modification

Adding the new functions:

  • CddGmpPlotWeberSet[] calculates while using Cddmathlink2gmp via Mathlink all relevant data to plot the Weber set.
  • CostLocationGame[] computes from a facility location situation the associated cost location game.
  • EqDistDividends[] computes the equally distributed dividends of the game, that is, the Shapley value.
  • DualProbabilityGame[] computes from weights vector the characteristic values of a dual probability game.
  • FilledWeberSetV6[] plots the Weber set of a three-person game.
  • PlotWeberSet3dV6[] plots the Weber set of a four-person game.
  • PQNorm[] computes the PQ-norm from two vectors.

3. Bug Fixes

Some minor bug fixes and code revision.


For instructions of a custom installation, see v2.5.4 at the end. Just replace TUG-2.5.4 by TUG-3.1.4.

TuGames Version 3.1.2

10 May 08:10
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Mathematica 12.0 - 13.2.1

1. Revision

Update of the Documentation references pages.

2. Modification

Adding the new functions:

  • AirportProblem[] computes from an airport cost allocation problem the associated cost game.

3. Bug Fixes

Fixing Bug related to the Harsanyi dividends in ProductGame[], and KernelCalculation[] related to missing output.

Some minor bug fixes and code revision.


For instructions of a custom installation, see v2.5.4 at the end. Just replace TUG-2.5.4 by TUG-3.1.2.

TuGames Version 3.1.1

22 Apr 15:53
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Mathematica 12.0 - 13.2

1. Modification

Adding the new functions:

  • ProductGame[] computes from a weight vector the product game and Harsanyi dividends.
  • ProbabilityGame[] computes from a weight vector the probability game.
  • HarsanyiValue[] the Harsanyi value of the game.
  • ShapAirProb[] calculates the Shapley value from an airport cost allocation problem.
  • TauValAirProb[] calculates the Tau value from an airport cost allocation problem.
  • NucAirProb[] calculates the nucleolus from an airport cost allocation problem.

2. Bug Fixes

Some minor bug fixes and code revision.


For instructions of a custom installation, see v2.5.4 at the end. Just replace TUG-2.5.4 by TUG-3.1.1.

TuGames Version 3.1.0

26 Mar 10:40
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Mathematica 12.0 - 13.0.1

1. Revision

Functions usage documentation.
Update of the Documentation references pages and adjustment to the Paclet system of Mathematica Version 13.0.

2. Modification

Adding the new functions:

  • VetoRichPlayers[] determining the set of veto players.
  • DecomposeInPositiveGames[] decomposes a TU game into positive games, i.e., convex games.
  • AvConcaveQ[] checking if the game is average-concave.
  • AverageConcaveQ[] checking if the game is average-concave.
  • AlmostAverageConvexQ[] checking if the game is almost average-convex.
  • AlmostAverageConcaveQ[] checking if the game is almost average-concave.
  • PositiveGameQ[] checking if the game is positive, i.e., convex.
  • SemiConvexQ[] checking if the game is semi-convex.

3. Bug Fixes

Fixing Bug in AnimationKernelProperty2d[] with the FigureSize option in Manipulate[].

Fixing an issue in ModifiedNucleolus[] and ModifiedKernel[] w.r.t. the boundary Infinity, which was replaced by 1000*v[T].

Some minor bug fixes and code revision.


For instructions of a custom installation, see v2.5.4 at the end. Just replace TUG-2.5.4 by TUG-3.1.0.

TuGames Version 3.0.2

07 Dec 15:19
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Mathematica 12.0 - 13.0.1


Adjusting the functions

   ApproxPreNuc                -- Part of TuGames,
   ApproxNuc                   -- Part of TuGames,
   DuttaRay                    -- Part of TuGames,
   LorenzSolution              -- Part of TuGames,
   NonLinPreNuc                -- Part of TuGames,
   NonLinNuc                   -- Part of TuGames,
   PreKernelSolution           -- Part of TuGames

to the new set of optimization algorithms.

Adding options to the functions:

  PreKernelQ                  -- Part of TuGames,
  MaxExcessBalanced           -- Part of TuGames,
  AntiPreKernelQ              -- Part of TuGames,
  MinExcessBalanced           -- Part of TuGames,
  ParaPreKernelQ              -- Part of ParaTuGames,
  ParaMaxExcessBalanced       -- Part of ParaTuGames,
  ParaAntiPreKernelQ          -- Part of ParaTuGames,
  ParaMinExcessBalanced       -- Part of ParaTuGames.

Improving the performance of PreKernelSolution.

2. Bug Fixes:

Some minor bug fixes and code revision.


For instructions of a custom installation, see v2.5.4 at the end. Just replace TUG-2.5.4 by TUG-3.0.2.

TuGames Version 3.0.1

05 Oct 10:34
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Mathematica 12.0 - 12.3.1


Improved exception handling for functions using LinearOptimization. Performance improving of revised functions in Version 3.

2. Bug Fixes:

Some minor bug fixes.


For instructions of a custom installation see v2.5.4 at the end. Just replace TUG-2.5.4 by TUG-3.0.1.

TuGames Version 3.0.0

02 Oct 16:44
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Mathematica 12.0 - 12.3.1


TUG-3.0.0 is the first version that is transcribed to the new collection of algorithms for solving convex problems introduced in version 12. For that reason, this version is not anymore backward compatible to Mathematica versions smaller than 12. For Mathematica versions smaller than 12.0 one should use TUG-2.6.2.


A new feature is that the optimization solver library of GUROBI, IPOPT and MOSEK can be called by Method -> SolverName. Call, for instance,?TUG`TuGames`Command to learn which command allows the call of one of these solvers.

The following changes have been made:

   ConstrainedMax/ConstrainedMin and LinearProgramming/DualLinearProgramming are replaced by LinearOptimization.

   This replacement has been conducted for the following functions:

   Nucleolus                  -- Part of CooperativeGames. Function originally written by M. Carter.
   LeastCoreAux               -- Part of CooperativeGames. Function originally written by M. Carter.
   ModifiedNucleolus          -- Part of TuGames.
   ModifiedKernel             -- Part of TuGames.
   PreNucleolus               -- Part of TuGames.
   LexiCenter                 -- Part of TuGames.
   Modiclus                   -- Part of TuGames.
   IsModiclusQ                -- Part of TuGames.
   Kernel                     -- Part of TuGames.
   KernelCalculations         -- Part of TuGames.
   BalancedInequalityQ        -- Part of TuGames.
   BalancedCollectionQ        -- Part of TuGames.
   EpsCore                    -- Part of TuGames.
   FirstCriticalVal           -- Part of TuGames.
   DeltaLP                    -- Part of TuGames.
   FeasibleConstraints        -- Part of TuGames.
   KernelVertices             -- Part of TuGames.
   SolvePrimal                -- Part of TuGamesAux.
   SolveDual                  -- Part of TuGamesAux.
   BalancedSystemQ            -- Part of TuGamesAux.
   ParaModiclus               -- Part of ParaTuGames.
   ParaIsModiclus             -- Part of ParaTuGames.
  New added functions are:
  WeaklyBalancedCollectionQ   -- Part of TuGames.
  WeaklyBalancedSystemQ       -- Part of TuGamesAux.       

 The function WeaklyBalancedCollectionQ replaces WeaklyBalancedSelectionQ, the latter will be deprecated in a future version.


For instructions of a custom installation see v2.5.4 at the end. Just replace TUG-2.5.4 by TUG-3.0.0.

TuGames Version 2.6.2

02 Oct 16:28
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Mathematica 8.0 - 11.3

TUG-2.6.2 is the last version that is backward compatible to Mathematica versions smaller than 12. This version remains compatible with the most recent Mathematica version as long as ConstrainedMax/ConstrainedMin and LinearProgramming/DualLinearProgramming are supported by Wolfram Research, otherwise one has to switch to TUG-3.0.0 or later.

We added new functions:
- AlmostConvexQ[] to check if the game is almost convex.
- AlmostConcaveQ[] to check if the game is almost concave.
- ADMCGameQ[] to check the property if the game satisfies almost diminishing marginal contributions.
- AIMCGameQ[] to check the property if the game satisfies almost increasing marginal contributions.
- kConvexity[] to check if the game is k-convex.
- EANSCValue[] to compute the Equal Allocation of Non-Separable Contribution/Cost value.

Revised functions:
ConvexQ[], ConcaveQ[], Nuc1convex[].

TuGames Version 2.6.1

06 May 16:31
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Code revision and optimization.

The (anti-)pre-kernel computation is now faster up to a factor 3 in serial as well as in parallel.

For instructions of a custom installation see v2.5.4 at the end.

TuGames Version 2.6.0

26 Apr 09:44
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New Features:

Adding functions to compute the Chi-Value, EPSD-Value, Gately-Value, PD-Value and the nucleolus by the Leng and Parlar (2010) formulae for three person zero-normalized and super-additive games. Changing the package extension from *.m to *.wl.

Performing some code maintenance and minor bug fixes.

For instructions of a custom installation see V2.5.4 below.