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HIFIR High-Level Interface for MATLAB and GNU Octave

hifir4m allows accessing HIFIR from MATLAB and GNU Octave using pre-compiled high-level or intermediate-level interfaces. Its underlying library, HIFIR, is a modern preconditoining technology that combines efficient multi-level ILU (MLILU) and robust rank-revealing QR (RRQR) factorization at its coarsest level. HIFIR and hifir4m enables users to precondition ill-conditioned and singular systems for gmres. In additoin, hifir4m also offers a high-level solver named gmresHifir, with a similar interface as MATLAB's built-in gmres function but uses right-preconditioned GMRES and FGMRES with HIFIR as a right-preconditioner.


Clone this project to your preferred location, i.e.,

git clone -b release

Use git pull to download any new changes that have been added since git clone or last git pull. Alternatively, use git checkout v[GLOBAL].[MAJOR].[MINOR] to download a specific version.

Then start MATLAB or GNU Octave under the directory that contains hifir4m, or run the command

>> run('/path/to/hifir4m/startup_hifir')

(and replace /path/to/hifir4m/ to the directory that contains hifir4m) bo build hifir4m and load its path. It will build the mex kernels if needed by linking to MATLAB and Octave's built-in BLAS/LAPACK libraries for the low-level QRCP.

Note that for the first time, hifir4m will download C++ package HIFIR while building mex kernels. If you don't have access to network during building mex kernels, then you can obtain HIFIR beforehand and put its source in hifir4m/hifir-[hifir-version] folder; for instance, you can run the following command to download the C++ HIFIR package

cd /path/to/hifir4m
wget -qO-`cat VERSION`.tar.gz|tar xzf -


The easiest way to use hifir4m is to call the gmresHif interface. For example,

>> [x, flag, relres, iter, reshis, times] = gmresHif(A, b);

where A is a MATLAB's built-in sparse matrix or a MATLAB struct containing the filds of row_ptr, col_ind, vals of a standard CRS storage format, and b is a right-hand-side vector (or RHS vectors with two columns).

To access the intermediate-level interfaces of hifir4m, please see gmresHif.m for the calling sequence of hifCreate, hifApply, and hifDestroy.

Copyright and Licenses

HIFIR, hifir4m, and hifir4py are developed by the NumGeom Research Group at Stony Brook University.

The software suite is released under a dual-license model. For academic users, individual users, or open-source software developers, you can use HIFIR under the GPLv3+ license free of charge for research and evaluation purpose. For commercial users, separate commercial licenses are available through the Stony Brook University. For inqueries regarding commercial licenses, please contact Prof. Xiangmin Jiao [email protected].

How to Cite HIFIR

If you use HIFIR, hifir4m, or hifir4py in your research for nonsingular systems, please cite the HILUCSI paper:

  author  = {Chen, Qiao and Ghai, Aditi and Jiao, Xiangmin},
  title   = {{HILUCSI}: Simple, robust, and fast multilevel {ILU} for 
             large-scale saddle-point problems from {PDE}s},
  journal = {Numer. Linear Algebra Appl.},
  year    = {2021},
  doi     = {10.1002/nla.2400},

If you use them to solve highly ill-conditioned of singular systems, please cite the HIFIR papers:

  author  = {Xiangmin Jiao and Qiao Chen},
  journal = {SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.},
  title   = {Approximate Generalized Inverses with Iterative Refinement for 
             $\epsilon$-Accurate Preconditioning of Singular Systems},
  year    = {2021},
  note    = {To appear},

  author  = {Chen, Qiao and Jiao, Xiangmin},
  title   = {{HIFIR}: Hybrid Incomplete Factorization with Iterative Refinement 
             for Preconditioning Ill-conditioned and Singular Systems},
  journal = {arxiv},
  year    = {2021},
  note    = {arXiv:2106.09877},
