Scripts for creating a madgui installer on windows.
Install miniconda (or anaconda) and open a conda terminal. Navigate to this folder and execute:
There is also a powershell script that does the same. It can be executed using:
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File make.ps1
This works for a while to finally create a madgui_X.X.X_setup.exe
that can
be used to install madgui on another machine.
After installation, copy runtime dependencies such as beamoptikdll into the madgui folder.
The versions of madgui and its dependencies are configured in the
The current method extracts a standalone python installation along with madgui and all dependencies in the target folder. The advantage of this method is that it is probably the easiest to setup and does everything that we want:
- madgui python sources are installed as plain text. This is important to allow debugging and changing code! (essential)
- no package conflicts with other applications (essential)
- can coexist with other madgui installations
- no activation script required
- simple installer
Before migrating to another deployment method, make sure that at least the first three of the above properties remain intact! A counter-example would be installing madgui directly as site-package of one of the python distributions shared with other applications.
Potential alternative solutions to create a deployable madgui installation:
- venv (stdlib)
- pyqtdeploy (cross-platform)
- PyInstaller (cross-platform)
- cx_Freeze (cross-platform)
- nuitka (cross-platform)
- py2exe (windows)
- py2app (Mac OS X)
If you succeed in using one of those tools, you are welcome to contribute a short guide here.