Simple helloworld program variant to introduce various technology, the intention is to familairize with concepts which are required to be a full stack developer.
- Create a github account ,
- If you are not familiar with github do the following
- it is recommended that you create a account so that your progress is public eg:
- Share your git profile with us(eg: on Slack, we will add you to this repository
- Accept the repository invite, which you will recive on your github email
- At this point you should be able to create a repository, clone a preository, checkout a branch, create a new branch, commit changes to a specific branch, pushing these changes to a given branch
- Clone this repository on your local system
- Create a branch from this repository, the branch should be named after your git username(see your git profile, mine is so my username is krantikaridev) we will use "$yourprofilename" as eg in follwing steps
- Push this branch with comment "Branch {$yourprofilename} created"
- Write helloworld in language of your choice
- Push your changes with comment, "Basic hello world in {$language:python, java, javascript, c# etc}"
- Expose the hellowolrd through rest API(eg: http://localhost/api/helloworld), Create a get API method which returns "Hello World!"
- Push your changes with comment, "Basic hello world through API"
- use ngrok to expose your api
- Share your ngrok url over (slack)[] let one of your perr verify the output, or open browser in incognito mode and verify the output
- Update the rest api to support name as argument (ex:http://localhost/api/helloworld?name=name), if the named argument is null the API should return Hello World! instead other wise it should return "Heloo {name}!"
- Push your changes with comment "Basic hello world API with parameter name"
- create (dockerhub)[] account
- Learn about docker
- Dockerize your application (your application should be able to run using docker instead of traditional approach)
- Push your changes with comment, "Dockerized"
- Create Docker Image(yourprofilename_helloworld) and use and run the same on local, u should be able to run it through eg: docker run -d -p kali-linux kalilinux/kali-rolling:latest
- Learn (Docker-Compose)[]
- Use docker compose in helloworld, your application should be able to run using docker-compose up
- Add database(mysql, postgres etc) project, store the yourprofilename in dataqbase, show the count just like cache, (dockerrize)
- learn about (cache)[]
- Add cache(eg: redis etc) project(dockerized), use cache to store the username parameter, and show the count eg: http://localhost/api/helloworld?name=yourprofilename will give "Hello {yourprofilename}({count})" here count will be 1,2,3,4 depending on how many time you call the api, the count can be kept in cache, if the profilename is not in cache, you should use database to view the count and update your cache so that next time the entry is found in cache
- Push your changes with comment, "Introduced Cache"
- Learn about CI/CD
- Lear about Git Action
- Use git action to create the docker image of API project whenever there is a change in your branch,
- Use git action to integrate linting
- If the app is hosted (After the Cloud Step(Kubernetes) is done), git action needs to be update so that any changes in repository update the hosted app automatically
- host your application into cloud (use AWS/Google or anyother VM), on vm u would need docker, docker-compose, git installed, then u can clone the repository and simply run docker-compose up
- Please share the URL for the same, You may have to add firewall rule to expose your application to internet
- Create simple HTML page using any of the following javascript, react, angular. This page will simply take input from a text box(yourprofilename) and print Hello {yourprofilename} on the screen, it should be bold if it is authenticated request,for passing the authentication token you should use cokkies or local stogrege of broser, so presence of this token and absense of it will determine whether one is authenticated or not. once this step is done you should see the same at eg: at the same time api can be accessed at, this should be seen as seperate project it's just using the API in the backend, if u have done 31 it should be esiaer to use google outh so you can skip the cookie part
- Do Step 5, CI/CD should be able to update the hosted app eg: eg:, CI/CD should be able to update the hosted app eg: eg: might have to update the CI/CD pipeline
- Add authentication layer (Token Based,, try at least two), if the user is authenticated, everything should be in capital instead of small, eg: HELLO WORLD!, security Step, as an additional step one can provide login/signup using google oauth (
- Do Step 5, CI/CD should be able to update the hosted app eg: eg:
- learn about kubernetes
- Now instead of docker-compose use Kubernetes for hosting the application, this basically is useful for supporting scaling
- Update CI/CD so that your changes are updated on the hosting automatically (eg:
- CI/CD should be able to update the hosted app eg: eg:
You should be contributing towards a live open source project, you are applying for job actively, it's a matter of time that you get an offer.