NIOSII Syntax file.
Forked from
Just put the file nios.vim
in your ~/.vim/syntax
add Plugin 'hfkang/vim-nios' to your .vimrc file and install
If you want to be able to tell the difference between actual instructions, aliases, macros and pseudo instructions, change the lines 466
to 476
to something like this, for instance:
hi def link niosComment Comment
hi def link niosNumber Number
hi def link niosString String
hi def link niosLabel Label
hi def link niosRegister Identifier
hi def link niosDirective Type
hi def link niosInstruction Statement
hi def link niosAlias PreProc
hi def link niosMacro PreProc
hi def link niosPseudoInstruction Special
hi def link niosPseudoDirective Special
Of course, this requires your colorscheme to set different colours for these highlights.