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Utility & Helpers

Asep edited this page Apr 3, 2022 · 1 revision

Get Version

Get Ladmin Pacakge version


Get Admin Class

Get the user class that has been set in the config file.


#----- OR -----



All routes that enter the ladmin module, must be in this function.

ladmin()->route( function() {
     * All routes listed here are accessible
     * on the Administrator page
     * http://localhost:8000/administrator/article

 * All routes listed here, can be accessed
 * outside the Administrator page
 * * http://localhost:8000/blog

Indicator Back Page

Button Back

To display the back button on the page, it is must add a back parameter in each url such as

route('', ['uuid', 'back' => 'http://url-target.test'])

You can also write it like below.

ladmin()->back( ? Array )

If in route it will be like below.

route('', ladmin()->back(['uuid', 'page' => 1]))

Then the output of the function can be seen below.


Access & Permission

Inside each controller it is necessary to add the below function, to give access by Role to each admin user.


For example in controller create can be seen below.

 * Show the form for creating a new resource.
 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function create()

    return view('blog::article.create');


The function below serves to retrieve the path of each module.



If you use uuid in this project, you can use the provided trait, please add it to each model that has the uuid attribute.

. . .

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Hexters\Ladmin\UuidGenerator;

. . . 

class Article extends Model
    use HasFactory, UuidGenerator;

    . . .