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Component View

Asep edited this page Feb 18, 2023 · 2 revisions

This is how to create a new component.

php artisan module:make-component Card --module=Blog

If it was created successfully then a new component's file will be saved as Modules/Blog/View/Components/Card.php, after that please add this component to service provider by open \Modules\Blog\Providers\BlogServiceProvider and see the example below.

. . .

use Modules\Blog\View\Components\Card;

. . .

 * Load view component
 * @return void
protected function registerViewComponent()
    $this->loadViewComponentsAs('blog', [

. . .

If it was registered, then you can call it by add prefix x-blog before component's name and you can replace 'blog' with your module's name, see the example.

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