Nuxt 3 module for DatoCMS, a wonderful Headless CMS.
- ⛰ Integration with Nuxt's
for de-duplicated requests - 🌲 Pre-configured preview mode for draft content, and real-time updates
- 👌 Auto-imports composables + components from
- 🧭 Easily generate a sitemap for your DatoCMS-powered site (coming soon)
- ⚙️ Compatible with any data-fetching library (Villus, Apollo, axios, etc) (coming soon)
Note: This module is for Nuxt 3. We do not provide a Nuxt 2 version.
If you are a first-time DatoCMS user, read the Nuxt DatoCMS page to get a project ready in less than 5 minutes.
- Add
dependency to your project
npx nuxi@latest module add datocms
- Add
to themodules
section ofnuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: [
- Configure the options for this module. If you want to enable viewing draft content, set the optional parameters too:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: [
datocms: {
publicReadOnlyToken: '<dato-cms-read-only-published-token>',
// Optional - if you'd like to enable draft previews
privateDraftEnabledToken: '<dato-cms-read-only-draft-enabled-token>',
privatePreviewModePassword: 'showmethenewstuff', // A password required to enable draft previews
privatePreviewModeEncryptionSecret: '14e6f2b5ebefb46270ed411e916c452a377c70f5d548cb6b672ec40d7e1ab8ef', // A hash that is stored on the User's device once draft is enabled, to prove it's legitimate. Change this to turn-off all currently active draft previews
// Optional - if you'd like to allow user's to preview new content without needing to enter a password (beta documentation that's open for feedback, for example).
disablePreviewPassword: true, // defaults to false
// Optional - if you'd like to disable using the default server API routes for draft preview (so you can create your own, for example)
registerApiHandlers: false, // defaults to true
// Optional - do not include environment if you're not using environments, and usually no need to include endpoint either
// environment: 'production', // defaults to undefined
// endpoint: '',
API tokens can be generated inside of your project, in Settings > API tokens. See image below
That's it! You can now use Nuxt DatoCMS in your Nuxt app ✨
This module exposes two main composables, useAsyncDatoCms()
and useDatoCms()
For most cases, we recommend using useAsyncDatoCms()
. It's a wrapper around Nuxt's useAsyncData()
, which allows
us to de-duplicate our requests when using SSR, amongst other benefits.
// pages/index.vue
// This module sets `toHead` and `useAsyncDatoCms` to be auto-imported by Nuxt, if you have this enabled, so these imports aren't needed
import { toHead } from 'vue-datocms';
import { useAsyncDatoCms } from '@hexdigital/nuxt-datocms';
import { homepageQuery } from '~/apis/dato-cms/graphql/queries/getHomepage';
const { data } = await useAsyncDatoCms({ query: homepageQuery });
// An example of using page data to set your SEO tags for the page
useHead(() => toHead(data.value?.homepage?._seoMetaTags || {}));
If you're not looking to use useAsyncData()
at all, then you can use the useDatoCms()
composable instead. The
behaviour is the same, just without the useAsyncData()
wrapper around the fetch call.
# Install dependencies
pnpm install
# Generate type stubs
pnpm run dev:prepare
# Develop with the playground
pnpm run dev
# Build the playground
pnpm run dev:build
# Run ESLint
pnpm run lint
# Run Vitest
pnpm run test
pnpm run test:watch
# Release new version
pnpm run release
All contributions are welcome. Please see our Contribution Guidelines.