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James Shaw edited this page Dec 12, 2017 · 21 revisions

Implementation plan

  1. Make stencil boundary value inclusion/exclusion configurable ✅
  2. Calculate least squares pseudo-inverse without multipliers ✅
  3. Calculate least squares pseudo-inverse with multipliers ✅
  4. Calculate vertices of cell faces ✅
  5. mapDistribute stencil cellVertices across processors ✅
  6. Translate stencil with target face centre as coordinate origin ✅
  7. Rotate stencil with Sf as x direction ✅
  8. Hard-code volume moments that are calculated by hand for each cell of a uniform mesh with 1×1×1 cells. At this point I can perform convergence tests on uniform meshes. ✅
  9. Generate collection of tetrahedra from cellVertices
  10. Calculate volume moments for tetrahedra
  11. Decompose target face into triangles
  12. Translate and rotate target face into local coordinates
  13. Calculate surface moments for triangles
  14. Calculate weights using volume moments and surface moments

Test cases
