Notes and helper scripts/files/etc from when I passed my OSCP
These files are organized as I had them when I tested, which was after a month and some change of late nights and twisted logic. I'm providing them here in case they're of use to anyone else, or any of these resources have since been taken down.
Clones of websites, git repositories, personally created scripts, common references, random things that sped up process for me, and a general sense of "how in the heck was this organized?"
Anything specific to the OSCP or PWK labs. Like, anything. I kept all of that in a separate folder structure. Also, you won't find any notes on things I already felt extremely comfortable with (e.g. the BOF) since there didn't seem to be much point in wasting valuable time documenting things I already knew... except in those cases where it was part of some other source, and I just kept it because it would have been longer to remove it.
If your content is here and I haven't clearly called it out in the directories or files themselves, please let me know and I'll explicitly give you credit in this readme. Thanks!