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This is a Windows port of the popular Mac development environment Laravel Valet.

Laravel Valet Windows 3 is a much needed updated fork of cretueusebiu/valet-windows, with lots of improvements and new commands. This version hopes to achieve as much parity as possible with the Mac version. For command parity, please refer to the parity checker.

composer global require ycodetech/valet-windows

Warning If you're coming from cretueusebiu/valet-windows, then you need to make sure to fully uninstall it from your computer, deleting all configs, and removing from composer with composer global remove cretueusebiu/valet-windows, before installing this 3.0 version.

Introduction | Installation | Commands | Command Parity Checker | Deprecations and Removals | Known Issues | Xdebug Installation | Contributions

Commands Section Installing/Uninstalling & Starting/Stopping PHP Services Multi-PHP Versions and Securing Parked, Linked, Proxies and Sites Sharing Other Commands
Command install php:add use park share tld
sudo php:remove isolate parked auth|set-ngrok-token which
start php:install isolated unpark|forget url|fetch-share-url paths
restart php:uninstall unisolate link ngrok open
stop php:list secure links latest|on-latest-version
uninstall php:which secured unlink log
xdebug:install unsecure proxy services
xdebug:uninstall proxies directory-listing
unproxy diagnose
sites parity


Valet is a Laravel development environment for Windows. No Vagrant, no /etc/hosts file. You can even share your sites publicly using local tunnels. Yeah, we like it too.

Laravel Valet configures your Windows to always run Nginx in the background when your machine starts. Then, using Acrylic DNS, Valet proxies all requests on the *.test domain (aka tld) to point to sites installed on your local machine.

This is 3.0 of Valet Windows, branded under the name Laravel Valet Windows 3, and is a much needed updated fork of cretueusebiu/valet-windows. It introduces lots of improvements, new commands, and hopes to achieve as much parity as possible with the original Mac version.


Before installation, make sure that no other programs such as Apache or Nginx are binding to your local machine's port 80. If XAMPP or similar is installed make sure they don't have Windows services installed and change their ports.

Also make sure to open your preferred terminal (Windows Terminal, CMD, Git Bash, PowerShell, etc.) as Administrator. You can use VS Code integrated terminal, but if VS Code isn't opened as Administrator, then a bunch of User Account Control (UAC) pop ups will appear in order to give access to Valet. You can also use a non Administrator terminal without the popups, you'll just need to use Valet's sudo command before any other Valet commands.

NOTE: Laravel Valet Windows 3 is developed and tested to run on Windows 10. In theory it should run on Windows 11 and up, but there's no guarantee. Testers and contributors are always welcome though.

  • If you don't have PHP installed, make sure to install it.

    Download the Zip file and unzip into C:/php/. You may use Thread Safe (TS), but Non-Thread Safe (NTS) is better for using PHP on the FastCGI protocol, which Valet uses.

    For NTS binaries the widespread use case is interaction with a web server through the FastCGI protocol, utilizing no multithreading (but also for example CLI).

  • If you don't have Composer installed, make sure to install it.

  • Install Valet with Composer via composer global require ycodetech/valet-windows.

    Warning If you're coming from cretueusebiu/valet-windows, then you need to make sure to fully uninstall it from your computer, deleting all configs, and removing from composer with composer global remove cretueusebiu/valet-windows, before installing this 3.0 version.

  • Install Valet by running the valet install command, or alternatively valet sudo install with administrator elevation. This will configure and install Valet and register Valet's daemon to launch when your system starts. Once installed, Valet will automatically start it's services.

  • If you're installing on Windows 10/11, you may need to manually configure Windows to use the Acrylic DNS Proxy.

Valet will automatically start its daemon each time your machine boots. There is no need to run valet start or valet install ever again once the initial Valet installation is complete.


For commands that are referenced as "the same as the Mac version", please refer to the official documentation on the Laravel website for more information.

Installing/Uninstalling & Starting/Stopping

install            Install Valet's services and configs
Install Valet's services and configs, and auto start Valet.
        [--xdebug] Optionally, install Xdebug for PHP.
$ valet install
$ valet install --xdebug
Valet installed and started successfully!

This installs all Valet services:

  • Nginx
  • PHP Xdebug CGI [optional]
  • Acrylic DNS
  • Ansicon

And it's configs in C:\Users\Username\.config\valet.

Once complete, Valet will automatically start the services.

Note: If install is ran again when it's already installed, Valet will ask if you want to proceed to reinstall.
install --xdebug

--xdebug is a boolean option to optionally install Xdebug for PHP. If the option is present, it's true, otherwise false.

sudo [valetCommand]      A sudo-like command to use Valet commands with elevated privileges.
     [-o|--valetOptions] Specify Valet command options/flags.
$ valet sudo install

sudo is a Windows equivalent of the Mac command utilty of the same name, provided by gsudo. The command allows you to pass through Valet commands to gsudo, gsudo will then elevate the command to use the highest system administrator privileges, without the need for multiple User Account Control (UAC) popups...

gsudo only requires 1 UAC popup to enable elevation (per usage), and then the passed Valet command, it's arguments, values and options will be executed as the system with no further UACs.


valetCommand is the Valet command, plus it's argument's values that you wish to run. It is a string array separated by spaces.

$ valet sudo isolate 7.4

In the example above, isolate is the command name and 7.4 is the argument value.

When specifying the Valet command, you can pass the valet CLI keyword before the command as you would normally, but this is optional. If it's omitted, Valet will add it automatically. It's preferred to omit the keyword as it's cleaner.

$ valet sudo valet isolate 7.4

--valetOptions (shortcut -o) [optional] is the Valet options/flags for a Valet command. It is a string, but multiple options can be specified. Please see the important notes about this option.

$ valet sudo link mysitename -valetOptions=isolate//secure
$ valet sudo link mysitename -o isolate//secure
start            Starts Valet's services
       [service] Optionally, specify a particular service to start [acrylic, nginx, php, xdebug]
$ valet start
Valet services have been started.

$ valet start nginx
Nginx has been started.

This command is the same as the Mac version.

restart            Restarts Valet's services
         [service] Optionally, specify a particular service to restart [acrylic, nginx, php, xdebug]
$ valet restart
Valet services have been restarted.

$ valet restart nginx
Nginx has been restarted.

This command is the same as the Mac version.

stop            Stops Valet's services
      [service] Optionally, specify a particular service to stop [acrylic, nginx, php, xdebug]
$ valet stop
Valet services have been stopped.

$ valet start nginx
Nginx has been stopped.

This command is the same as the Mac version.

uninstall                      Uninstalls Valet's services
           [--force]           Optionally force uninstallation without a confirmation question
           [-p|--purge-config] Optionally purge and remove all Valet configs
$ valet uninstall
Are you sure you want to proceed? yes/no
$ yes
Valet has been removed from your system.

This completely stops and uninstalls all of Valet's services.

You will also need to uninstall Valet if you are wanting to update Valet via Composer (composer global update ycodetech/valet-windows), just to make sure Composer can remove and update relevant files without error.


--force is to optionally force an uninstallation without Valet asking confirmation.

$ valet uninstall --force
Valet has been removed from your system.

--purge-config (shortcut -p) is to optionally purge and remove all Valet's configs. This should be used if Valet is no longer required and it won't be installed again.

$ valet uninstall --purge-config
$ valet uninstall -p
Are you sure you want to proceed? yes/no
$ yes
Valet has been uninstalled from your system, and purged all configs.

PHP Services

php:add [path]     Add PHP by specifying a path
        [--xdebug] Optionally, install Xdebug
$ valet php:add "C:\php\7.4"
PHP 7.4.33 from C:\php\7.4 has been added.
Note: When adding PHP, the full version number (eg. 7.4.33) will be extracted and an alias (eg. 7.4) will be generated. Either of these can be used in other commands.
Furthermore, the details of the versions will be written to the config in a natural decending order that adheres to decimals. This means that when two minor versions (like 8.1.8 and 8.1.18) of an alias (8.1) are added, and the default PHP is then set to use the alias, then Valet will use the most recent version of the alias, which in this case would be 8.1.18.
php:add --xdebug

--xdebug is a boolean option to optionally install Xdebug for the PHP being added. If the option is present, it's true, otherwise false.

$ valet php:add "C:\php\7.4" --xdebug
Installing Xdebug for 7.4.33...
PHP 7.4.33 from C:\php\7.4 has been added.
php:remove [phpVersion] Remove PHP by specifying it's version
           [--path=]    Optionally specify by path

Both the full version and the alias version works:

$ valet php:remove 7.4.33
$ valet php:remove 7.4
PHP 7.4.33 from c:\php\7.4 has been removed.

Instead of using the version number, you can specify the PHP by it's path.

$ valet php:remove --path="C:\php\7.4"
PHP 7.4.33 from c:\php\7.4 has been removed.
Note: If Xdebug is installed for the PHP being removed, then Valet will also remove Xdebug for that version too.
php:install   Reinstall all PHP services from [valet php:list]
$ valet php:install
Reinstalling PHP services...

php:install Installs the PHP CGI services for the versions listed in Valet with php:list. If they are already installed, Valet uninstalls them first and then reinstalls them.

php:uninstall   Uninstall all PHP services from [valet php:list]
$ valet php:uninstall
Uninstalling PHP services...

php:uninstall Uninstalls the PHP CGI services for the versions listed in Valet with php:list.

php:list   List all PHP versions and services

List the PHP versions installed in Valet.

$ valet php:list
Listing PHP services...
| Version | Version Alias | Path       | Port | xDebug Port | Default |
| 8.1.8   | 8.1           | C:\php\8.1 | 9006 | 9106        | X       |
| 7.4.33  | 7.4           | C:\php\7.4 | 9004 | 9104        |         |
php:which         Determine which PHP version the current working directory is using
           [site] Optionally, specify a site
$ valet php:which
The current working directory site1 is using PHP 7.4.33 (isolated)

$ valet php:which site2
The specified site site2 is using PHP 8.1.8 (default)
xdebug:install               Install Xdebug services for all PHP versions from [valet php:list]
                [phpVersion] Optionally, specify one particular PHP version of Xdebug to install

xdebug:install installs an Xdebug service for all PHP versions listed in Valet with php:list.

$ valet xdebug:install
Installing Xdebug services...
Installed Xdebug for PHP 7.4.33, 8.1.8

Valet only installs an Xdebug PHP CGI service on a separate port to work along side the PHP CGI service, it doesn't install Xdebug itself. Please read the Xdebug Installation for further information.

You can optionally install Xdebug for one specific PHP version using the phpVersion argument.

$ valet xdebug:install 7.4
Installing Xdebug services...
Installed Xdebug for PHP 7.4.33
Note: If Xdebug for the supplied PHP version is already installed, Valet will ask if you want it reinstalling.
xdebug:uninstall               Uninstall all Xdebug services
                  [phpVersion] Optionally, specify one particular PHP version of Xdebug to uninstall
$ valet xdebug:uninstall
Xdebug services uninstalled.

You can optionally uninstall Xdebug for one specific PHP version using the phpVersion argument.

$ valet xdebug:uninstall 7.4
Installing Xdebug services...
Installed Xdebug for PHP 7.4.33

Using PHP versions

use  [phpVersion]  Change the default PHP version used by Valet. Either specify the full version or the alias
$ valet use 8.1
Setting the default PHP version to [8.1].
Valet is now using 8.1.18.

$ valet use 8.1.8
Setting the default PHP version to [8.1.8].
Valet is now using 8.1.8.
Note: If using the alias, and multiple versions of 8.1 are available eg. 8.1.8 and 8.1.18, then the most latest version will be used eg. 8.1.18.
isolate   [phpVersion]  Isolates the current working directory to a specific PHP version
          [--site=]     Optionally specify the site instead of the current working directory
Note: You can isolate 1 or more sites at a time. Just pass the --site option for each of the sites you wish to isolate to the same PHP version.
$ cd /d/sites/my_site
$ valet isolate 7.4
Isolating the current working directory...
The site [my_site] is now using 7.4.

$ valet isolate 7.4 --site=another_site
The site [another_site] is now using 7.4.

$ valet isolate 7.4 --site=site1 --site=site2 --site=site3
The site [site1] is now using 7.4.
The site [site2] is now using 7.4.
The site [site3] is now using 7.4.

This command is the same as the Mac version.

isolated  List all isolated sites
$ valet isolated
| Site     | PHP    |
| site1    | 7.4.33 |
| my_site  | 7.4.33 |

This command is the same as the Mac version.

unisolate            Removes [unisolates] the current working directory
          [--site=]  Optionally specify the site instead of the current working directory
          [--all]    Optionally removes all isolated sites
$ cd /d/sites/my_site
$ valet unisolate
Unisolating the current working directory...
The site [my_site] is now using the default PHP version.

$ valet unisolate --site=my_site
The site [my_site] is now using the default PHP version.
unisolate --all

--all is a boolean option to optionally unisolate all the currently isolated sites. If the option is present, it's true, otherwise false.

$ valet unisolate --all
The site [my_site] is now using the default PHP version.
The site [site1] is now using the default PHP version.
secure          Secure the current working directory with a trusted TLS certificate
        [site]  Optionally specify the site instead of the current working directory

Secures a site with a trusted self-signed TLS certificate and serves the site on the https protocol.

$ cd /d/sites/site1
$ valet secure
The [site1.test] site has been secured with a fresh TLS certificate and will now be served over HTTPS.

$ valet secure site1
The [site1.test] site has been secured with a fresh TLS certificate and will now be served over HTTPS.
Note: The secure command (or secure option in any other commands) need to be used in an admin privileged/elevated terminal. Either open a terminal as administrator or use the sudo command.
secured  List all secured sites
$ valet secured
| Site         |
| site1.test   |
| my_site.test |

This command is the same as the Mac version.

unsecure        Unsecure the current working directory
        [site]  Optionally specify the site instead of the current working directory
        [--all] Optionally unsecure all secured sites

Unsecures a site by removing it's TLS certificate and serves the site on the http protocol.

$ cd /d/sites/site1
$ valet unsecure
The [site1.test] site has been unsecured and will now be served over HTTP.

$ valet secure site1
The [site1.test] site has been unsecured and will now be served over HTTP.
unsecure --all

--all is a boolean option to optionally unsecure all the currently secured sites. If the option is present, it's true, otherwise false.

$ valet unsecure --all
Unsecured all sites.

This command is the same as the Mac version.

Parked, Linked, Proxies and Sites

park         Registers the current working directory to automatically serve sub-directories as sites
      [path] Optionally, specify a path
$ cd /d/sites
$ valet park
This directory has been registered to Valet and all sub-directories will be accessible as sites.

$ valet park d/sites
The [d/sites] directory has been registered to Valet and all sub-directories will be accessible as sites.

park registers a directory that contains all your sites to Valet. Once the directory has been parked, Valet will automatically serve all sub-directories as sites, accessible in the web browser. They serve in the form of http://<directory-name>.test

To view all registered directories, use the paths command.

This command is the same as the Mac version. For more information visit the Laravel Valet docs.

parked  List all the current sites within parked paths
Note: If there's a parked site that is also a symbolic linked site, then it will also output the linked site name (aka alias) and it's URL (aka alias URL).
$ valet parked
|      Site: site1                              |
|     Alias:                                    |
|       SSL:                                    |
|       PHP: 7.4.33 (isolated)                  |
|       URL: http://site1.test                  |
| Alias URL:                                    |
|      Path: D:\_Sites\site1                    |
|      Site: another site                       |
|     Alias: another_site_renamed               |
|       SSL:                                    |
|       PHP: 8.1.18 (default)                   |
|       URL: http://another site.test           |
| Alias URL: http://another_site_renamed.test   |
|      Path: D:\_Sites\another site             |
unpark | forget         Remove the current working directory from Valet
                 [path] Optionally, specify a path

To stop auto-serving sub-directories as sites, run the forget command to forget the directory.

unpark is a command alias.

$ cd /d/sites
$ valet forget
$ valet unpark
This directory has been removed from Valet.

$ valet forget d/sites
$ valet unpark d/sites
The [d/sites] directory has been removed from Valet.

This command is the same as the Mac version.

link                Register the current working directory as a symbolic link
      [name]        Optionally specify a new name to be linked as
      [--secure]    Optionally secure the site
      [--isolate=]  Optionally isolate the site to a specified PHP version

link is another way to serve directories as sites, except it serves one singular site in a directory rather than the whole directory. It does this by creating a symbolic link inside the /.config/valet/Sites directory, of which is a parked directory on Valet installation.

Serving the current working directory as a site:

$ cd /d/sites/site1
$ valet link
A [site1] symbolic link has been created in [C:/Users/Username/.config/valet/Sites/site1].

If you wish to serve the site under a different name to that of the directory, just pass the optional name argument. This is most useful if the directory has spaces in the name, Valet doesn't URL encode spaces or any other non-URL safe characters, so the site won't work without changing it.

$ cd /d/sites/my awesome site
$ valet link my_site_renamed
A [my_site_renamed] symbolic link has been created in [C:/Users/Username/.config/valet/Sites/my_site_renamed].

--secure option allows you to secure the site. It is boolean, so if it's present it's true, otherwise false.

$ valet link cool_site --secure
A [cool_site] symbolic link has been created in [C:/Users/Username/.config/valet/Sites/cool_site].
The [cool_site.test] site has been secured with a fresh TLS certificate.

--isolate option allows you to isolate the site to a specific PHP version. Pass it with a value.

$ valet link cool_Site --isolate=7.4
A [cool_site] symbolic link has been created in [C:/Users/Username/.config/valet/Sites/cool_site].
The site [cool_site.test] is now using 7.4.

This command is the same as the Mac version. For more information, please see the Laravel Valet docs.

links  List all registered symbolic links
$ valet links
| Site            | Secured | PHP              | URL                         | Path                                  |
| my_site_renamed |         | 8.1.18 (default) | http://my_site_renamed.code | D:\_Sites\a_completely_different_name |
| cool_site       | X       | 7.4.33 (isolated)| http://cool_site.code       | D:\_Sites\cool and awesome site       |

This command is the same as the Mac version.

unlink          Unlink the current working directory linked site
        [name]  Optionally specify the linked site name

unlink removes the current working directory's (cwd) symbolic linked site. Valet will find the linked site name using the cwd name and delete the symbolic link from the /.config/valet/Sites/ directory.

$ cd /d/sites/my site
$ valet unlink
The [cool_site] symbolic link has been removed.

name specifies the name of the symbolic link.

$ valet unlink cool_site
The [cool_site] symbolic link has been removed.
Note: If the linked site is secured, Valet will unsecure it before removing.
$ valet unlink cool_site
Unsecuring cool_site...
The [cool_site] symbolic link has been removed.
Note: If the linked site is isolated, Valet will unisolate it before removing.
$ valet unlink cool_site
The site [cool_site] is now using the default PHP version.
The [cool_site] symbolic link has been removed.

This command is the same as the Mac version.

proxy [site] [host]  Proxy a specified site to a specified host
      [--secure]     Optionally, secure with a trusted TLS certificate

proxy allows you to proxy a Valet site to another service on your machine and send all traffic from the Valet site to the service. You may also proxy multiple sites to 1 host by separating them with commas.

$ valet proxy site1
Valet will now proxy [http://site1.test] traffic to []

$ valet proxy site1,site2,site3
Valet will now proxy [http://site1.test] traffic to []
Valet will now proxy [http://site2.test] traffic to []
Valet will now proxy [http://site3.test] traffic to []
proxy --secure

--secure option allows you to secure the proxy site. It is boolean, so if it's present it's true, otherwise false.

$ valet proxy site1 --secure
Valet will now proxy [https://site1.test] traffic to []

This command is the same as the Mac version.

proxies  List all the proxy sites
$ valet proxies
| Site  | Secured | URL                | Host                   |
| site1 | X       | https://site1.test | |

This command is the same as the Mac version.

unproxy [site]  Remove a proxied site

Just like the proxy command, you may unproxy multiple sites at once by separating them with commas.

$ valet unproxy site1
Valet will no longer proxy [http://site1.test].

$ valet unproxy site1,site2,site3
Valet will no longer proxy [http://site1.test].
Valet will no longer proxy [http://site2.test].
Valet will no longer proxy [http://site3.test].

This command is the same as the Mac version.

sites  List all the parked, linked, and proxied sites
$ valet sites
β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”¬β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”¬β”€β”€β”€ Parked ───────────────┬────────────────────────┐
| Site         | PHP        | URL                      | Path                   |
| site1        | 7.4.33     | https://site1.test       | D:\_Sites\site1        |
|              | (isolated) |                          |                        |
| site-test    | 8.1.8      | http://site-test.test    | D:\_Sites\site-test    |
|              | (default)  |                          |                        |
| awesome site | 8.1.8      | http://awesome site.test | D:\_Sites\awesome site |
|              | (default)  |                          |                        |

β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”¬β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”¬β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€ Linked ─────────┬────────────────────────┐
| Site         | PHP        | URL                      | Path                   |
| awesome_site | 8.1.8      | http://awesome_site.test | D:\_Sites\awesome site |
|              | (default)  |                          |                        |

β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”¬β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€ Proxied──┬────────────────────────┐
| Site    | URL                       | Host                   |
| my_site | http://awesome_site.test  |  |


Note: ngrok ships with Valet internally, there is no need to download it separately.
share                Share the current working directory site with a publically accessible URL
      [site]         Optionally, specify a site
      [-o|--options] Optionally, specify ngrok options/flags
      [--debug]      Allow error messages to output to the current terminal
$ cd /d/sites/site1
$ valet share

$ valet share site1

Share your local site publically. ngrok will do all the magic for you and give you a publically accessible URL to share to clients or team members.

Before sharing a site with ngrok, you must first set the authtoken using Valet's set-ngrok-token command.

When using the command, a new CMD terminal will be launched with the ngrok information, including the public URL to share.

Note: The URL won't be copied to the clipboard, however, in a separate terminal, you can use the fetch-share-url command.
share --options

--options (shortcut -o) [optional] is ngrok's options/flags for it's http command (which valet share uses internally). It is a string, but multiple options can be specified. Please see the important notes about this option.

$ valet share site1 --options"header to remove"

$ cd /d/sites/site1
$ valet share -o
Note: If you're already sharing a project, and try to share another project simultaneously, the new cmd window may open for a split second and then close. This is due to ngrok failing silently, and won't output any error messages. To output the errors, pass the --debug flag to the command. This will cause ngrok to try to run in the current terminal instead of a new window, thus sending the error messages.
auth | set-ngrok-token [authtoken] Set the ngrok authtoken.

auth is a command alias.

$ valet set-ngrok-token 123abc
$ valet auth 123abc
Authtoken saved to configuration file: C:/Users/Username/.config/valet/ngrok/ngrok.yml

Before sharing a site with ngrok, you must first set the authtoken, which can be accessed in your ngrok account.

This command is the same as the Mac version.

url | fetch-share-url          Get and copy the public URL of the current working directory site that is currently being shared
                       [site]  Optionally, specify a site

url is a command alias.

Once sharing a site with valet share, you can get the public URL using this command in a separate terminal. The URL will be outputted to the terminal and will also be copied to the clipboard for ease of use.

$ cd /d/sites/site1
$ valet fetch-share-url
The public URL for site1 is [ngrok public URL]
It has been copied to your clipboard.

$ valet fetch-share-url site1
$ valet url site1
The public URL for site1 is [ngrok public URL]
It has been copied to your clipboard.

This command is the same as the Mac version.

ngrok [commands] Run ngrok commands
      [-o|--options] Specify ngrok options/flags.

Because ngrok CLI has a multitude of commands and options, the valet ngrok command is very useful for passing through any and all commands to ngrok.

ngrok commands

The commands argument is a space-separated array of the commands plus it's argument's values.

$ valet ngrok config add-authtoken 123abc
ngrok --options

The --options (shortcut -o) [optional] can be used to pass options/flags to ngrok. It is a string, but multiple options can be specified. Please see the important notes about this option.

$ valet ngrok config add-authtoken 123abc --options config=C:/path/ngrok.yml//log=false
$ valet ngrok config add-authtoken 123abc -o config=C:/path/ngrok.yml//log=false

Other commands

tld         Get the TLD currently being used by Valet
     [tld]  Optionally, set a new TLD

tld gets the current Top Level Domain (TLD) that Valet is using.

$ valet tld

When developing, you may like to use a different TLD. Valet serves sites on the default .test TLD, but you can also set a different one with this command, just pass the new TLD as it's argument.

$ valet tld code
Your Valet TLD has been updated to [code].

It's important to note, when choosing a TLD, you need to be careful not to use one that could potentially be used on the Web. If your site name and TLD match a real web address, then the browser will resolve the request and redirect it to the real website instead of Valet resolving it to your local project.

Example: Your local Roots Bedrock site on will redirect to the Minecraft Bedrock website.

Generally, the special-use domains listed on Wikipedia, and any unique custom ones like .code, are all good to use as they are invalid TLDs.

This command is the same as the Mac version. Note: the Mac version has officially discontinued it's use; whereas Valet Windows 3 won't.

which  Determine which Valet driver the current working directory is using
$ cd /d/sites/site1
$ valet which
This site is served by [BasicValetDriver].

This command is the same as the Mac version.

paths  List all of the paths registered with Valet

paths allows you to view all registered paths. The default path is .config/valet/Sites, any others are added via the park command.

$ valet paths
β”‚ Paths                                 β”‚
β”‚ C:/Users/Username/.config/valet/Sites β”‚
β”‚ D:/Sites                              β”‚

This command is the same as the Mac version.

open          Open the current working directory site in the browser
      [site]  Optionally, specify a site
$ cd /d/sites/site1
$ valet open

$ valet open site1

This command is the same as the Mac version.

latest | on-latest-version  Determine if this is the latest version/release of Valet

latest is a command alias.

$ valet on-latest-version
$ valet latest

on-latest-version determines whether the installed version of Valet is the latest. If not, then Valet will prompt you to update.

This command is the same as the Mac version.

log                 View and follow a log file
     [key]          The name of the log
     [-l|--lines]   The number of lines to view
     [-f|--follow]  Follow real time streaming output of the changing file
$ valet log nginx --lines=3 --follow
$ valet log nginx -l 3 -f

log allows you to view the logs which are written by Valet's services. To view a list of logs, simply run valet log.

$ valet log
β”‚ Key                   β”‚ File                                                          β”‚
β”‚ nginx                 β”‚ C:/Users/Username/.config/valet/Log/nginx-error.log           β”‚
β”‚ nginxservice.err      β”‚ C:/Users/Username/.config/valet/Log/nginxservice.err.log      β”‚
β”‚ nginxservice.out      β”‚ C:/Users/Username/.config/valet/Log/nginxservice.out.log      β”‚
β”‚ nginxservice.wrapper  β”‚ C:/Users/Username/.config/valet/Log/nginxservice.wrapper.log  β”‚
β”‚ phpcgiservice.err     β”‚ C:/Users/Username/.config/valet/Log/phpcgiservice.err.log     β”‚
β”‚ phpcgiservice.out     β”‚ C:/Users/Username/.config/valet/Log/phpcgiservice.out.log     β”‚
β”‚ phpcgiservice.wrapper β”‚ C:/Users/Username/.config/valet/Log/phpcgiservice.wrapper.log β”‚

The key is required in order to view a log. It can be found from the list of logs.


The --lines (shortcut -l) option changes the number of lines to view from the log.

$ valet log nginx --lines=3
$ valet log nginx -l 3

The --follow (shortcut -f) option can be used to follow real time streaming output of the changing file.

$ valet log nginx --follow
$ valet log nginx -f
Note: --follow is set to stream output "forever" (though one can never be too sure if it actually is forever). To stop the output stream, you need to press ctrl+C.

This command is the same as the Mac version.

services  List the installed Valet services
$ valet services
Checking the Valet services...
| Service           | Windows Name                   | Status        |
| acrylic           | AcrylicDNSProxySvc             | running       |
| nginx             | valet_nginx                    | running       |
| php 8.1.8         | valet_php8.1.8cgi-9001         | running       |
| php 7.4.33        | valet_php7.4.33cgi-9002        | running       |
| php-xdebug 8.1.8  | valet_php8.1.8cgi_xdebug-9101  | not installed |
| php-xdebug 7.4.33 | valet_php7.4.33cgi_xdebug-9102 | running       |
directory-listing            Determine directory-listing behaviour. Default is off, which means a 404 will display
                   [status]  Optionally, switch directory listing [on, off]
$ valet directory-listing
Directory listing is off

$ valet directory-listing on
Directory listing setting is now: on

This command is the same as the Mac version.

diagnose                Output diagnostics to aid in debugging Valet.
          [-p|--print]  Optionally print diagnostics output while running
          [--plain]     Optionally print and format output as plain text (aka, pretty print)
$ valet diagnose
Running diagnostics...
[Diagnostics output here]

The diagnostics will be copied to the clipboard as formatted HTML for easy issue reporting.

This command is the same as the Mac version.

parity  Output the calculation of the percentage of parity completion against Laravel Valet (macOS) of a specific version.
$ valet parity
Out of a total 39 commands, 36 are possible for parity, with 34 complete, and 11 brand new commands.
Parity at 87% out of a total 92% possible parity with the Laravel Valet (macOS) v4.3.0

This command is a way to determine how much parity has been achieved.

Notes for all --options

These are important notes for the commands that have the --options or --valetOptions.

  • The --options, --valetOptions (shortcut -o) options can be used to pass options/flags to the service related to that command.

    Just pass the option name without the -- prefix eg. --options=config=C:/path/ngrok.yml (example for the ngrok command). This is so that Valet doesn't get confused with it's own options.

    All options/flags that are passed will be prefixed with -- after Valet has processed the command, unless it's a shortcut of a single character, then it will be prefixed with -. The example above will run as --config=C:/path/ngrok.yml.

  • The = immediately after the command option is optional, if it's omitted, you must use a space instead.

    --options option1
    --valetOptions option1
  • The options also have -o shortcuts and it cannot have the = character, it must use a space for separation.

    -o option1

    This falls inline with Symfony's docs and complies with command-line standards.

    Note that to comply with the docopt standard, long options can specify their values after a whitespace or an = sign (e.g. --iterations 5 or --iterations=5), but short options can only use whitespaces or no separation at all (e.g. -i 5 or -i5).
  • The options also allows multiple options to be passed, they just need to be separated with double slashes //.

    --options option1//option2//option3
    -o option1//option2//option3

Command Parity Checker

Commands that have been tested and made parity:

  • composer - not applicable
  • diagnose
  • directory-listing
  • fetch-share-url
  • forget
  • install
  • isolate
  • isolated
  • link
  • links
  • log
  • loopback - not applicable
  • on-latest-version
  • open
  • park
  • parked
  • paths
  • php (proxying commands to PHP CLI) - Possible far future feature?
  • proxies
  • proxy
  • restart
  • secure
  • secured
  • set-ngrok-token
  • share
  • share-tool - Next feature drop
  • start
  • status - renamed to services
  • stop
  • tld
  • trust - not applicable
  • uninstall
  • unisolate
  • unlink
  • unproxy
  • unsecure
  • use
  • which
  • which-php - renamed to php:which

To see a calculation of how much parity has been achieved, see the parity command.

Deprecations and Removals

Deprecated Since Version Will be Removed in Version Removed?

The install command confirmation question about uninstalling the outdated cretueusebiu package.

Doesn't affect valet functionality.

3.1.0 3.2.0 βœ—

Known Issues

  • WSL2 distros fail because of Acrylic DNS Proxy (microsoft/wsl#4929). Use valet stop, start WSL2 then valet start.

  • The PHP-CGI process uses port 9001. If it's already used change it in ~/.config/valet/config.json and run valet install again.

  • When sharing sites the url will not be copied to the clipboard.

  • You must run the valet commands from the drive where Valet is installed, except for park and link. See #12. All commands seem to work fine on all drives.

  • If your machine is not connected to the internet you'll have to manually add the domains in your hosts file or you can install the Microsoft Loopback Adapter as this simulates an active local network interface that Valet can bind too.

  • When trying to run Valet on PHP 7.4 and you get this error:

    Composer detected issues in your platform:

    Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 8.1.0". You are running 7.4.33.

    PHP Fatal error: Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 8.1.0". You are running 7.4.33. in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\composer\platform_check.php on line 24

    It means that a dependency of Valet's dependencies requires 8.1. You can rectify this error by running composer global update while on 7.4, and composer will downgrade any global dependencies to versions that will work on 7.4. See this Stack Overflow answer.

    NOTE #1: This will of course downgrade all global packages. Depending on the packages, it may break some things. If you just want to downgrade valet dependencies, then you can specify the Valet namespace. composer global update ycodetech/valet-windows.
    NOTE #2: It's recommended to use PHP 8.1 anyway, downgrading will mean some things may break or cause visual glitches in the terminal output. So downgrade at your own risk.
    Note #3: Make sure you uninstall Valet before composer global update, to make sure all services have been stopped and uninstalled before composer removes and updates them.
  • If you're using a framework that uses a .env file and sets the domain name, such as WP_HOME for Laravel Bedrock, then make sure the TLD is the same as the one set for Valet. Otherwise, when trying to reach a site, the site will auto redirect to use the TLD in set in the .env.

    Example: WP_HOME='http://mySite.test', Valet gets a request to, the site will auto redirect to http://mySite.test.

    If this still happens after changing the TLD, then it has been cached by the browser, despite NGINX specifying headers not to cache. To rectify try "Empty cache and hard reload" option of the page reload button.

  • On rare occasions, you may encounter a WMI error:

    FATAL - WMI Operation failure: InvalidServiceControl
    WMI.WmiException: InvalidServiceControl
    Β Β Β Β Β at WMI.WmiRoot.BaseHandler.CheckError(ManagementBaseObject result)
    Β Β Β Β Β at WMI.WmiRoot.InstanceHandler.Invoke(Object proxy, MethodInfo method, Object[] arguments)
    Β Β Β Β Β at WinSW.Program.<Run>gStop|2_3(<>cDisplayClass2_0& )
    Β Β Β Β Β at WinSW.Program.Run(String[] argsArray, IWinSWConfiguration descriptor)
    Β Β Β Β Β at WinSW.Program.Main(String[] args)

    While using valet use, the error may have been caused by Valet trying to stop the nginx service twice, of which this commit tries to fix. Though it's difficult to debug an error that only occurs 1% of the time, with it being useless in terms of information when it does.

    If the WMI error does occur, try running the command again. If different WMI errors occur, please submit an issue with all relevant details.

Xdebug Installation

Valet only installs a specific Xdebug PHP CGI service on a separate port to work alongside the PHP service. To install Xdebug itself, follow the official guide.

When configuring Xdebug, make sure to set the Xdebug port to the same port that Valet has setup for the Xdebug CGI service. You can find this written in the Valet config, or use the php:list command.

To enable a debugging session you can use Xdebug helper, or set a cookie with the name XDEBUG_SESSION, or a VScode extension.

Dev comment: I'm not entirely sure how Xdebug works. So please refer to online guides for further guidance.


Taylor Otwell, et al - Laravel Valet

Cretueusebiu - Valet Windows port

Iamroi - Valet Windows: Feature PR for multiple PHP support

Damsfx - Valet Windows: Patch 1 PR on Iamroi's repo to add PHP versions to links command

yCodeTech - Laravel Valet Windows 3

Hemant-kr-meena - various PRs


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Laravel Valet is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


No releases published


No packages published


  • PHP 50.7%
  • Vim Script 31.6%
  • PowerShell 14.2%
  • HTML 2.8%
  • Perl 0.5%
  • Shell 0.2%