bamboo is an application that systematizes realtime data analysis. bamboo provides an interface for merging, aggregating and adding algebraic calculations to dynamic datasets. Clients can interact with bamboo through a a REST web interface and through Python.
bamboo supports a simple querying language to build calculations (e.g. student teacher ratio) and aggregations (e.g. average number of students per district) from datasets. These are updated as new data is received.
bamboo is open source software released under the 3-clause BSD license, which is also known as the "Modified BSD License".
- python (tested on version 2.7)
- mongodb
on Arch Linux: # pacman -S blas lapack gcc-fortran
on Debian based: # apt-get install gfortran libatlas-base-dev
$ pip install bamboo-data
import bamboo as bm
from import create_dataset_from_url
bf = bm.BambooFrame([{'date': '2012-12-21'}])
bff = bf.recognize_dates()
>>> '[{"date": {"$date": 1356048000000}}]'
# Turn asyncronous processing off
url = ''
dataset = create_dataset_from_url(url)
>>> {u'_gps_altitude': {u'cardinality': 14, u'label': u'_gps_altitude', ...
$ ./scripts/
start mongodb on localhost and standard port
$ python ./scripts/
start mongodb on localhost and standard port
- create a user named 'bamboo', with home directory
- create a virtualenv using virtualenvwrapper called 'bamboo'
- place the bamboo root directory in
start the daemon using:
$ /var/www/bamboo/current/scripts/ start
stop the daemon using:
$ /var/www/bamboo/current/scripts/ stop
running the example basic commands
$ ./scripts/
using bamboo.JS
var dataset = new bamboo.Dataset({url: ''});
using pybamboo
from pybamboo import PyBamboo
pybamboo = PyBamboo()
response = pybamboo.store_csv_file('')
dataset_id = response['id']
posting a dataset
$ curl -X POST -d "url="
start the bamboo server as above, then
run the example basic commands
$ ./scripts/ -l
make requests to your local server
$ curl -X POST -d "url=" http://localhost:8080/datasets
install nose testing requirements
$ pip install -r requirements-test.pip
run tests
$ cd bamboo
$ ../scripts/
or run the profiler
$ cd bamboo
$ ../scripts/ -p
The latest docs are available at
Install graphviz for class structure diagrams:
on Arch Linux: # pacman -S graphviz
on Debian based: # apt-get install graphviz
$ pip install -r requirements-docs.pip
$ cd docs
$ make html
To work on the code:
- fork this github project
- add tests for your new feature
- add the code for your new feature
- ensure it is pep8
$ pip install pep8
$ pep8 bamboo
- ensure all existing tests and your new tests are passing
$ cd bamboo
$ ../scripts/
- submit a pull request
Join the bamboo-dev mailing list.
bamboo is an open source project. The project features, in chronological order, the combined efforts of
- Peter Lubell-Doughtie
- Mark Johnston
and other developers.
Is your project using bamboo? Let us know!