You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 19
Novation SL Mk3
Benjamin Klum edited this page Dec 18, 2024
2 revisions
- Support
The screens of this device are extremely flexible. That’s why I decided to not add built-in support but provide a Lua script for ReaLearn’s MIDI script source.
You can adjust this script to your needs. It allows you to leverage all the possibilities this keyboard gives you in terms of screen and LED control. Watch this video to get an idea of what you can do with it.
Put the SL MkIII into InControl mode by pressing the corresponding button on the keyboard!
Use the MIDI output "SL MkIII InControl" and add a mapping with a Lua "MIDI script" source!
See Video!
Import the following text:
-- ## Constants ##
function color(hex)
hex = hex:gsub("#", "")
return {
r = tonumber("0x" .. hex:sub(1, 2)),
g = tonumber("0x" .. hex:sub(3, 4)),
b = tonumber("0x" .. hex:sub(5, 6)),
-- Palette
local black = color("#000000")
local white = color("#ffffff")
local palette = {
-- Browser colors
local browse_dbs_color = palette[1]
local browse_products_color = palette[2]
local browse_types_color = palette[3]
local browse_characters_color = palette[4]
local browse_presets_color = palette[5]
-- Action colors
local filter_action_color = white
local preview_action_color = palette[6]
local load_action_color = palette[7]
-- Macro colors
local macro_colors = palette
-- Targets
local load_preset_target = {
kind = "LoadPotPreset",
fx = {
address = "Instance"
-- More
local reusable_lua_code = [[
-- ## Constants ##
local column_knob_address_offset = 5000
local led_address_offset = 10000
local black = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0 }
local white = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 }
-- ## Functions ##
function to_ascii(text)
local bytes = {}
if text ~= nil then
for i = 1, string.len(text) do
local byte = string.byte(text, i)
if byte < 128 then
table.insert(bytes, byte)
-- Null terminator
table.insert(bytes, 0)
return bytes
function concat_table(t1, t2)
for i = 1, #t2 do
t1[#t1 + 1] = t2[i]
function create_msg(content)
-- SysEx Header
local msg = {
0xf0, 0x00, 0x20, 0x29, 0x02, 0x0a, 0x01,
-- Content
concat_table(msg, content)
-- End of SysEx
table.insert(msg, 0xf7)
return msg
--- Creates a message for changing the layout.
--- @param layout_index number layout index (0 = empty, 1 = knob, 2 = box)
function create_screen_layout_msg(layout_index)
return create_msg({ 0x01, layout_index })
--- Creates a message for displaying a notification on the center screen.
--- @param line1 string first line of text
--- @param line2 string second line of text
function create_notification_text_msg(line1, line2)
local content = { 0x04 }
concat_table(content, to_ascii(line1))
concat_table(content, to_ascii(line2))
return create_msg(content)
--- Creates a message for changing multiple screen properties.
--- @param changes table list of property changes
function create_screen_props_msg(changes)
local content = { 0x02 }
for i = 1, #changes do
if changes[i] ~= nil then
concat_table(content, changes[i])
return create_msg(content)
--- Creates a text property change.
--- @param column_index number in which column to display the text
--- @param object_index number in which location to display the text
--- @param text string the actual text
function create_text_prop_change(column_index, object_index, text)
local change = {
-- Column Index
-- Property Type "Text"
-- Object Index
concat_table(change, to_ascii(text))
return change
--- Creates a value property change.
--- If it's about setting the knob value, it's usually more intuitive to not
--- do this via script but by enabling feedback on the corresponding encoder
--- mappings, then you need just one mapping for both control and feedback.
--- @param column_index number in which column to change the value
--- @param object_index number the kind of value to change (see programmer's guide)
--- @param value number the value
function create_value_prop_change(column_index, object_index, value)
return {
-- Column Index
-- Property Type "Value"
-- Object Index
-- Color bytes
--- Creates an RGB color property change.
--- If the given color is `nil`, this function returns `nil`.
--- @param column_index number in which column to change the color
--- @param object_index number in which location to change the color
--- @param color table the RGB color (table with properties r, g and b)
function create_rgb_color_prop_change(column_index, object_index, color)
if color == null then
return nil
return {
-- Column Index
-- Property Type "RGB color"
-- Object Index
-- Color bytes
math.floor(color.r / 2),
math.floor(color.g / 2),
math.floor(color.b / 2),
--- Creates a message for changing the state of an LED.
--- Passing a `nil` color will make the LED go off.
--- @param led_index number which LED to talk to
--- @param led_behavior number LED behavior (1 = solid, 2 = flashing with previously set solid color, 3 = pulsating)
--- @param color table the RGB color (table with properties r, g and b)
function create_led_msg(led_index, led_behavior, color)
if color == nil then
color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0 }
return create_msg({
math.floor(color.r / 2),
math.floor(color.g / 2),
math.floor(color.b / 2),
function create_left_right_animation(global_millis, max_char_count, frame_length, text)
if text == nil then
return nil
if #text > max_char_count then
local frame_count = #text - max_char_count
local frame_index = math.floor(global_millis / frame_length) % (frame_count * 2)
local text_offset
if frame_index < frame_count then
text_offset = frame_index
local distance = frame_index - frame_count
text_offset = frame_count - distance
return text:sub(text_offset + 1, text_offset + max_char_count)
return text
-- ## Code ##
-- ## Functions ##
-- https://stackoverflow.com/a/6081639
function serialize_internal(val, name, skipnewlines, depth)
skipnewlines = skipnewlines or false
depth = depth or 0
local tmp = string.rep(" ", depth)
if name then
tmp = tmp .. "[" .. serialize(name) .. "]" .. " = "
if type(val) == "table" then
tmp = tmp .. "{" .. (not skipnewlines and "\n" or "")
for k, v in pairs(val) do
tmp = tmp .. serialize_internal(v, k, skipnewlines, depth + 1) .. "," .. (not skipnewlines and "\n" or "")
tmp = tmp .. string.rep(" ", depth) .. "}"
elseif type(val) == "number" then
tmp = tmp .. tostring(val)
elseif type(val) == "string" then
tmp = tmp .. string.format("%q", val)
elseif type(val) == "boolean" then
tmp = tmp .. (val and "true" or "false")
tmp = tmp .. "\"[inserializeable datatype:" .. type(val) .. "]\""
return tmp
function serialize(val)
if val == nil then
return "nil"
return serialize_internal(val, nil, true, nil)
function concat_table(t1, t2)
for i = 1, #t2 do
t1[#t1 + 1] = t2[i]
function create_browse_mappings(title, column, color, action, secondary_prop_key, target)
local human_column = column + 1
local color_string = serialize(color)
local mappings = {
name = "Encoder " .. human_column .. " - " .. title,
feedback_enabled = false,
group = "browse-columns",
source = {
kind = "MidiControlChangeValue",
channel = 15,
controller_number = 21 + column,
character = "Relative1",
fourteen_bit = false,
glue = {
step_factor_interval = { -10, 5 },
wrap = false,
target = target,
name = "Screen " .. human_column .. " - Browse products",
control_enabled = false,
group = "browse-columns",
source = {
kind = "MidiScript",
script_kind = "lua",
script = reusable_lua_code .. [[
local column = ]] .. column .. [[
local action = ]] .. serialize(action) .. [[
local available = y and y.available or false
local label = available and y.label or ""
local name_1 = available and string.sub(y.name, 1, 9) or ""
local name_2 = available and string.sub(y.name, 10, 18) or ""
local name_3 = available and string.sub(y.name, 19, 27) or ""
local progress = (available and y.index and y.count) and ("" .. (y.index + 1) .. "/" .. y.count) or ""
local secondary_prop = available and y.secondary_prop or ""
local color = available and (context.feedback_event.color or white) or black
local action_name = available and action and action.name or nil
local action_color = available and (action and action.color or nil) or black
return {
address = column,
messages = {
-- Header
create_rgb_color_prop_change(column, 0, color),
create_value_prop_change(column, 0, 1),
create_text_prop_change(column, 0, label),
create_text_prop_change(column, 1, progress),
-- Content
create_text_prop_change(column, 2, name_1),
create_text_prop_change(column, 3, name_2),
-- Footer
create_rgb_color_prop_change(column, 2, action_color),
create_value_prop_change(column, 2, 0),
create_text_prop_change(column, 4, ""),
create_text_prop_change(column, 5, action_name or secondary_prop),
glue = {
feedback = {
kind = "Dynamic",
script = [[
local index = context.prop("target.discrete_value")
local count = context.prop("target.discrete_value_count")
local name = context.prop("target.text_value") or "-"
local secondary_prop_key = ]] .. serialize(secondary_prop_key) .. [[
local secondary_prop_value = secondary_prop_key and context.prop(secondary_prop_key) or ""
local available = context.prop("target.available")
return {
feedback_event = {
color = ]] .. color_string .. [[,
value = {
label = "]] .. title .. [[",
name = name,
secondary_prop = secondary_prop_value,
available = available,
index = index,
count = count,
target = target,
if action ~= nil then
local button_filter
local absolute_mode = "Normal"
if action.control_kind == "trigger" then
button_filter = "PressOnly"
elseif action.control_kind == "toggle" then
absolute_mode = "ToggleButton"
local control_action_mapping = {
name = action.name .. " (control)",
group = "browse-actions",
feedback_enabled = false,
source = {
kind = "MidiControlChangeValue",
channel = 15,
controller_number = 51 + column,
character = "Button",
fourteen_bit = false,
glue = {
absolute_mode = absolute_mode,
button_filter = button_filter,
target = action.target,
local feedback_action_mapping
if action.control_kind == "trigger" then
feedback_action_mapping = {
name = action.name .. " (feedback)",
group = "browse-actions",
control_enabled = false,
source = {
kind = "MidiScript",
script_kind = "lua",
script = reusable_lua_code .. [[
local column = ]] .. column .. [[
local color = (y and y.available) and ]] .. serialize(action.color) .. [[ or nil
local led_index = 4 + column
return {
address = led_address_offset + led_index,
messages = {
create_led_msg(led_index, 1, color),
glue = {
feedback = {
kind = "Dynamic",
script = [[
local available = context.prop("target.available")
return {
feedback_event = {
value = {
available = available,
target = action.target,
feedback_action_mapping = {
name = action.name .. " (feedback)",
group = "browse-actions",
control_enabled = false,
source = {
kind = "MidiScript",
script_kind = "lua",
script = reusable_lua_code .. [[
local column = ]] .. column .. [[
local color = (y and y ~= 0) and ]] .. serialize(action.color) .. [[ or nil
local led_index = 4 + column
return {
address = led_address_offset + led_index,
messages = {
create_led_msg(led_index, 1, color),
target = action.target,
table.insert(mappings, control_action_mapping)
table.insert(mappings, feedback_action_mapping)
return mappings
-- ## Code ##
local parameters = {
index = 0,
name = "Mode",
value_count = 10,
index = 1,
name = "Macro bank",
value_count = 100,
local browse_mode_condition = {
kind = "Bank",
parameter = 0,
bank_index = 0,
local macro_mode_condition = {
kind = "Bank",
parameter = 0,
bank_index = 1,
local groups = {
id = "modes",
name = "Modes",
id = "macro-banks",
name = "Macro banks",
activation_condition = macro_mode_condition,
id = "macro-parameters",
name = "Macro parameters",
activation_condition = macro_mode_condition,
id = "macro-resolved-parameters",
name = "Macro resolved parameters",
activation_condition = macro_mode_condition,
id = "browse-columns",
name = "Browse columns",
activation_condition = browse_mode_condition,
id = "browse-actions",
name = "Browse actions",
activation_condition = browse_mode_condition,
id = "manual",
name = "Manual",
local turbo_mode = {
kind = "AfterTimeoutKeepFiring",
timeout = 0,
rate = 150,
local mappings = {
name = "Mode switch",
group = "modes",
source = {
kind = "MidiControlChangeValue",
channel = 15,
controller_number = 90,
character = "Button",
fourteen_bit = false,
glue = {
absolute_mode = "IncrementalButton",
source_interval = { 0.16, 1 },
target_interval = { 0, 0.1111111111111111 },
wrap = true,
step_size_interval = { 0.1111111111111111, 0.1111111111111111 },
target = {
kind = "FxParameterValue",
parameter = {
address = "ById",
index = 0,
name = "Init macro mode",
control_enabled = false,
group = "modes",
activation_condition = macro_mode_condition,
source = {
kind = "MidiScript",
script_kind = "lua",
script = reusable_lua_code .. [[
return {
address = 1000,
messages = {
} ]],
target = {
kind = "Dummy",
}, {
name = "Init browse mode",
control_enabled = false,
group = "modes",
activation_condition = browse_mode_condition,
source = {
kind = "MidiScript",
script_kind = "lua",
script = reusable_lua_code .. [[
return {
address = 1000,
messages = {
} ]],
target = {
kind = "Dummy",
name = "Preset info",
group = "modes",
control_enabled = false,
source = {
kind = "MidiScript",
script_kind = "lua",
script = reusable_lua_code .. [[
local column = 8
local preset_name = y and y.preset_name or ""
local max_char_count = 9
local frame_length = 150
local preset_name_animation = y and create_left_right_animation(y.millis, max_char_count, frame_length, y.preset_name) or ""
local product_name_animation = y and create_left_right_animation(y.millis, max_char_count, frame_length, y.product_name) or ""
return {
address = column,
messages = {
create_text_prop_change(column, 0, preset_name_animation),
create_text_prop_change(column, 1, product_name_animation),
} ]],
glue = {
feedback = {
kind = "Dynamic",
script = [[
local millis = context.prop("global.realearn.time")
local preset_name = context.prop("target.preset.name")
local product_name = context.prop("target.preset.product.name")
return {
feedback_event = {
value = {
preset_name = preset_name,
product_name = product_name,
millis = millis,
target = load_preset_target,
name = "Set instance FX",
group = "manual",
feedback_enabled = false,
glue = {
step_size_interval = { 0.01, 0.05 },
step_factor_interval = { 1, 5 },
target = {
kind = "Fx",
fx = {
address = "ByIndex",
chain = {
address = "Track",
track = {
address = "ById",
id = "8C6F9DDC-A5E4-DC49-80E7-C79A373FA51B",
index = 0,
action = "SetAsInstanceFx",
name = "Up - Previous macro bank",
group = "macro-banks",
feedback_enabled = false,
source = {
kind = "MidiControlChangeValue",
channel = 15,
controller_number = 81,
character = "Button",
fourteen_bit = false,
glue = {
absolute_mode = "IncrementalButton",
reverse = true,
step_size_interval = { 0.010101010101010102, 0.010101010101010102 },
fire_mode = turbo_mode,
target = {
kind = "FxParameterValue",
parameter = {
address = "ById",
index = 1,
name = "Up LED - Previous macro bank",
group = "macro-banks",
control_enabled = false,
source = {
kind = "MidiControlChangeValue",
channel = 15,
controller_number = 81,
character = "Button",
fourteen_bit = false,
glue = {
source_interval = { 0, 0.94 },
target_interval = { 0, 0.010101010101010102 },
step_size_interval = { 0.010101010101010102, 0.010101010101010102 },
target = {
kind = "FxParameterValue",
parameter = {
address = "ById",
index = 1,
name = "Down - Next macro bank",
group = "macro-banks",
feedback_enabled = false,
source = {
kind = "MidiControlChangeValue",
channel = 15,
controller_number = 82,
character = "Button",
fourteen_bit = false,
glue = {
absolute_mode = "IncrementalButton",
step_size_interval = { 0.010101010101010102, 0.010101010101010102 },
fire_mode = turbo_mode,
target = {
kind = "FxParameterValue",
parameter = {
address = "ById",
index = 1,
name = "Macro bank display",
group = "macro-banks",
control_enable = false,
source = {
kind = "MidiScript",
script_kind = "lua",
script = reusable_lua_code .. [[
local column = 8
return {
address = column + 1,
messages = {
create_text_prop_change(column, 2, y),
} ]],
glue = {
feedback = {
kind = "Dynamic",
script = [[
local bank = context.prop("target.text_value")
return {
feedback_event = {
value = "Bank: " .. (bank + 1)
target = {
kind = "FxParameterValue",
parameter = {
address = "ById",
index = 1,
-- One browser per column
local favorite_filter_action = {
name = "Favorite",
color = filter_action_color,
control_kind = "toggle",
target = {
kind = "BrowsePotFilterItems",
item_kind = "IsFavorite",
local available_filter_action = {
name = "Available",
color = filter_action_color,
control_kind = "toggle",
target = {
kind = "BrowsePotFilterItems",
item_kind = "IsAvailable",
local supported_filter_action = {
name = "Supported",
color = filter_action_color,
control_kind = "toggle",
target = {
kind = "BrowsePotFilterItems",
item_kind = "IsSupported",
local user_filter_action = {
name = "User",
color = filter_action_color,
control_kind = "toggle",
target = {
kind = "BrowsePotFilterItems",
item_kind = "IsUser",
local preview_action = {
name = "Preview",
color = preview_action_color,
control_kind = "trigger",
target = {
kind = "PreviewPotPreset",
local load_action = {
name = "Load",
color = load_action_color,
control_kind = "trigger",
target = load_preset_target
create_browse_mappings("Database", 0, browse_dbs_color, available_filter_action, nil, {
kind = "BrowsePotFilterItems",
item_kind = "Database",
create_browse_mappings("Kind", 1, browse_dbs_color, supported_filter_action, nil, {
kind = "BrowsePotFilterItems",
item_kind = "ProductKind",
create_browse_mappings("Product", 2, browse_products_color, favorite_filter_action, nil, {
kind = "BrowsePotFilterItems",
item_kind = "Bank",
create_browse_mappings("Bank", 3, browse_products_color, user_filter_action, nil, {
kind = "BrowsePotFilterItems",
item_kind = "SubBank",
create_browse_mappings("Type", 4, browse_types_color, preview_action, nil, {
kind = "BrowsePotFilterItems",
item_kind = "Category",
create_browse_mappings("Sub type", 5, browse_types_color, load_action, nil, {
kind = "BrowsePotFilterItems",
item_kind = "SubCategory",
create_browse_mappings("Character", 6, browse_characters_color, nil, nil, {
kind = "BrowsePotFilterItems",
item_kind = "Mode",
create_browse_mappings("Preset", 7, browse_presets_color, nil, "target.preset.product.name", {
kind = "BrowsePotPresets",
-- One macro parameter per column
for i = 0, 7 do
local human_i = i + 1
local param_expression = "mapped_fx_parameter_indexes[p[1] * 8 + " .. i .. "]"
local param_value_control_mapping = {
name = "Encoder " .. human_i .. ": Macro control " .. human_i,
group = "macro-parameters",
feedback_enabled = false,
source = {
kind = "MidiControlChangeValue",
channel = 15,
controller_number = 21 + i,
character = "Relative1",
fourteen_bit = false,
glue = {
step_size_interval = { 0.01, 0.05 },
step_factor_interval = { 1, 5 },
target = {
kind = "FxParameterValue",
parameter = {
address = "Dynamic",
fx = {
address = "Instance",
expression = param_expression,
local param_screen_mapping = {
name = "Screen " .. human_i,
group = "macro-parameters",
control_enabled = false,
source = {
kind = "MidiScript",
script_kind = "lua",
script = reusable_lua_code .. [[
local column = ]] .. i .. [[
local color = y and (context.feedback_event.color or white) or black
local section_name = y and y.section_name or ""
local macro_name = y and y.macro_name or ""
local normalized_param_value = y and y.param_value or 0.0
local midi_param_value = math.floor(normalized_param_value * 127)
local param_name = y and y.param_name or ""
local param_value_label = y and y.param_value_label or ""
return {
address = column,
messages = {
create_rgb_color_prop_change(column, 0, color),
create_text_prop_change(column, 0, section_name),
create_text_prop_change(column, 1, macro_name),
-- Make the knob visible (by making it white)
create_rgb_color_prop_change(column, 1, color),
-- Rotate the knob so it reflects the parameter value
create_value_prop_change(column, 0, midi_param_value),
create_text_prop_change(column, 2, param_value_label),
create_text_prop_change(column, 3, param_name),
} ]],
glue = {
feedback = {
kind = "Dynamic",
script = [[
local macro_colors = ]] .. serialize(macro_colors) .. [[
local section_index = context.prop("target.fx_parameter.macro.section.index")
local color = section_index and macro_colors[section_index + 1] or nil
return {
feedback_event = {
color = color,
value = {
section_name = context.prop("target.fx_parameter.macro.new_section.name"),
macro_name = context.prop("target.fx_parameter.macro.name"),
param_value = context.prop("y"),
param_value_label = context.prop("target.text_value"),
param_name = context.prop("target.fx_parameter.name"),
target = {
kind = "FxParameterValue",
parameter = {
address = "Dynamic",
fx = {
address = "Instance",
expression = param_expression,
table.insert(mappings, param_value_control_mapping)
table.insert(mappings, param_screen_mapping)
return {
kind = "MainCompartment",
version = "2.15.0",
value = {
parameters = parameters,
groups = groups,
mappings = mappings,
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