General: #1304 Added support for automatically sending errors to developer
General: #1304 Added possibility to flexibly configure error reporting (automatic sending and console logging)
General: #1362 Added about screens to plug-in and app
ReaLearn: #1365 Added possibility to control FX parameters in real-time under certain conditions (see docs )
ReaLearn: #1363 Improved controller list in Wiki (it should be much easier now to contribute and use unofficial presets)
ReaLearn: #1366 Fixed laggy target "Track: Set automation touch state"
ReaLearn: #1364 Fixed BorrowError when learning source while target menu open
ReaLearn: #1361 Removed all presets from ReaPack (they are now replaced by factory or unofficial presets, see controller list )
Playtime: #1360 Added experimental support for APC mini mk1
Playtime: #1368 Fixed error "Bad state. No element." when adding column while matrix invisible
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