- #840 Added new option "Consider target invocations" to targets "ReaLearn: Modify mapping" and "Global: Last touched", e.g. in order to make it possible to ignore target invocations that were caused by ReaLearn itself
- #840 Improved global target capturing (via ReaLearn REAPER actions) by also adding support for learning transport controls and REAPER action invocations
- #840 Improved UI-triggered target learning (doesn't pick up target touches anymore that are caused by another ReaLearn instance)
- #744 Improved targets "ReaLearn: Modify mapping" and "Global: Last touched" by including all target types by default (otherwise users can have the impressions it doesn't work at all)
- #841 Fixed issues with new REAPER v6.78+ dev builds (was totally broken)
- #835 Fixed glue section user interface inconsistency
- #838 Fixed possible errors with send targets when removing a hardware output send from a track