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Release Manager

Heitor Polidoro edited this page May 20, 2024 · 7 revisions

Manage the Bartholomew Smith features related to Releases, which are:

Release on Commit Command

Create releases using commands in commits message with automatic release notes. The commands are:

  • [release:1.2.3]: Will create a release 1.2.3
  • [release:major]: Will create a release based on the latest release increasing the major value. If the latest release are 1.2.3 will create the release 2.0.0
  • [release:minor]: Will create a release based on the latest release increasing the minor value. If the latest release are 1.2.3 will create the release 1.3.0
  • [release:bugfix] or [release:patch]: Will create a release based on the latest release increasing the bugfix or path value. If the latest release are 1.2.3 will create the release 1.2.4

NOTE: The command of the latest commit will be used

You can disable all the features of Release Manager in .bartholomew-smith.yml file

  enable: false 


Configuration values
enabled true (default), false

Check Info

Check Info

Next features

  • Command to cancel a release [release:dont/no/cancel]
  • Autorelease
    • configuration for:
      • relative version to automatically release
  • Get latest release from file and update it