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A Swift 6 package for working with colors at the pixel level. The PixelColor struct provides utilities for defining, manipulating, and converting colors with red, green, blue, and opacity channels (CGFloat).


  • Color Channels:
    • Work with individual red, green, blue, and opacity channels.
  • Color Conversions:
    • Use hue, saturation, and brightness (HSB) representations.
    • Get a SwiftUI Angle of the hue (.hueAngle).
    • Initialize colors using hex strings with or without opacity.
  • Built-in Colors:
    • System colors like .red, .green, .blue, .orange, .teal, etc.
    • Raw colors for precision: .rawRed, .rawYellow, .rawGreen, etc.
    • Clear "white" color for blending gradients (.clearWhite).
    • Adaptable colors (.primary, .background) that respect light/dark appearance modes.
  • Operators:
    • Arithmetic (+, -, *, /) for blending and scaling colors.
    • Prefix operator ! for inverting colors.
  • Codable, Equatable and Hashable:
    • Serialize, equate and hash colors easily.
  • Sendable:
    • Work with colors concurrently.
  • SwiftUI / UIKit / AppKit Compatibility:
    • Convert PixelColor to and from SwiftUI's Color or platform-specific UIColor/NSColor.
  • Utility Methods:
    • Modify hue, saturation, brightness, and opacity.
    • Generate random colors (.random()) or random fully saturated hues (.randomHue()).
    • Check and identify pure channel colors (.isPureChannel).


Swift Package Manager (SPM)

Add the following dependency to your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "3.0.0")

Then, import PixelColor in your code:

import PixelColor


1. Creating Colors

Using RGB Values

let color = PixelColor(red: 0.5, green: 0.25, blue: 0.75, opacity: 1.0)

Using Hex Strings

let color = PixelColor(hex: "#FF8000") // Orange
let semiTransparentColor = PixelColor(hexWithOpacity: "#FF800080") // 50% transparent orange

Using HSB

let color = PixelColor(hue: 0.5, saturation: 1.0, brightness: 1.0, opacity: 1.0)

2. Modifying Colors

Adjust Hue

let shiftedColor = color.shiftHue(by: .degrees(180))

Adjust Brightness

let brighterColor = color.brighten(by: 1.5)

Adjust Opacity

let semiTransparentColor = color.withOpacity(of: 0.5)

3. Color Conversions

Note that PixelColor does not manage the color space, these functions are just for convenience.

Convert to Linear Space

let linearColor = color.sRGBToLinear()

Convert to sRGB Space

let srgbColor = linearColor.linearToSRGB()

Convert to SwiftUI or Platform Colors

let swiftUIColor: Color = color.color
let uiColor: UIColor = color.uiColor
/// macOS only
let nsColor: NSColor = color.nsColor

4. Operators

Blend Colors

let blendedColor = color1 + color2

Invert a Color

let invertedColor = !color

Scale Color Channels

let scaledColor = color * 0.8

5. Utilities

Generate Random Colors

let randomColor = PixelColor.random()
let randomHueColor = PixelColor.randomHue()

Check Pure Channels

PixelColor.Channel is an enum of the 4 channels.

if color.hasPureChannel {
    print("Pure channel: \(color.pureChannel!)")

A color has a pure channel when one channel is at 1.0 and the other channels are at 0.0.


Adaptable Colors

let primaryColor = PixelColor.primary // White in dark mode, black in light mode
let backgroundColor = PixelColor.background // Opposite of primary

Hex Conversion

let hex = color.hex // "7F3FBF"
let hexWithOpacity = color.hexWithOpacity // "7F3FBFFF"


Feel free to submit pull requests or open issues for improvements and feature requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Developed by Anton Heestand


Codable Color Struct







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