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A Feishu bot designed to send scheduled updates on the latest news and developments in Go and Rust programming languages. It fetches information from various sources to keep you updated with the most recent trends and changes in these technologies.


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Hedon Bot πŸ€–

Hedon Bot is a Feishu bot designed to send scheduled updates on the latest news and developments in Go and Rust programming languages. It fetches information from various channels to keep you updated with the most recent trends and changes in these technologies.

Features 🌟

  • Periodically fetches articles from Golang Weekly and sends updates to designated Feishu groups via the bot.
  • Periodically fetches articles from Go Official Blog and sends updates to designated Feishu groups via the bot.
  • Periodically fetches articles from Rust Official Blog and sends updates to designated Feishu groups via the bot.
  • Periodically fetches articles from Inside Rust Blog and sends updates to designated Feishu groups via the bot.
  • Periodically fetches articles from Redis Official Blog and sends updates to designated Feishu groups via the bot.
  • Uses ChatGPT to summarize the article content.

Used Rss/Atom Feeds

Installation πŸ”§

Follow these steps to install and set up Hedon-Bot:

  1. Install Rust

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
  2. Install Hedon-Bot

    cargo install --git
  3. Configure Hedon-Bot

    Copy the config.template.yml to config.yml and modify it as needed.

  4. Run Hedon-Bot in the background


    Make sure config.yml is in the current directory (command line arguments specifying the configuration file path will be supported later. Please look forward ~)

Configuration (config.yml) βš™οΈ

  • openai_api_key: The api key to invoke OpenAI api (optional), you can get it from
  • openai_host: The OpenAI api host (optional), if your server environment or area does not support access to the openai website, you need to configure it.
  • proxy: The proxy address (optional), used for proxy access to the Open API, if your server environment does not support access to the corresponding website, you need to configure it.
  • redis: Configuration for Redis connection. This project uses Redis's hsetnx to prevent pushing the same article more than once.
  • webhooks: Specify the list of webhooks for various channels. Currently supports the go_weekly, go_blog, rust_blog, inside_rust_blog and redis_official_blog, with support for multiple webhooks per channel.
  • cron_expression: Schedule the frequency of fetching updates for each channel using a cron expression format:
    sec   min   hour   day of month   month   day of week   year
    *     *     *      *              *       *             *
  • once_post_limit: A limit on the number of articles it can push at a time, default is 5.

Core Crates πŸ“š

  • tokio-cron-scheduler: For scheduling tasks in async.
  • quick-xml: XML parsing library.
  • serde_yml: YAML parsing library.
  • serde_json: JSON parsing library.
  • scraper: HTML manipulation library.
  • reqwest: HTTP client.
  • redis: Redis library.
  • tracing: Tracing log.
  • tracing: Provides structured logging and event tracing for Rust applications.
  • tracing_subscriber: Implements log subscribers to handle and format tracing data.
  • tracing_appender: Manages log output destinations, supporting asynchronous logging and log file rotation.

Planned Features πŸš€

  1. Support for more channels of high-quality Go articles.
  2. Extend support to the Rust programming language.

Contributing 🀝

Contributions are welcome! If you're looking to contribute to Hedon-Bot, please follow the steps below to set up your development environment.

Install Rust

Start by installing Rust if you haven't already:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Install Visual Studio Code Plugins

To enhance your development experience, install the following VSCode plugins, you can find all these plugins in hedon-rust-pack in vscode extension market:

  • crates: For Rust package management.
  • Even Better TOML: For enhanced TOML file support.
  • Better Comments: Improves comment visibility.
  • Error Lens: Enhances error highlighting.
  • GitLens: Provides Git superpowers.
  • GitHub Copilot: Offers code suggestions.
  • indent-rainbow: Makes indentation more readable.
  • Prettier - Code formatter: Automates code formatting.
  • REST client: Useful for debugging REST APIs.
  • rust-analyzer: Essential for Rust language support.
  • Rust Test Lens: Adds in-line Rust test running.
  • Rust Test Explorer: Provides a test suite overview.
  • TODO Highlight: Highlights TODOs in your code.
  • vscode-icons: Enhances file explorer with rich icons.
  • YAML: Adds support for YAML files.

Install cargo generate

cargo generate helps you start new projects using templates:

cargo install cargo-generate

This project uses the hedon-rust-road/template template to generate the basic code structure:

cargo generate --git

Install pre-commit

pre-commit is a tool to run checks on your code before committing. It ensures you're not committing anything that doesn't meet the project's coding standards:

pipx install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Install Cargo deny

Cargo deny checks your dependencies for security vulnerabilities, licensing issues, and more:

cargo install --locked cargo-deny

Install typos

typos is a command-line tool to check your code for spelling errors:

cargo install typos-cli

Install git cliff

git cliff generates changelogs based on the history of your Git repository:

cargo install git-cliff

Install cargo nextest

cargo nextest is a modern test runner for Rust that provides better test output and controls:

cargo install cargo-nextest --locked

Making Changes

Once you have your environment set up, you are ready to contribute to Hedon-Bot. Here’s what you need to know about making changes:

  • Fork and clone the repo: Start by forking the repository and then cloning it locally.
  • Install pre-commit: Enter the project root directory and install pre-commit tool by run pre-commit install.
  • Create a branch: Make a branch for your changes. It helps isolate your changes and keeps the main branch free of unstable code.
  • Make your changes: Implement your changes or improvements.
  • Run tests and lint checks: Before submitting your changes, make sure all tests pass and all lint checks are satisfied.
  • Submit a pull request: Push your changes to your fork and then submit a pull request. It will be reviewed as soon as possible.

Thank you for contributing to Hedon-Bot! We look forward to seeing your contributions.


A Feishu bot designed to send scheduled updates on the latest news and developments in Go and Rust programming languages. It fetches information from various sources to keep you updated with the most recent trends and changes in these technologies.







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