A tool similar to dnsperf but written in golang, with extra support of subnet option.
env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build
The usage and output are intended to keep consistent with dnsperf:
Usage: gatling [-m mode] [-s server_addr] [-p port] [-d datafile]
[-c clients] [-n maxruns] [-l timelimit] [-t timeout]
[-Q max_qps] [-h]
-Q limit the number of queries per second
-c the number of clients to act as
-d the input data file
-h print help
-l run for at most this many seconds
-m set transport mode: udp, tcp (default: udp)
-n run through the input at most N times
-p the port on which to query the server (default: udp/tcp 53)
-s the server to query (default:
-t the timeout for query completion in seconds (default: 5)
and the output could be like:
Queries sent: 30
Queries completed: 30 (100.00%)
Queries lost: 0 (0.00%)
Response codes: NOERROR 30 (100.00%)
Average packet size: request 54, response 149
Run time (s): 0.578596
Query per second: 0.000000
Average Latency (s): 0.000000 (min 0.001072, max 0.023456)
Latency StdDev (s): 0.007992
The data file should be in format of Domain QueryType [subnet]
, for example:
example.com AAAA
www.baidu.com A
The QPS of single thread(-c 1) could reach 10K; And the MaxQPS could reach 100K with 12 concurrent threads, but it could differ with different CPU resource.