Widget to Embed video youtube for Yii2
in your path, create new folder "components" if not existe .
copy the file "YoutubeWidget.php" and the folder "views" in your "components" folder.
in your views file, like "About.php" or what you want past this code :
<?php use app\components\YoutubeWidget; ?> <?= YoutubeWidget::widget([ "code"=>"65J8okZMfR8", "w"=>"400px", "h"=>"500px", ]) ?>
code; // exemple if your url is [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLiBcpMWXRU] then your code is [wLiBcpMWXRU] .
h; // height default=250px .
w ; // width default=300px .
that's all.