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Speedrun challenges for programming practice

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Speedrun Challenge


Add an entry here for each speedrun you undertake

Speedrun Start Date End Date Projects Completed Completed Portfolio


  • Fork this repository
  • Pick which speedrun you want to run, add it to this README's Progress chart
  • Make note of your start date, and an end date one month later
  • Start coding

The goal

Complete as many projects as you can in one month.

Speedrun options

The Rules

  • You may reuse code you previously wrote, but try to improve on your prior effort in some way.
  • You may ask for help and help others - preference should always be given to helping someone understand, not handing them code they don't.
  • If someone is stuck, you may pair with them to help them get unstuck.
  • If someone pairs with you to help you get unstuck, be sure to make a note to credit them in your repo and in your blog posts.


  • as many projects as you can complete in one month
  • For each project, you must write a blog post.
  • For each project, you must link to your code in a git repository.
  • For each "web based" project, you must link to a running demo that's accessible on the web. (Not necessary for projects without a web component, such as pull requests, algorithms, or mobile or desktop apps.)
  • You may combine multiple projects into one git repository.

The Competition

How many projects can you complete in one month?

Note: This is the type of competition where, yes, winning is awesome, but participating and giving it your all is the best prize, and everyone can get that :D

One week "pre-speedrun" prep

  • Regardless which speedrun you pick, you're going to want to know how to create a git repository, and save your code to it - you can use Github, Gitlab or Bitbucket, they all work the same. Get git setup on your PC before you start the speedrun.
  • You will want an editor that you are familiar with setup on your PC. If you already have that, good. If you don't, I recommend Visual Studio Code.
  • If you're doing a FCC or Frontend Speedrun and need some HTML/CSS practice, I'd recommend Shay Howe.
  • If you're doing an Angular, React or Vue Speedrun, I recommend looking at their official docs and following the beginner guides, build the demo app.
  • If you're doing a Game Development Speedrun, I recommend installing and configuring your engine of choice, working through their intro guide, and becoming familiar with their docs.
  • If you're doing an Algorithms Speedrun, I recommend doing a quick readthrough of the docs for whatever language you'll be using, and a skim through Open Data Structures.

HTML / CSS prep for Frontend or CSS challenge

Extra resources for if you really need to prepare, or if you're doing the CSS challenge which involves a lot of pure CSS animations (which you might not have encountered before.)

Total Basics — if you’re just starting out with CSS:

Further Study — if you want to prep more for general CSS:

Advanced Study — A further boost:


Speedrun challenges for programming practice






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