Feedback and high-quality pull requests are highly welcome!
Haxe Studio is an Eclipse based IDE designed for development with the Haxe general purpose programming language.
It has the following plugins pre-installed:
- haxe4e - Haxe programming language support
- Batch Editor - Windows Batch File Editor
- EGit - Git support
- Easy Shell - opens shell windows or file managers from the popup menu in the navigation tree
- Eclipse Copy Shortcut Lines - cut/copy a complete line or the selected text depending on the selection
- Eclipse TM4E Language Pack - syntax highlighting for popular languages
- Extra Syntax Highlighting - syntax highlighting for additional languages
- Find/Replace View - Convenient view to find/replace within the active editor
- Previewer - Preview view to display rendered versions of, Markdown, GraphViz, Mermaid, PlantUML files
- Indent Guide - Adds 'Indent Guide' (vertical line on indentation columns) to text editor
- Open with Eclipse - Windows File explorer context menu integration
- ShellWax - Bash File Editor
- Wild Web Developer - Web Development Tools (CSS, HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, XML support)
You can download the latest platform-specific releases from here:
- Linux:
- MacOS:
- Windows:
- Windows Portable App:
Please check the Wiki
Action | Eclipse | Haxe Studio | vscode |
Open Find Actions (Command Palette) | CTRL +3 |
CTRL +3 |
Open Quick Outline | CTRL +O |
n/a |
Full Screen Toggle | ALT +F11 |
F11 |
F11 |
Format Source Code | CTRL +SHIFT +F |
Go to Method/Type Declaration | F3 |
F3 |
F12 |
Zoom In/Out | CTRL ++/- |
CTRL ++/- |
CTRL ++/- |
To ensure reproducible builds, this Maven project inherits from the vegardit-maven-parent project, which declares fixed versions and sensible default settings for all official Maven plugins.
The project also uses the maven-toolchains-plugin, which decouples the JDK used to execute Maven and its plugins from the target JDK used for compilation and unit testing. This ensures full binary compatibility of the compiled artifacts with the runtime library of the required target JDK.
To build the project, follow these steps:
Install a Java 17 JDK
Download and install a Java 17 SDK, e.g. from:
Configure Maven Toolchains
In your user home directory, create the file
with the following content:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?> <toolchains xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <toolchain> <type>jdk</type> <provides> <version>17</version> <vendor>default</vendor> </provides> <configuration> <jdkHome>[PATH_TO_YOUR_JDK_17]</jdkHome> </configuration> </toolchain> </toolchains>
with the path to your JDK installation. -
Clone the Repository
git clone
Build the Project
mvnw clean verify
in the project root directory. This will execute compilation, unit testing, integration testing, and packaging of all artifacts.
If not otherwise specified (see below), files in this repository fall under the Eclipse Public License 2.0.
Individual files contain the following tag instead of the full license text:
SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
This enables machine processing of license information based on the SPDX License Identifiers that are available here:
An exception is made for:
- files in readable text which contain their own license information, or
- files in a directory containing a separate
file, or - files where an accompanying file exists in the same directory with a
suffix added to the base-name of the original file. For examplefoobar.js
is may be accompanied by afoobar.LICENSE.txt
license file.