The SimplePerpetual
contract is used for testing BE and infra purposes only, so there's no need to check for security like access control or reentrancy.
- deposit: This function allows users to deposit the settlement token into the contract. It's a very simple function that replaces the LP function in a typical AMM perp.
- withdraw: This function allows users to withdraw the settlement token from the contract. It's a very simple function that replaces the LP function in a typical AMM perp.
- openPosition: This function allows users to open a position. Users can specify the size, leverage, and direction of the position.
- closePosition: This function allows users to close a position. Users need to specify the direction of the position.
- liquidatePosition: This function allows users to liquidate a position. Users need to specify the position to be liquidated.
- setPrice: This function allows users to set the price of the token.
- getPositionInfo: This function allows users to get information about a position. Users need to specify the position they want to get information about.
- getPrice: This function allows users to get the price of the token.
- Clone
$ git clone
$ cd simple_perp
- Install foundry
$ curl -L | bash
$ foundryup
- Compile
$ forge build
- Test
$ forge test
- Run local node
$ anvil
- Deploy & Initial set for test
PK=0x... forge script scripts/Deployer.sol --rpc-url --broadcast --legacy
| Type | Signature | Selector |
| Function | closeAllPositionForce() | 0xafde20d7 |
| Function | closePosition(bool) | 0x6671b6da |
| Function | deposit(uint256) | 0xb6b55f25 |
| Function | getOpenPositionList() | 0x994ae984 |
| Function | getPositionInfo(bytes32) | 0x5f458e51 |
| Function | getPrice(address) | 0x41976e09 |
| Function | liquidatePosition(bytes32) | 0xeaf7762c |
| Function | openPosition(uint256,uint256,bool) | 0x1558c966 |
| Function | setPrice(address,uint256) | 0x00e4768b |
| Function | settlementToken() | 0x7b9e618d |
| Function | underlyingToken() | 0x2495a599 |
| Function | withdraw(uint256) | 0x2e1a7d4d |
| Event | PositionClose(bytes32,uint256,uint256,bool) | 0x29d3517bb01203bde1070d3a1a54da0152ca63027db1792faee5ea877962840e |
| Event | PositionCloseForce(uint256) | 0x4488bc997a3ce32e900938e37a998b50389ba9342ce19e1b0b5cdaf880f2abdf |
| Event | PositionLiquidate(bytes32,uint256) | 0x6176ff70071eb12d900316e4f8fae97f36fb844e2322b7b39787fb265fe5df96 |
| Event | PositionOpen(bytes32,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,bool) | 0x1a05420985c54696c0e5d578b8c30bba6af49bafe697d23b048d56f0d7a7b7ab |
| Event | PriceSet(address,uint256) | 0xf9a09e2869a1f88523f00504328d7965866201bafe501573db2e114e3375a086 |