There Are Many Ways To Built System With Multi Language you can use macamera backage as a default package to manage youe locales or this code
- Quick summary
- Version 1.0
- This Configuration For Making Multi Lanuage System In Design Or Template
- simple configuration to build your own multi language system
- You Need To
- 1- Make new File in config folder and name it locale.php
- 2- Make new Middleware as LanguageMiddleware
- 3- Make New Route Get to exchang the languages
- 4- you must save the route in route group in kernal.php file to run in every web request
- for each active language in locale config file make folder in lang folder in resources folder
- There Are Many Ways To Built System With Multi Language you can use
- You Need To
- 1- Make New File in config folder and name it with languages.php
- 2- in this file you can add more languages and to active language make the status key in array to true
- 3- Make Other Model For The Existed Model as Post for the common and shared colimns => PostTranslation for the translated columns
- the columns example post model has id and photo and created/updated _at and translation => title/content/locale/post_id
- make new file to control the template and views and other to control forms and validation
- use translation method and translation save to store new keys note : this congigurations depended on the macamera package