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AWS ECS Fargate Scheduled Task Terraform Module

This Terraform module deploys an AWS ECS Fargate scheduled task service.



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      module "scheduled_task" {
          source          = "cn-terraform/ecs-fargate-scheduled-task/aws"
          version         = "1.0.5"
          name_preffix    = var.name_preffix
          profile         = var.profile
          region          = var.region
          ecs_cluster_arn                             = module.ecs-cluster.aws_ecs_cluster_cluster_arn
          event_rule_name                             = <RULE_NAME>
          ecs_execution_task_role_arn                 =
          event_rule_schedule_expression              = <SCHEDULE_EXPRESSION>
          event_rule_event_pattern                    = <EVENT_PATTERN>
          event_target_ecs_target_task_definition_arn =
          event_target_ecs_target_subnets             = module.networking.private_subnets_ids

Check the section "Other modules that you may need to use this module" for details about modules mentioned in the usage example.

Input values

  • name_preffix: Name preffix for resources on AWS.
  • profile: AWS API key credentials to use.
  • region: AWS Region the infrastructure is hosted in.
  • ecs_cluster_arn: The ECS Cluster where the scheduled task will run.
  • event_rule_name: The rule's name.
  • event_target_ecs_target_subnets: The subnets associated with the task or service.
  • event_target_ecs_target_task_definition_arn: The ARN of the task definition to use if the event target is an Amazon ECS cluster.
  • ecs_execution_task_role_arn: (Required) The task definition execution role.
  • event_rule_schedule_expression: (Required, if event_pattern isn't specified) The scheduling expression. For example, cron(0 20 * * ? *) or rate(5 minutes).
  • event_rule_event_pattern: (Required, if schedule_expression isn't specified) Event pattern described a JSON object. See full documentation of CloudWatch Events and Event Patterns for details.
  • event_rule_description: (Optional) The description of the rule.
  • event_rule_role_arn: (Optional) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the role that is used for target invocation.
  • event_rule_is_enabled: (Optional) Whether the rule should be enabled (defaults to true).
  • event_target_target_id: (Optional) The unique target assignment ID. If missing, will generate a random, unique id.
  • event_target_input: (Optional) Valid JSON text passed to the target.
  • event_target_input_path: (Optional) The value of the JSONPath that is used for extracting part of the matched event when passing it to the target.
  • event_target_ecs_target_security_groups: (Optional) The security groups associated with the task or service. If you do not specify a security group, the default security group for the VPC is used.
  • event_target_ecs_target_assign_public_ip: (Optional) Assign a public IP address to the ENI (Fargate launch type only). Valid values are true or false. Default false.
  • event_target_ecs_target_task_count: (Optional) The number of tasks to create based on the TaskDefinition. The default is 1.
  • event_target_ecs_target_platform_version: (Optional) Specifies the platform version for the task. Specify only the numeric portion of the platform version, such as 1.1.0. This is used only if LaunchType is FARGATE.
  • event_target_ecs_target_group: (Optional) Specifies an ECS task group for the task. The maximum length is 255 characters.

Output values

  • scheduled_task_cw_event_role_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) specifying the role.
  • scheduled_task_cw_event_role_create_date: The creation date of the IAM role.
  • scheduled_task_cw_event_role_description: The description of the role.
  • scheduled_task_cw_event_role_id: The name of the role.
  • scheduled_task_cw_event_role_name: The name of the role.
  • scheduled_task_cw_event_role_unique_id: The stable and unique string identifying the role.
  • aws_iam_role_policy_scheduled_task_cw_event_role_cloudwatch_policy_id: The role policy ID, in the form of role_name:role_policy_name.
  • aws_iam_role_policy_scheduled_task_cw_event_role_cloudwatch_policy_name: The name of the policy.
  • aws_iam_role_policy_scheduled_task_cw_event_role_cloudwatch_policy_policy: The policy document attached to the role.
  • aws_iam_role_policy_scheduled_task_cw_event_role_cloudwatch_policy_role: The name of the role associated with the policy.
  • aws_cloudwatch_event_rule_event_rule_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CloudWatch Event Rule.

Other modules that you may need to use this module

The networking module should look like this:

    module "networking" {
        source          = "cn-terraform/networking/aws"
        version         = "2.0.3"
        name_preffix    = var.name_preffix
        profile         = var.profile
        region          = var.region
        vpc_cidr_block  = ""
        availability_zones                          = [ "us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1c", "us-east-1d" ]
        public_subnets_cidrs_per_availability_zone  = [ "", "", "", "" ]
        private_subnets_cidrs_per_availability_zone = [ "", "", "", "" ]

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The ECS cluster module should look like this:

    module "ecs-cluster": 
        source       = "cn-terraform/ecs-cluster/aws"
        version      = "1.0.2"
        name_preffix = var.name_preffix
        profile      = var.profile
        region       = var.region

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The task definition module should like this:

    module "td" {
        source          = "cn-terraform/ecs-fargate-task-definition/aws"
        version         = "1.0.0"
        name_preffix    = var.name_preffix
        profile         = var.profile
        region          = var.region
        container_name  = "${var.name_preffix}-<NAME>"
        container_image = "<IMAGE_NAME>:<IMAGE_TAG>"
        container_port  = <PORT>

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