Releases: hashgraph/guardian
v3.1.0-RC (Release Candidate): Labels, Formulas, dry-run save-points
- Guardian analytics: labels and top down data way points #4322
- Formula Linked Definitions & Schema Tree Enhancement #3408
- Trustchain support for contract-based issuance and retirement implementation #2243
- Dry-run policy execution 'savepoint' - restart policy dry-run from the 'saved' place #2838
Other Enhancements
- Enhancements and Bugs of Indexer #3929
- API facilities to retrieve unique references (IDs) of results for API-triggered operations #3139
- Standardize UI on PrimeNG and remove/replace Material UI components #3141
- Upgrade Guardian Frontend from Angular 12 to Angular 18 #4194
- Clean up old branches from Github repo #4405
- Attaching reference to PDD via programmatically built monitoring report #4364
- Climate Action Reserve's U.S. Landfill Protocol #3709
- Scope 3/PCF Referencing Demo (Methodology Breakdown) #3723
- GHGP Version 3 #3728
- American Carbon Registry (ACR) ACR Methodology for Quantifying, Monitoring, Reporting, and Verifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions and Removals from Landfill Gas Destruction and Beneficial Use Projects #3710
- Enhancing Research on Indexer and Analytics Use Cases #3730
Bug Fixes
- Addon request block doesn't work correctly #4500
View changes
- Code changes between the previous (3.0.0) and the current release candidate via github compare: v3.0.0...v3.1.0-RC
v3.0.0: code audit, bottom-up statistics, input parametrization, automatic schema fields
- Code audit: support and resolution of issues #2989
- Data Parametrization and Conditional Review Logic #4025
- Calculation logic for values in 'automatic fields' in schemas #2986
- Guardian analytics: bottom-up data traceability #3336
- Global Carbon Council (GCC) GCCM001: Methodology for Renewable Energy Generation Projects Supplying Electricity to Grid or Captive Consumers – Version 4.0 #3705
- Default values for schema-defined fields #2942
- Import/Export for Statistics #4233
- Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB support #4319
- Enhance MongoDB Integration by incorporating seamless support for popular third-party services, such as MongoDB Atlas. #2940
- Stitching multiple schemas with external MRV #4234
- API versioning and support/deprecation schedule #3236
- Verify the features which got affected from Mirror node changes #4204
- Database Access Layer Refactoring #3966
- Simplify default SR schema to take out optional properties #3435
- Rationalise API and UI return error codes #2933
- Pagination API endpoint returns lack crucial details #4085
- "500 Other Error: Schema IRI Empty" and "Policy does not exist" During Dry-Run of Policy with Newly Created Tool#4094
- Using the same user on UI and API calls resets the configs #4086
- Token action block to work with token templates #2839
- Displaying schema values of only selected ones. #3988
- Enhanced Docker Configuration and Multi-Platform Support #4096
Bug fixes
in Dockerfile is not actually used #3712- Changing the SR setup heading #4001
- Missing Indexer View #4000
- Inability to Re-Access Tool Editing Interface #4050
- Same block works through the UI, but not through the API #3931
- Dupplicated project after it has been approved by the SR 3643
View changes
- Code changes between the previous (2.27.1) and the current release via github compare: v2.27.1...v3.0.0
- Full list of features implemented between v2 and v3 major versions in the file attached below
Guardian dev tasks v2.0 to v3.0.xlsx
Security audit report
- NCCGroup security audit final report stating no serious issues found.
v2.27.1: hotfix for indexer and filter issues
This is a hotfix release addressing multiple reported issues with Indexer UI, Indexer service scalability, and block filters/sorting on returned results:
- Increased max size of the inter-service messages (via NATS) to 64MB. This fixes rarely observed service shutdown issues for Indexer when attempted to send messages larger than 1MB.
- Fixed project location display issues
- Changed alignment for stats display on the Indexer landing page
- Added pageSize options for search requests
- Fixed blank page analytics issue appearing at the first Indexer launch
- Fixed search bar display in Safari
- Improved Indexer docker build speed and size, fixed docker DB initialisation
- Fixed filtering issue for get requests changing policy block state
- Added result sorting option for get requests
Please see the original 2.27.0 release notes for the full functionality scope of the main release.
View changes
- Via github compare: v2.27.0...v2.27.1
v2.27.0: Indexer API, API filtering
- Migrate Logging from Winston to Pino #3834
- Indexer API #3637
- Filtering data for blocks is stateful API, introduce stateless data filters for API usage. #3610
- Optimization of the Data Return Model for API Requests #3724
- Development of VMR0006: Energy Efficiency and Fuel Switch Measures in Thermal Applications, v1.2 #2922
- Development of AMS-I.E and Mass Comparison on Cookstove methodologies for the Webinar #2923
View changes
- Via github compare: v2.26.2...v2.27.0
v2.26.2: hotfix for indexer service dependencies
This is a hotfix release addressing the issue with Indexer service dependencies.
Please see the original 2.26.0 release notes for the full functionality scope of the main release.
View changes
- Via github compare: v2.26.1...v2.26.2
v2.26.1: hotfix for user data loss issue
This is a hotfix release to fix the following issue:
- #3837 - potential user data loss
Please see the original 2.26.0 release notes for the full functionality scope of the main release.
View changes
- Via github compare: v2.26.0...v2.26.1
v2.26.0: Hedera & IPFS ops resilience, policies mass diff
- Hedera interactions resilience module #2905
- Further evolution of policy comparison (a.k.a 'mass diff') #2706
- Correction of all the Methodologies with new DID Spec #3296
- Express to Fastify Migration #3835
- Development of ACM0018: Electricity Generation from Biomass in Power-Only Plants #2879
- Development of AMS-I.F.: Renewable Electricity Generation for Captive Use and Mini-Grid #2882
- Development of AMS-I.C.: Thermal Energy Production with or Without Electricity #2873
- Development of AMS-I.A. #2884
- Optimize and Eliminate Redundant Connections to MongoDB #3833
- Change the default port for Indexer #3807
- Optimization of the Data Return Model for API Requests #3724
Bug Fixes
- Linking VCs via API does not work #3805
View changes
- Via github compare: v2.25.1...v2.26.0
v2.25.1: DR support for roles, fixed minting
This is a hotfix release (post 2.25.0) to fix the following issues:
- #3646 - "429" error during token mint
- Support for recovery (in the case of DR) of user roles
Please see the original 2.25.0 release notes for the full functionality scope of the main release.
View changes
- Via github compare: v2.25.0...v2.25.1
v2.25.0: Guardian indexer, roles and permissions, project data comparison
- Global environmental/Guardian data search (indexer) component for Hedera and IPFS #2629
- Revamp Guardian user/roles and permissions model #2844
- Full project data comparison as produced/captured by policies #2704
- Development of Gold Standard's Methodology for Methane Emission Reduction by Adjusted Water Management Practice in Rice Cultivation #2921
Bug Fixes
- User Session API response #3447
View changes
- Via github compare: v2.24.1...v2.25.0
Standard Registries (SRs) would currently need to manually set up user rules and permissions in the event of the disaster recovery (DR).
v2.24.1: hotfix for policy replay and side navigation bar issues
This is a hotfix release to fix the following issues:
- #3606 - Policies with a side navigation bar work incorrectly when the cache is turned on
- #3621 - Error when using the "Record/Run" function in Guardian
Please see the original 2.24.0 release notes for the full functionality scope of the main release.
View changes
- Via github compare: v2.24.0...v2.24.1