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Gitscanner is used to perform a variety of security checks against Git repositories and is expandable. Feel free to add your own checks.


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Git Repository security checker

This is a fast Go implementation to check Git repositories (local or remote) for some common security issues. It relies heavily on go-git.


To simply start the scanner run this command and provide a configuration file in YAML or JSON format:

./gitscanner -config <path to config file>

Take a look at the full configuration file for further configuration options.

UI Example

Here is the full list of available parameters:

$ ./gitscanner --help
Usage of ./gitscanner:
  -config string
        The absolute or relative path of the application configuration file. (default "GrootConfig.yml")
  -decrypt string
        When set this tool will simply decrypt the given input and exit afterwards. Can be used to decrypt any value for the config file given the correct key.
  -encrypt string
        When set this tool will simply encrypt the given input and exit afterwards. Can be used to encrypt any value for the config file.
  -encryptionKey string
        Key to use for en-/decrypting sensitive data. Can also be provided via environment variable 'ENCRYPTION_KEY' or by typing into console after start.

Performed checks

  • SearchBinaries: Searches for any binary files on each branch (local or remote) that matches the branchPattern.
  • SearchIllegalUnicodeCharacters: Searches for specific unicode characters in each file on each branch (local or remote) that matches the branchPattern. See trojan-source.pdf.
  • CheckCommitMetaInformation: Checks every commits author and committer name and email for expected match against emailPattern and namePattern.
  • SearchBigFiles: Searches for files on each branch (local or remote) that matches the branchPattern and is bigger than filesizeThresholdByte.

Build locally

  1. Install Go.
  2. go build .

Add new tests

Adding tests is very simple:

  1. Write a type implementing the Checker interface
package myawesometest

import (
    mygit ""

type MyTest struct{

func (*MyTest) Check(wrapRepo *mygit.ClonedRepo, output chan<- *utils.SingleCheck) error {
    defer close(output)
    // perform checks here and write any found issues into the output channel
  1. Add the function to the list of possible checks in main.go


When started in server mode gitscanner will provide the following endpoints:

POST /api/v1/checkRepos - Perform checks for given paths

Status Codes:

  • 200: checks were performed. Singular could still have failed though.
  • 400: the request body was malformed.

Request Body:

  • path: a comma separated list of urls to clone. They can be in these formats:
    • http(s)://<remote URL>
    • git@<remote URL>
    • file://<path> -> will only search on the local filesystem of the server
  • checks: a list of check identifiers to determine with checks are to be performed. See GET checks.


  "path": "[email protected]:go-git/go-git.git,",
  "checkNames": [

Response Body:

  • Array of objects with:
    • date: ISO encoded timestamp of when the check was started
    • repository: the repository that was checked
    • error: if any error occured while opening the repo it will be contained here, else empty string
    • checks: list of checks that contained suspicious results. Each check consists of:
      • origin: where this issue was found. This can be multiple things, e.g. a path to a file or a commit hash.
      • branch: the branch (if any) on which the issue was found.
      • checkName: the name of the check that found this issue.
      • acknowledged: currently always false, will be used in future updates.
      • additionalInfo: list of non-specified key-value pairs that differ from check to check.


        "date": "2021-12-03T00:22:00.6155686+01:00",
        "repository": "[email protected]:MrWong99/micasuca.git",
        "error": "",
        "checks": [
                "origin": "Commit 65508c0d5f0ea52ce3d93f77f471359f4ec1d1bc",
                "branch": "",
                "checkName": "CheckCommitMetaInformation",
                "acknowledged": false,
                "additionalInfo": {
                    "authorEmail": "[email protected]",
                    "authorName": "Jeff",
                    "commitMessage": "Table view (in progress...)\n",
                    "commiterEmail": "[email protected]",
                    "commiterName": "jeffHacker",
                    "commitSize": "1.2 TB",
                    "numberOfParents": 1
                "origin": "gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar",
                "branch": "refs/remotes/origin/master",
                "checkName": "SearchBigFiles",
                "acknowledged": false,
                "additionalInfo": {
                    "filemode": "0100644",
                    "filesize": "54.3 kB"
                "origin": "gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar",
                "branch": "refs/remotes/origin/master",
                "checkName": "SearchBinaries",
                "acknowledged": false,
                "additionalInfo": {
                    "filemode": "0100644",
                    "filesize": "54.3 kB"
                "origin": "gradlew",
                "branch": "refs/remotes/origin/master",
                "checkName": "SearchIllegalUnicodeCharacters",
                "acknowledged": false,
                "additionalInfo": {
                    "filemode": "0100644",
                    "filesize": "5.3 kB"
        "date": "2021-12-03T00:22:01.0774318+01:00",
        "repository": "",
        "error": "",
        "checks": []

GET /api/v1/checkDefinitions - Retrieve the list of possible checks

Status Codes:

  • 200: Checks retrieved.

Response Body:

  • List of strings for all registered checks



GET /api/v1/config/{checkName} - Retrieve the current configuration for a check

Path Params:

  • checkName: the name of the check whos configuration should be returned.

Status Codes:

  • 200: configuration was returned.
  • 400: configuration not found or unable to read.

Response Body:

  • name: the name of the check.
  • enabled: if set to false this check can't be executed.
  • config: a configuration object specific for each check. Here is a list of possible values:
    • branchPattern: pattern to match branches against. The SearchBinaries and SearchIllegalUnicodeCharacters checks use this.
    • namePattern: pattern to match the commiter and author names against. The CheckCommitMetaInformation check uses this.
    • emailPattern: pattern to match the commiter and author emails against. The CheckCommitMetaInformation check uses this.
    • filesizeThresholdByte: Amout of bytes that a file should have maximum to trigger this check. The SearchBigFiles check uses this.
    • commitSizeThresholdByte: Amout of bytes that a file should have maximum to trigger this check. The CheckCommitMetaInformation check uses this.


    "name": "SearchBigFiles",
    "enabled": false,
    "config": {
        "branchPattern": ".*origin/master",
        "filesizeThresholdByte": 89234

PUT /api/v1/config - Set the configuration for a check

Status Codes:

  • 200: config was updated.
  • 400: the request body was malformed.

Request Body:

  • name: the name of the check.
  • enabled: if set to false this check can't be executed.
  • config: a configuration object specific for each check. Here is a list of possible values:
    • branchPattern: pattern to match branches against. The SearchBinaries and SearchIllegalUnicodeCharacters checks use this.
    • namePattern: pattern to match the commiter and author names against. The CheckCommitMetaInformation check uses this.
    • emailPattern: pattern to match the commiter and author emails against. The CheckCommitMetaInformation check uses this.
    • filesizeThresholdByte: Amout of bytes that a file should have maximum to trigger this check. The SearchBigFiles check uses this.
    • commitSizeThresholdByte: Amout of bytes that a file should have maximum to trigger this check. The CheckCommitMetaInformation check uses this.


    "name": "CheckCommitMetaInformation",
    "enabled": true,
    "config": {
        "namePattern": "MrWong99",
        "emailPattern": ".*|.*"

PUT /api/v1/config/sshkey - Set the ssh private key to use when using ssh during clone

Status Codes:

  • 200: config was updated.
  • 400: the request body was malformed.

Request Body:

  • key: the ssh private key. Can be additionally encrypted with
  • password: the password that this key was encrypted with if any


    "key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nyOut41nK1mdUMB?\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
    "password": ""

PUT /api/v1/config/basicauth - Set the username and password when usic basic authentication during clone

Status Codes:

  • 200: config was updated.
  • 400: the request body was malformed.

Request Body:

  • username: the username to use.
  • password: the password to use.


    "username": "SecureMan",
    "password": "1n5EcuR3"

GET /api/v1/checks?from={from}&to={to}&checkNames={checkNames} - Retrieve previously performed checks that are stored in DB

Status Codes:

  • 200: checks retrieved successfully
  • 500: checks could not be read from DB

Query Parameters:

  • from: milliseconds since 1970-01-01 as start date from which checks should be included.
  • to: milliseconds since 1970-01-01 as end date until which checks should be included.
  • checkNames: comma-separated list of check names to include in the results.

Response Body:

Same as in /api/v1/checkRepos.

PUT api/v1/acknowledged/{checkID} - Set the acknowledged flag of given check

Path Params:

  • checkID: the id of the check that should be set to acknowledged.

Request Body:

  • acknowledged: boolean indecating wether this check was acknowledged or not.


    "acknowledged": true


Gitscanner is used to perform a variety of security checks against Git repositories and is expandable. Feel free to add your own checks.



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