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                       Allotment Routing Table

                           Yoichi Hariguchi

1. Contents

This package includes two ART implementations:

  o ipArt: supports arbitrary address length and arbitrary
    stride length distribution. `ipArt' uses simple multibit
  o ipArt-PC supports arbitrary address length and arbitrary
    stride length distribution. `ipArt-PC' uses path-compressed

`ipArt' and `ipArt-PC' are stored in the same library (libipart.a.)
You can choose which one is used when instantiating a routing

2. Files

  Makefile              Makefile
  README                This file               Runs addition, longest prefix match, exact match,
                        and deletion tests as follows:
                          1. Simple trie with 569,770 IPv4 prefixes
                          2. Path-compressed trie with 569,770 IPv4 prefixes
                          3. Simple trie with 24,470 IPv6 prefixes
                          4. Path-compressed trie with 24,470 IPv6 prefixes
  Types.h               Local type definitions
  ipArt.c               An `ipArt' ART implementation (simple trie)
  ipArtPathComp.c       An `ipArt-PC' ART implementation
                        (path-compressed trie)
  ipArt.h               Header file of `ipArt' and `ipArt-PC'
  util.c                utility functions (obsolete)
   v4routes-random1.txt 569,770 IPv4 prefixes in random order
                        for the route insertion test
   v4routes-random2.txt 569,770 IPv4 prefixes in random order
                        for the route search test
   v4routes-random3.txt 569,770 IPv4 prefixes in the random
                        order for the route deletion test
   v6routes-random1.txt 24,470 IPv6 prefixes in random order
                        for the route insertion and search test
   v6routes-random2.txt 24,470 IPv6 prefixes in random order
                        for the route deletion and search test

Note: v{4,6}routes-random*.txt are created from the Jul 7, 2015
output of 'ip route' and 'ipv6 route' respectively at

3. Installation

Type `make' and a test command `rtLoookup' and library
`libipart.a' are built.

4. Interactive Simulation

  - IPv4 simple trie:          ./rtLookup 4 simple 
  - IPv4 path-compressed trie: ./rtLookup 4 pc
  - IPv6 simple trie:          ./rtLookup 6 simple 
  - IPv6 path-compressed trie: ./rtLookup 6 pc

5. Data Structures

5.1. rtTable: Routing Table

`rtTable' is used to represent a routing table. It is not
necessary for users to access the members of `rtTable'.

5.2. routeEnt: Route Entry

The definition of `routeEnt' in `ipArt' and `ipArt-PC' is as

  typedef struct routeEnt {
      u8  dest[16];               /* upto IPv6 */
      int plen;                   /* prefix length */
      int level;                  /* for performance */
       * Your stuff
  } routeEnt, *pRouteEnt;

`dest' must represent the destination address of the route.
`plen' must represent the corresponding prefix length.
The destination address must be stored in the network byte

6. API functions

6.1. Routing Table Creation

rtTable *
rtArtInit (int nLevels, s8* psl, int alen, trieType type)

 @name  rtArtInit

 @brief API Function.
        Creates and initializes a routing table.
        Example usage:
          - IPv4 routing table
          - The stride lengths are:
             level 0: 16 bits
             level 1:  8 bits
             level 2:  8 bits
          - Use a path-compressed trie

         s8      sl[3] = { 16, 8, 8 };
         rtTable pt    = rtArtInit(3, sl, 32, pathCompTrie)

 @param[in] nLevels The number of trie node levels
                    (or the number of stride lengths)
 @param[in] psl     Pointer to an array of stride lengths
 @param[in] alen    Bit length of IP addresses (32 or 128)
 @param[in] type    simpleTrie (0) or pathCompTrie (1).

 @retval rtTable* Pointer to the allocated routing table
 @retval NULL     Failed to allocate a new routing table

Hereafter, let the routing table pointer be:

  rtTable* pt;   /* Pointer to the routing table */

6.2. Memory Allocation for a New Route

rtArtNewRoute(rtTable* pt)

 @brief  API function.
         Allocates memory for a new route entry.
 @param[in] pt Pointer to the routing table
 @retval routeEnt* Pointer to the newly allocated route.
 @retval NULL      There was no memory for a new route.

6.3. Insertion

pt->insert(rtTable pt, routeEnt* pEnt)

 @brief  API function.
         Add a route represented by `pEnt' to the routing table `pt'

 @param[in] pt   Pointer to the routing table
 @param[in] pEnt Pointer to the route added to `pt'.
                 `pEnt' must NOT point to a local variable.

 @retval routeEnt* `pEnt' is successfully inserted.
         pEnt      There is an existing route that has the same
                   IP prefix (address and prefix length).
                   `pEnt' must be freed in this case.

6.4. Deletion

pt->delete(rtTable pt, u8* dest, int plen)

 @brief  API function.
         Deletes a route represented by an IP prefix (
         (address and its prefix length) from the routing table.
         The matched route entry is freed in this function.

 @param[in] pt    Pointer to the routing table
 @param[in] pDest Pointer to the IP address to be deleted from `pt'
 @param[in] plen  Prefix length associated with `pDest'

 @retval ture  If the matching route is deleted from `pt'.
               The route entry is freed in this function.
 @retval false If there is no matching route in `pt'.

6.5. Longest Prefix Match

pt->findMatch(rtTable* pt, u8* pDest)

 @brief  API function.
         Perform the longest prefix match.

 @param[in] pt          Pointer to the routing table
 @param[in] pDest       Pointer to the destination IP address

 @retval routeEnt* Pointer to the longest prefix matching route.
 @retval NULL      There was no matching route for `pDest'

6.6. Exact Route Match

routeEnt *
pt->findExactMatch(rtTable* pt, u8* pDest, int plen)

 @brief API Function.
        Performs the exact match (address + prefix length.)

 @param[in] pt    Pointer to the routing table
 @param[in] pDest Pointer to the IP address to be searched for
 @param[in] plen  prefix length of `pDest'

 @retval routeEnt* Pointer to the found route entry (success)
 @retval NULL      Failed to find a matching route entry

6.7. Delete All Routes

pt->flush(rtTable* pt)

 @brief API Function.
        Delete all the route entries in the routing table.
 @param[in] pt Pointer to the routing table

6.8. Delete the Routing Table

 void pt->deleteTable(rtTable** p)

 @brief API Function.
        Delete all the route entries in the routing table, then
        Free the routing table itself.
 @param[in,out] p Pointer to the pointer to `rtTable'. `*p' is
                  set to NULL at the end of this function.

7. Notes

ART is the default FIB in OpenBSD (>=6.0.)