Decagon implementation used in "Predicting Adverse Drug-Drug Interactions with Neural Embedding of Semantic Predications"
Repository author: Hannah Burkhardt ([email protected])
This repository contains the implementation of the Decagon algorithm used in our paper:
Burkhardt, Hannah A, Devika Subramanian, Justin Mower, and Trevor Cohen. 2019. “Predicting Adverse Drug-Drug Interactions with Neural Embedding of Semantic Predications.” To Appear in Proc AMIA Annu Symp 2019.
The required Decagon data files are available at
Please also see the companion repository, Predicting DDIs with ESP, to download the code for the ESP procedure.
git clone
After cloning the repository, create a new conda environment with the given configuration like so:
conda create -n decagon_ddi --file decagon_env_spec_file.txt python=3.6.8
If you haven't already, download the bio-decagon data files from the Decagon project website, e.g. into bio-decagon
mkdir bio-decagon
cd bio-decagon
for i in *.tar.gz; do tar -zxvf $i; done
cd ..
Next, run Decagon, e.g. like so:
conda activate decagon_ddi
cd decagon
python --decagon_data_file_directory ../bio-decagon/ --epochs=4
Depending on hardware, the running time will be approximately 7 hours + epochs*36 hours, that is about 6 days for 4 epochs.