Linguini is a small Java library to perform Linguistic Analysis in written texts. It aims to be independent of the natural language used, but will firstly focus on the portuguese (Portugal) language.
The portuguese replacements and toponyms were mostly copied from NLPPORT.
The project by default comes with a useful series of features:
- a simple text analysis providing an overall summary of stats from the text
- a lexical diversity analysis, which can use either MTLD or HD-D
- an emotional analysis based on an annotated dictionary
Documentation is always generated for the latest release, kept in the 'master' branch:
Documentation is also generated from the latest snapshot, taken from the 'develop' branch:
The documentation site is actually a Maven site, and its sources are included in the project. If required it can be generated by using the following Maven command:
$ mvn verify site
The verify phase is required, otherwise some of the reports won't be generated.
The application is coded in Java, using Maven to manage the project.
It is a Java library, meant to be included as a dependency on any project which may want to make use of it.
The project has been tested on the following Java versions:
- JDK 8
All other dependencies are handled through Maven, and noted in the included POM file.
The recommended way to install the project is by setting it up as a dependency. To get the configuration information for this check the Bintray repository, or the Maven Central Repository.
It is always possible to install it by using the usual Maven command:
$ mvn install
Any kind of help with the project will be well received, and there are two main ways to give such help:
- reporting errors and asking for extensions through the issues management
- or forking the repository and extending the project
Issues are managed at the GitHub project issues tracker, where any Github user may report bugs or ask for new features.
If you wish to fork or modify the code, visit the GitHub project page, where the latest versions are always kept. Check the 'master' branch for the latest release, and the 'develop' for the current, and stable, development version.
The project has been released under the MIT License.