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The idea was to create single AWS Lightsails Instance behind Load Balancing, acting as a Redis server, to Broadcast data to all client, share Caching Data from Database to all accross node Adonis instances.


Redis server installation on Instance

Login to aws console, lightsails, and create an instance connect using SSH

wrote down Internal and Public IP Adress

1. Instal redis-server

cache policy redis-server
apt-cache policy redis-server
sudo apt update
sudo apt install redis-server

2. Enable port to be open

Get detail on Lightsails instance, and add custom TCP port for redis-server accept incoming connection eg: port 5001

3. Edit redis.conf

open and edit redis-server config file

sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf

find and change port to 5001, as mention above

port 5001

find and change bind ip address to all network interfaces


save and exit restart redis-server

sudo systemctl restart redis-server

4. Test using redis-cli

test ping command, it should return PONG

redis-cli -h localhost -p 5001 ping

test ping command from local docker, it should return PONG

remember to change bracket [external IP] to your External / Public IP instance

docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --name redis-serv redis
docker exec -it redis-serv sh
redis-cli -h [external IP] -p 5001 ping

stoping docker

docker stop redis-serv

5. Verify redis-server is listening on all interfaces on port 5001:

ss -an | grep 5001

6. Secure redis-server with password

open redis-server conf file

sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf

Scroll to the SECURITY section and look for a commented directive that reads:

# requirepass foobared

Uncomment it by removing the #, and change foobared to a secure password.

Save and exit editor

restart redis-server to implement password

sudo systemctl restart redis.service

Testing redis-cli ping command, with password

redis-cli -h localhost -p 5001 -a [your_password] ping

Using Adonis JS - Redis (Adonis JS ver 3.2 Legacy)

Make sure you have install Adonis Redis and have it running.

1. Edit your redis.js configuration

Open redis.js inside your /config/ folder

local: {
    port: 5001,
    password: 'YOUR REDIS PASSWORD',
    db: 0,
    family: 4,
    keyPrefix: ''

remember to change redis IP to internal, after you deploy your app to aws instance

2. Edit your redis.js bootstrap file

Open redis.js inside your /bootstrap/ folder

add line below, and run your adonis

'use strict'

const Redis = use('Redis')
// console.log(Redis)
Redis.on('connect', function () {
    console.log('Redis connect')
  // ...

Redis.on('ready', function () {
  console.log('Redis ready')
// ...

Redis.on('close', function () {
  console.log('Redis close')
// ...

Redis.on('error', function (error) {
    console.log('Redis error', error)
  // ...

now if you start npm run dev command, you should see your Redis state information

[nodemon] starting `node start.js`
info adonis:framework +1ms serving app on localhost:3333    
Event.any: Http.start
Redis connect
Redis ready

3. Remember to stringify your json data via Redis

Stringify and parse your json data, if you want to push it via Redis Stringify on publish

const Redis = use('Redis')
Redis.publish('', JSON.stringify(json_data))

JSON.parse on Redis subscribe

Redis.subscribe('', function * (data_string) {
  var parse_obj = JSON.parse(data_string)
  //Broadcast Socket

Docker Redis server test

Docker Redis server test

1. Start a new container running Redis

Give the container name redis-serv and exposing port 6379

docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --name redis-serv redis

To check it running, with

docker ps

To view log output, with

docker logs redis-serv

2. Running the Redis CLI in the container

use -it to run redis-cli via shell sh

docker exec -it redis-serv sh

now we can start run redis-cli

# redis-cli>

3. Basic Redis command

run Ping command> ping

try to save same key value> set firstname John
OK> set lastname Doe

and now exit out> exit
# exit

4. Create another container, as client and linked to redis-serv

New container name is client-1, copied from redis image, but this client will not running Redis itself . So we ask it to run shell sh in -it mode --rm will delete itself after the shell exits.

docker run -it --rm --link redis-serv:redis --name client-1 redis sh

as client, connect it to redis sever via redis-cli

# redis-cli -h redis

Now we tried to call last two keys that we save earlier

redis:6379> get firstname
redis:6379> get lastname

on exiting will be destroy client-1 container

redis:6379> exit
# exit

Clean Up

list all runnning container

docker ps

stop and remove redis-serv

docker stop redis-serv
docker rm redis-serv


Simple Redis server behind load balancer







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