Minibadge design for the 2017 SAINTCON badge with a DC801 theme
The Minibadge includes a spiffy DC801 design and two automatic slow-cycling RGB LEDs
The Minibadge can be used in two ways:
- SAINTCON Minibadge Mode
- Shirt Pin Mode
- Insert the LEDs into the back of the board with the shorter legs toward the top
- Bend the legs of the LEDs over to contact the pads
- Trim legs to pads and solder
- Pick a resistor and solder R1: 0 - Brightest, 20-55mA 470 - Bright, 3-4mA 1k - Not so bright, 1.5-2mA
- Break the pin headers to fit
- Cut the sockets into two 8 pin sockets
- Insert the sockets with pins into your SAINTCON badge
- Place the DC801 Minibadge onto the pins and solder
- Flip your SAINTCON badge over and solder on the sockets
- Follow above, but don’t use the pin headers
- Solder included button pin to large pad at top
Prices/sourcing as of 10/2017 Part prices do not include shipping costs - typical was about another $0.30 per unit
Item | Part Number | Sourcing | Cost Each (100 unit pricing) | Needed per kit | Total |
PCB | 100 qty, black silkscreen | seeed | $0.334 | 1 | $0.334 |
D1,2 | Chanzon AA0018x100 3mm LED | Amazon | $0.075 | 2 | $0.15 |
R1 | Yageo RC1206JR-070RL 0 Ohm | Mouser | $0.006 | 1 | $0.006 |
R1 | Yageo RC1206FR-07470RL 470 Ohm | Mouser | $0.009 | 1 | $0.009 |
R1 | Yageo RC1206FR-071KL 1k Ohm | Mouser | $0.009 | 1 | $0.009 |
Pins/Sockets | Pins and Sockets, 40 pin | Amazon | $0.26 | 1/2 | $0.13 |
Shirt pins | Mudder Butterfly Clutch Tie Tacks | Amazon | $0.0699 | 1 | $0.0699 |
Bags | Metallic foil clear/black | Amazon | $0.1849 | 1 | $0.1849 |
Cards | Instruction Cards (500 qty) | Vistaprint | $0.01998 | 1 | $0.01998 |
Total | Per each board kit | $0.913 |
Included in the Shirt Pin Battery folder is a board that can hold a battery to power the badge and attach to your shirt, if you want blinkies in a tiny package.
Hope you enjoy!