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Releases: hamlibdk/HAMLIB-SDK


22 Apr 10:34
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The first cut of the (very minor) update to JTSDK 3.4.0 is now available:

It is to be reiterated that this is a first-cut. Revisions may be required (even of this).

Please test and comment.

Basically all that occurs is that Boost deployments are reverted BACK to JFrog.

Not all documentation may be in place yet at . The included with the Update 1 package and at the base of the download site should be relatively accurate.

Note that most effort at this stage is being directed at Version 4 of the SDK.


19 Mar 07:18
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###Version 3.4.0 - The Last release in the Version 3 Stream.###

Note that since release of Version 3.4.0, Qt 5.15.2 is only available from Qt "Archive" repositories. It is recommended that one performs a FULL Deployment of Qt and uses the Maintenance Tool to add Qt 5.15.2 from Archive.

This is the trigger for the start of Version 4.0 Development.

If you need Qt 5.15.2, see instructions at for how to deploy old version of Qt from Qt Archive.

JTSDK64 3.2.3 Tools

10 Jan 02:56
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Updates to the JTSDK64 3.2.3

  • Changes Boost source delivery away from JFrog to GitHUB
  • Makes jtbuild.ps1 compatible with [ the vastly improved ] PowerShell 7
  • Documentation Updates

JTSDK 3.2.3

15 Dec 19:11
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A release version of JTSDK Base 3.2.3 Package is now available.

This is planned as the LAST RELEASE within the JTSDK 3.2 Stream. There will be No "Tools" - No further Maintenance Updates - UNLESS EXTREMELY NECESSARY. Note that the documentation is set just to provide for a Tools package just in case one becomes necessary.


As always it is recommended that this kit be deployed into a fresh, new fully-updated Windows virtual machine.

If deploying the kit directly to an operational filesystem it is highly recommended that you back up your original working system. This can be done by renaming the original folder containing the kit: i.e. rename x:\JTSDK64-Tools to x:\JTSDK64-Tools-Backup and then commence the deployment. You can possibly move your Qt deployment from the backup to this new deployment file structure to save a considerable amount of time.

You should be able to deploy this straight over the top of existing kits. Some MinGW components can set files read-only. It is best that you select the entire deployment directory structure and remove any set Read Only Flags if you are doing this. If there are still complaints of "locked files" or "read only files" then just ignore the issues and continue the installer. They will resolve themselves at run time and/or after a pacman -syuu is performed to update the MSYS2 environment.


All this release does is FORMALISE the "Package Updates" and, of course, update the MSYS2 environment to the latest versions as of 2022-12-12 at 12:00 UTC.

JTSDK 3.2.3 Beta 3

After reviewing past policies and practises, JTSDK 3.2.3 Beta 3 is possibly a step out of line. It has not been withdrawn yet it has been moved into project path and renamed as an "Alpha" version in the Version 3.4 stream (though it is just the JTSDK 3.2.3 Beta 3).

JTSDK 3.4 Stream Introduction

There may be many more extensive changes needed to the JTSDK - basically as a result of a "quirk" where Qt maintainers changed directory structure nomenclature as of Qt 6.2.2. We have been well aware of this since the Version 6.2.2 release (i.e. The move to MinGW 9.00 - note NOT the MSYS2 delivered version of MinGW) .


  • The MinGW "support tools" in x:\Qt\Tools the MinGW support tools are in directories /mingw810_64 for Qt 5.15.2 and /mingw1120_64 for Qt versions greater than or equal to Qt 6.2.2 - nomenclature being consistent with past practise.

  • For Qt 5.15.2 and earlier the compilers are found in x:\Qt\5.15.2\mingw81_64 <== consistent with the past. Yet as of Qt 6.2.2 (and referring to the current LTS release of Qt being 6.3.2) you find the directories named just x:\Qt\6.3.2\mingw_64 <== This lacks versioning consistency with past practise. Ideally this directory should have been named x:\Qt\6.3.2\mingw112_64 or x:\Qt\6.3.2\mingw90_64 ...

This has been raised with Qt maintainers (and early) but is too far ingrained to walk back. There were personnel changes there that possibly led to this.

This could have potential issues for experimenters with this kit which has all sorts of flow-on effects. We made the decision to set variables etc. to refer to mingw112_64 (consistent with the GCC version release) as "fudge" to overcome grief that some could experience when compiling JT-ware.

These "fudges" now may need more research and hence better solutions for our purposes - hence the Version 3.4 stream now being announced as being in active development.

Your Contribution

There will be many varied tests needed to perhaps overcome issues. That is the Norther Hemisphere Cold Winter / Southern Hemisphere psychotically hot project that we will all be researching.

Please comment back and add your constructive comments into the review process.


05 Nov 16:57
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Primarily updates to support the deployment of Qt 6.3.2.

Note that the Base 3.2.2 Package is up to Minor Update 14


30 Aug 18:02
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Apply this to

Fixes issues with

This package also provides our own compiled version of LibUSB 1.0.26. Refer to file Versions.ini to see how it is accessed.

Documentation has been enhanced and updated - including pages on how to build LibUSB for our kit.

See for latest documentation updates. For help see [email protected] (and that is NOT an email address).


08 Aug 12:52
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Updated packages that support deployment of Qt 6.15.2 and Qt 6.3.1.


Apply to any Base 3.2.2 Package


13 Mar 04:28
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JTSDK Version 3.2.2 - Release

One thing that "scares the living daylights" out of the kit maintainers is the MSYS2 keyring issues re-surfacing - the very circumstances that led to the maintenance and work on the kits having to occur in the first place.


Maintenance has been performed on the JTSDK64-Tools-Base-3.2.2.exe installer package (i.e. it is being bumped to Version u1) and anew Base package will be uploaded to both Sourceforge (the preferred delivery site) and GitHub when complete. Note: Please use Sourceforge as the primary download site as download stats are much easier to obtain from here. It also helps us to educate our community as most JT-ware in its documentation STILL refers to Greg KI7MT's great original work - yet that unmaintained work is now very troublesome for the community that we are aiming this at.

This maintenance update FULLY UPDATES the MSYS2 environment. It has Tools v3.2.2.3 pre-applied. If Tools v3.2.2.3 is applied to this it will effectively have no effect as it is already there - yet it is STILL advised to do this if this base installer is used due to some future plans that the team has. The latest PackageConfig (v1.8.0) is supplied but not activated yet in the Versions.ini file.


The original release has been moved to Archive in case of issues. If you want this package please watch for it to appear at the top of the file list at as it is being upoaded as this notification is posted.

New deployments must use this revised package from this point forward.


A Tools package - containing a number of significant fixes and improvements to the Base 3.2.2 Package - is now available for general distribution and use.

There have been a number of enhancements - including moving the VC Runtimes package to Version 17 i.e.versions that are compatible with Visual Studio 2022. The runtimes delivered are compatible back to Visual Studio 2017. This should overcome the "VC Runtimes Not detected" issue that some have experienced in the simplest way possible.

The path to the VC runtimes is now also configurable from Versions.ini .

The "NCD" (No Compiler Delivered) deploys are not affected by the files in the wrong locations. Yet this update should be applied if you have deployed the JTSDK this way.

If you have not deployed from the updated JTSDK64-Tools-Base-3.2.2.exe please deploy this update ASAP.

The Tools release can be found at:

The Base package to which this Tools package is applied can be found at:


The Tools package only is guaranteed to work with the Base 3.2.2 Package.

To deploy the package follow these steps:

Install it into the same directory where the Base 3.2.2 Package is deployed.

This can be deployed over the top of any existing 'Tools' packages without deploying and preceding releases.

The very latest updates and tests can be found at:

The equivalent of the "Tools" package plus any cutting-edge, up-to-the-minute updates are also available via GIT at the following URL's

Technically one could just "pull" the contents of these repositories over the top of existing deployment to get the very latest development kit version. At some stage in the future this may be the preferred way that Tools packages are deployed.

We welcome discussion on the best way to do this as the Developers admit not to being GIT gurus.

Please comment back and add your constructive comments to the review process.


The JTSDK64-Tools package is just the Tools package plus a number of updates to utilities and library suites that is available for testing.