Reset rb_i for each block is active low
clk_i is 50Mhz
Always follow names of inputs and outputs of blocks from blockdiagram
Top Entity (UARTrx)
Top Entity testbench
D flip flop (dff)
D flip flop test bench
Divide by six (div6)
Divide by six testbench
Divide by 25 mega (div50meg)
Divide by 25 mega testbench
Parity Generator (pargen)
Parity Generator testbench
Shift register (shiftreg)
Shift register testbench
Sample timing and start bit FSM (FSM)
Sample timing and start bit FSM testbench
8 bit compare (eightcomp)
8 bit compare testbench
ROM (rom)
ROM testbench
1 bit compare (xnoren)
1 bit compare testbench