- Convert Persian words to the number.
- Convert Numbers to Persian words.
- Add and remove commas to numbers.
- Convert Persian numbers to Arabic or English numbers and vice versa.
- Validate Iranian national number(code-e Melli).
- Validate Iranian legal id(shenase hoghoghi).
- Find city and province name by national code(code-e Melli).
- Bill calculator.
- Check Iranian Sheba(IBAN) validation and recognize bank information by sheba code.
- Validate Bank card number.
- Find Bank's name by Card number.
- Validate the correctness of the text of the Persian language and clear the Arabic letters in the Persian text.
- Fix Persian characters in URL.
- Fix Persian zero-width non-joiner(Replace spaces by half-space)
- Convert Jalaali date-time into a time ago
- Get the Remaining Time of the Date
- Validate and find information of phone number.
- Find capital city by province name
- Find province from coordinate
There are two main ways to get PersianTools.js in your JavaScript project: via script tags or by installing it from NPM and using a build tool like Parcel, WebPack, or Rollup.
Add the following code to an HTML file:
<!-- Load PersianTools.js -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@persian-tools/persian-tools/build/persian-tools.umd.js"></script>
<!-- Place your code in the script tag below. You can also use an external .js file -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// Notice there is no 'import' statement. 'all persian-tools functions like digitsEnToFa, etc...' is available on the index-page
// because of the script tag above.
// Takes a string made of English digits only, and returns a string that represents the same number but with Persian digits
var convertToFa = PersianTools.digitsEnToFa(1234567);
// etc...
Open up that html file in your browser, and the code should run!
Install the PersianTools to your project using yarn or npm. Note: Because
we use ES2017 syntax (such as import
), this workflow assumes you are using a modern browser, or a bundler/transpiler
to convert your code to something older browsers understand.
$ npm install --save @persian-tools/persian-tools
$ yarn add @persian-tools/persian-tools
import * as persianTools from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
// or
import { digitsEnToFa } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
// Takes a string made of English digits only, and returns a string that represents the same number but with Persian digits
const convertedToFa = persianTools.digitsEnToFa(1234567);
// or
const convertedToFa = digitsEnToFa(1234567);
Let's take a look at what an example test case would look like using Persian-tools.
Options | Description | Default |
fuzzy (Beta) |
Fix typo in the Persian words by using levenshtein algorithm | false |
digits |
Result will be converted to the English or Persian digits | en |
addCommas |
Commas will be added to the Result | false |
autoConvertDigitsToEn (New) |
Automatically convert the digits to English digits if the input is a Persian number | false |
autoConvertArabicCharsToPersian (New) |
Automatically convert the Arabic characters to Persian characters | false |
- Convert with no option
import { wordsToNumber } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
wordsToNumber("منفی سه هزارمین"); // -3000
wordsToNumber("منفی سه هزارم"); // -3000
wordsToNumber("منفی سه هزار"); // -3000
wordsToNumber("سه هزار دویست و دوازده"); // 3212
wordsToNumber("دوازده هزار بیست دو"); // 12022
- Digits converter
wordsToNumber("منفی سه هزارمین", { digits: "fa" }); // "-۳۰۰۰"
wordsToNumber("دوازده هزار بیست دو", { digits: "fa" }); // ۱۲۰۲۲
- Add commas
wordsToNumber("منفی سه هزارمین", { addCommas: true }); // "-3,000"
wordsToNumber("دوازده هزار بیست دو", { addCommas: true }); // "12,022"
- Fuzzy typo fixer(
import { WordsToNumber } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
wordsToNumber("یگصد و بنجاه هزار", { fuzzy: true }); // "150000"
wordsToNumber("دویشت ر بیشت هزار", { fuzzy: true }); // "220000"
wordsToNumber("منقی ضد", { fuzzy: true }); // "-100"
import { numberToWords } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
numberToWords(500443); // "پانصد هزار و چهار صد و چهل و سه"
numberToWords("500,443"); // "پانصد هزار و چهار صد و چهل و سه"
numberToWords("500,443", { ordinal: true }); // "پانصد هزار و چهار صد و چهل و سوم"
numberToWords(30000000000); // "سی میلیارد"
NOTE: This function supports the largest safe integer (9007199254740991 / 2^53 - 1)
import { addCommas, removeCommas } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
addCommas(30000000); // "30,000,000"
removeCommas("30,000,000"); // 30000000
import {
} from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
digitsArToFa("۸۹123۴۵"); // "۸۹123۴۵"
digitsArToEn("٨٩123٤٥"); // "8912345"
digitsEnToFa("123۴۵۶"); // "۱۲۳۴۵۶"
digitsEnToAr("123٤٥٦"); // "۱۲۳٤٥٦"
digitsFaToAr("۱۷۸۲۳۴۰۵۶۹"); // ١٧٨٢٣٤٠٥٦٩
Options | Description | Default |
checkPrefix (New) |
Whether to check the first 3 digits against a predefined list of valid city codes | true |
import { verifyIranianNationalId, getPlaceByIranNationalId } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
verifyIranianNationalId("0499370899"); // true
verifyIranianNationalId("0684159415"); // false
import { verifyIranianLegalId } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
verifyIranianLegalId(10380285692); // false
verifyIranianLegalId(10380284790); // true
getPlaceByIranNationalId("0084575948").city; // "تهران مرکزی"
import { verifyCardNumber, getBankNameFromCardNumber } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
verifyCardNumber(6037701689095443); // true
getBankNameFromCardNumber("6219861034529007"); // "بانک سامان"
Validate the correctness of the text of the Persian language and clear the Arabic letters in the Persian text.
import { isPersian, hasPersian, toPersianChars } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
isPersian("این یک متن فارسی است؟"); // true
isPersian("Lorem Ipsum Test"); // false
isPersian("هل هذا نص فارسي؟"); // false
hasPersian("This text includes فارسی"); // true
toPersianChars("علي"); // علی
Note: You can pass 2
more options to isPersian
to customize it as your needs:
: If you passtrue
, Then it accepts some of regular arabic characters which are commons in persian texts.(default isfalse
: By default the function skips some of characters e.g."'-+()؟.
. You can pass your own customizedregex
as you need.
import { urlFix } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
); // "https://fa.wikipedia.org/wiki/مدیاویکی:Gadget-Extra-Editbuttons-botworks.js"
urlFix("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persian_alphabet"); // "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persian_alphabet",
urlFix("Sample Text"); // "Sample Text"
Method | Description | Return type |
getResult |
Result of bill calculated information | BillResult |
getAmount |
Calculate Bill amount by payment id and bill id which entered by the Bill constructor | number |
getBillType |
Get Bill provider type name | BillTypes |
getBarcode |
Calculate and get Bill's barcode | string |
verificationBill |
Validate entered both Bill id and payment id, and return true if bill id and payment id relation was true | boolean |
verificationBillId |
Validate entered Bill id | boolean |
verificationBillPayment |
Validate entered Bill payment id | boolean |
import { Bill } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
// Calculate bill amount by bill id and payment id
// Convert to Iranian Rials
// Return bill amount by Toman(Iranian currency type) by default
new Bill({ billId: 1117753200140, paymentId: 12070160, currency: "rial" }).getResult().amount; // 120000
// Find Bill's type by bill id and payment id
new Bill({ billId: 7748317800142, paymentId: 1770160 }).getResult().type; // تلفن ثابت
new Bill({ billId: 9174639504124, paymentId: 12908197 }).getResult().type; // برق
new Bill({ billId: 2050327604613, paymentId: 1070189 }).getResult().type; // آب
new Bill({ billId: 9100074409151, paymentId: 12908190 }).getResult().type; // تلفن همراه
new Bill({ billId: 7748317800105, paymentId: 1770160 }).getResult().type; // unknown
// Check Bill id validation
new Bill({ billId: 7748317800142, paymentId: 1770160 }).getResult().isValidBillId; // true
new Bill({ billId: 2234322344613, paymentId: 1070189 }).getResult().isValidBillId; // false
// Check Bill's payment id validation
new Bill({ billId: 7748317800142, paymentId: 1770160 }).getResult().isValidBillPayment; // true
new Bill({ billId: 9174639504124, paymentId: 12908197 }).getResult().isValidBillPayment; // false
// Check Bill id and payment id relations which is valid or not
new Bill({ billId: 7748317800142, paymentId: 1770160 }).getResult().isValid; // true
new Bill({ billId: 2234322344613, paymentId: 1070189 }).getResult().isValid; // false
// Get barcode from billId and paymentId
new Bill({ billId: 7748317800142, paymentId: 1770160 }).getResult().barcode; // 77483178001420001770160
new Bill({ billId: 9174639504124, paymentId: 12908197 }).getResult().barcode; // 917463950412400012908197
// Get bill bill id and payment id by bill's barcode
new Bill({ barcode: "22343223446130001070189" }).findByBarcode(); // { billId: 2234322344613 , paymentId: 1070189 }
- Check validation
import { isShebaValid } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
isShebaValid("IR820540102680020817909002"); // true
isShebaValid("IR01234567890123456789"); // false
- Recognize bank information
import { getShebaInfo } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
Result: {
"nickname": "parsian",
"name": "Parsian Bank",
"persianName": "بانک پارسیان",
"code": "054",
"accountNumberAvailable": true,
"accountNumber": "020817909002",
"formattedAccountNumber": "002-00817909-002"
import { halfSpace } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
halfSpace("نمی خواهی درخت ها را ببینیم؟"); // "نمیخواهی درختها را ببینیم؟"
Properties | Description | Return type |
info |
provide info about plate | PlateResultApi |
isValid |
checks if plate is valid or not | boolean |
import { getNumberPlateInfo } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
getNumberPlateInfo("12D45147"); // passing string argument
// or passing in object style
number: "1245147",
char: "الف",
- Getting info about plate
import { getNumberPlateInfo } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
template: 12 D 451 ایران 47
province: مرکزی ,
type: Car,
category: دیپلمات,
details: {
firstTwoDigits: 12,
plateCharacter: D,
nextThreeDigits: 451,
provinceCode: 47
// handle motorcyles plate
template: 123-45678,
province: مرکز تهران,
type: Motorcyle,
category: null,
details: {
digits: 45678
Plates that have farsi digits in them(like: الف، ب، ص) will be returned in this template
- Checking if plate is valid
import { getNumberPlateInfo } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
will return false - plate character is not provided
will return false - plate can't have 0 in its digits (except last digit)
Suppose the current time is equal to
1400/03/17 18:00:00
import { timeAgo } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
// Previous
timeAgo("1400/03/17 17:55:00"); // 5 دقیقه قبل
timeAgo("1400/02/17 18:00:00"); // حدود 1 ماه قبل
// Next
timeAgo("1400/04/07 18:00:00"); // حدود 3 هفته بعد
timeAgo("1401/03/17 18:00:00"); // حدود 1 سال بعد
Takes a date(it could be string, number or date) and calculate years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds remained to that specific date.
import { remainingTime } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
remainingTime("2023-05-14T13:35:59Z").toString(); // ۱ سال و ۱ ماه و ۲ روز و ۳ ساعت و ۵ دقیقه و ۸ ثانیه
const { years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, isFinished } = remainingTime("2023-05-14T13:35:59Z");
years; // 1
minutes; // 5
isFinished; // false
remainingTime("2018-04-12T10:30:51Z").isFinished; // true
- Finding information such as province, type and model of phone number
import { phoneNumberDetail } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
province: ["البرز", "زنجان", "سمنان", "قزوین", "قم", "برخی از شهرستان های استان مرکزی"],
base: "تهران",
operator: "همراه اول",
type: ["permanent"],
province: [],
base: "کشوری",
operator: "ایرانسل",
type: ["permanent", "credit"],
province: [],
base: "کشوری",
operator: "شاتل موبایل",
type: ["credit"],
- Validating phone number
import { isPhoneNumberValid } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
isPhoneNumberValid("09122002580"); // true
isPhoneNumberValid("09192002580"); // true
isPhoneNumberValid("+989122002580"); // true
isPhoneNumberValid("09122002580"); // true
isPhoneNumberValid("989122002580"); // true
isPhoneNumberValid("00989122002580"); // true
isPhoneNumberValid("9122002580"); // true
isPhoneNumberValid("09812002580"); // false
- Normalizing phone number
import { phoneNumberNormalizer } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
phoneNumberNormalizer("+989122002580", "0"); // 09122002580
phoneNumberNormalizer("989122002580", "0"); // 09122002580
phoneNumberNormalizer("09122002580", "0"); // 09122002580
phoneNumberNormalizer("09122002580", "+98"); // +989122002580
This function returns the Capital City name by its state name. if it can't find anything, it will throws an error.
import { findCapitalByProvince } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
findCapitalByProvince("خراسان رضوی"); // مشهد
findCapitalByProvince("آذربایجان شرقی"); // تبریز
// this throw an error string 'no province found'
Find the province from a given coordinate point. If it cannot find anything, it will throw an error.
import { findProvinceFromCoordinate } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
// Find province for a given coordinate point
const point = { latitude: 35.6892, longitude: 51.389 };
const province = findProvinceFromCoordinate(point);
province.fa; // "تهران"
province.en; // "Tehran"
// shorthand syntax using destructuring
const { fa, en } = findProvinceFromCoordinate(point);
- Write Jalaali and Gregorian functions to convert Date together.
Thank you for your interest in contributing! Please feel free to put up a PR for any issue or feature request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.
Pooleno Exchange |
![]() Bank Maskan |
![]() MyDong |
![]() Melkba |
If you're curious to see what can be accomplished with Persian tools, check out these apps!
If you have a software you'd like to see added, please open a pull request! All that's required is a name, link, and a PNG icon.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!