Source for Paul's Tutorials.
We currently maintain a reference implementation of Paul's Tutorials right here on GitHub. We will, however, move this to the official HOT Team website once it is ready.
Paul's Tutorials are the programming tutorials for FRC Team #67, the 'HOT' Team. They teach new programmers C++ and WPILib with C++.
These pages are mostly complete, with C++ missing a few videos and WPI missing a few updated activities.
We welcome your contributions! If you have anything to add to the wealth of knowledge contained here, or would like to improve the layout, style, or function of these pages, then please do:
If you see a problem with one of the pages or would like to see an improvement with the tutorials, you may submit an issue in the issue tracker, following these guidelines:
For any issue you submit (regardless of its nature), please use the following template for your post:
# Information
**Tutorial**: (C++/WPI)
**Chapter-Lesson**: X-X
(for bugs only)
**Browser/Version**: Chrome/43.0.2357.81
**OS**: Windows
**Steps to reproduce**: ...
# Description
If you see an issue with a page's function or layout, then please leave an issue with the above template and the "bug" label.
If you want to see something better with the tutorials, such as an improved activity, or improved information, then please leave an issue with the above template and the "enhancement" label.
If you want to do the coding yourself, cool! Just fork this repository and give us a pull request!