This is an simple example/template that shows how to run XSockets.NET as a Windows Azure Cloud Service (Background processing service). Using XSockets.NET 2.5.2
We simplified the example a bit and removed the Configuration and Host projects. Instead we added a project containing just a stub for a custom controller ( see XSockets.Azure.Service.Controllers )
At you will find futher information.
The worker role has the following configuration settings
- "XSocketsHostUri", the Url that your clients connect to (IP/Hostname). default setting is ws://localhost:10101
- XSocketsOrigins", A comma separated list of origins ( locations ) that your XSockets.NET Service will accept traffic / connections from. Defaults to http://* and https://*
"XSocketsEndpoint" , this is the TCP endpoint of the role. The value of the port numbers specified must be assosiated with port specified in "XSocketsHostUri". Default 10101
================================================ Kind regards Team XSockets.NET