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My dotfiles and other $HOME configuration

Robert Haines


To install these files in $HOME run make in the root of this repository. You can install just the dotfiles with make dots and just the bin files with make bins. The $HOME/bin directory will be created if needs be.

If you have any sensitive information (for example access keys, etc) you can put them in a file called $HOME\.extra and the .bash_profile in this setup will pull it in automatically. You can create a file called dot/extra in this repository directory and it will be installed with the other dotfiles. Do not check in .extra or dot/extra!

Homebrew (MacOS)

I've started adding support for this as I now have a Mac. Hopefully I won't break Linux support as well, but it might need a couple of iterations to get it all working as expected out-of-the-box for both platforms.

All this requires modern versions of things, so install the latest bash, and set it be your default shell. Then install coreutils and these scripts will make sure you get reasonable versions of ls, etc. You'll also want to install bash completions, and for some reason they don't include completions for git by default, so you'll need to add those yourself. If you install lesspipe then these scripts will make use of it as well.

Items in the bin directory

Docker executable wrappers

These are needed for the executables in docker images to work correctly. They are required in situations where programs need to be run outside of a fully initialised shell environment, e.g. p4merge being called from git mergetool.

Current wrappers are: anaconda, jekyll, mencoder, p4merge, xnview.


A convenience script to clean up old/stale containers and images.


A sort of find/replace across multiple files. Quite useful for small changes in many files, such as changing the copyright year across a whole codebase. Changes are ultimately made in place, so this is a destructive action. USE WITH CAUTION!


$ greplace xxx yyy file1 [file2 ... fileN]

Replaces all occurences of xxx with yyy in all files.


For each line of input (stdin) output a 'dot'. This is useful for monitoring the progress of a long running operation, without seeing all of its output streaming past.

The 'dot' can be specified as the first parameter but defaults to '.'. If you want to use a character that has special significance in a shell environment - such as #, &, |, *, \, and so on - then use quotes, e.g. '*'.


$ some-script-with-lots-of-output | progress [dot]

Software/package specific notes

npm: Node Package Manager

npm is set up so that global packages are installed in the ~/.node directory by default. ~/.node/bin is also added to PATH once it exists.


BSD. See LICENCE for details.